Naveli su ovaj razlog 👇
Račun je blokiran u skladu sa tačkom 9.7 pravila:
U skladu sa tačkom 9.7. Pravila korišćenja sajta, odeljak Opšti uslovi (u daljem tekstu Pravila), ukoliko kladioničar izvrši lažne radnje protiv kladioničarske kuće (više naloga, korišćenje softvera za automatizaciju klađenja, igranje u arbitražnim situacijama, ako igra račun se ne koristi za klađenje, zloupotrebu programa lojalnosti i sl.), onda kladionica zadržava pravo da zaustavi takve lažne radnje tako što će poništiti opklade i zatvoriti račun za igru kladioničara.
Ovo su apsolutno 100% lažne optužbe na moj račun, nisam koristio više naloga, imam samo jedan nalog na 1vin platformi, igrao sam Hindi speed Baccarat kazino igre, možete proveriti moju istoriju igara, tražio sam od 1vin tima 10 puta dokaze na imejlu, ali uopšte nisu odgovorili, uvek igram sa lojalnošću ponekad izgubim neku igru puta kada pobedim, ali blokirajući svoj nalog sa lažnim razlogom, neću da prihvatim ovo.
Tražim od Casino guru tima da ih pitate za dokaze i podelite i mene
Radujemo se vašem odgovoru.
They stated this reason 👇
The account was blocked in accordance with clause 9.7 of the rules:
In accordance with clause 9.7. Rules for using the site, section General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), if a bettor commits fraudulent actions against a bookmaker company (multi-account, use of software to automate bets, playing in arbitrage situations, if the game account is not used to place bets, abuse of loyalty programs, etc.), then the bookmaker company reserves the right to stop such fraudulent actions by canceling bets and closing the bettor’s gaming account.
This is absolutely 100% false accusations on Me, I did not use any multiple accounts, I have only one account at 1win platform , I had played Hindi speed Baccarat casino game's, you can check my game history , I asked 1win team 10 Times for the evidence on email but they didn't reply at all, i always play with loyalty sometimes I lose some Times I win game , but blocking my account with false reason I'm not going to accept this.
I request to Casino guru team please ask them for the evidence , and share me as well
Looking forward for your response.
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