Da bi se povukli sa mog naloga, traže potvrdu putem e-pošte putem koda, koji je tomas_9275@hotmail.com , koji sam koristio da verifikujem svoj nalog.
Taj mejl je radio 3 dana, a onda sam, videvši da nisam dobio kod u trenutku povlačenja, kontaktirao kazino, koji me je zamolio da upravljam promenom e-pošte jer e-poruke sa domenom hotmaila ne rade.
Dao sam im dosta informacija i rekli su mi da će to biti gotovo za 24 sata. Prošlo je više od 96 sati. Kontaktirao sam kazino i rekli su mi da sačekam.
Ne koristite bonus.
To withdraw from my account, they ask for confirmation via email through a code, which is tomas_9275@hotmail.com , which I used to verify my account.
That email worked for 3 days, then, seeing that I did not receive the code at the time of withdrawal, I contacted the casino, which asked me to manage an email change because emails with a hotmail domain do not work.
I gave them a lot of information and they told me that it would be ready in 24 hours. More than 96 hours have passed. I have contacted the casino and they tell me to wait.
Do not use bonus.
Para retirar de mi cuenta, piden confirmacion via mail a travez de un codigo, que es tomas_9275@hotmail.com , el cual use para verificar mi cuenta.
Ese mail funciono por 3 dias, luego , al ver que no me llegaba tsl codigo al momento de retirar , me pongo en contacto con el casino , el cual me pide que gestione un cambio de email por que los mails con dominio hotmail no funcionan.
Les brindo un monton de informacion y me comentsn que en 24 hs estaba listo. Ya pasaron mas de 96 hs. Me he comunicado con el casino y me dicen qu espere.
No use bono .
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