U redu, mislim da sada razumem.
Dragi 1vin Casino timu ,
Vratimo se malo unazad...
" Možete li, molim vas, detaljnije objasniti situaciju igrača? Šta se tamo dešava i koji je trenutni status njegovog povlačenja na čekanju? Kada može očekivati isplatu? "
Dakle, verifikacija igrača je uspešno završena, a nalog trenutno radi normalno.
Šta se desilo sa povlačenjem na čekanju ili preostalim stanjem ako ga je bilo na korisnikovom kazino nalogu? Koliko je bilo stanje na njegovom računu i koliko je bilo u povlačenju na čekanju u trenutku kada je račun blokiran?
Ako je bilo šta od sredstava igrača zaplenjeno i govorimo o kršenju Uslova i odredbi kazina, potkrepite svoje tvrdnje i odluku relevantnim dokazima. Bilo bi veoma zahvalno ako biste sve svoje tvrdnje potkrijepili relevantnim dokazima.
Ako je potrebno ili vam više odgovara, slobodno pošaljite potrebne detalje i prateće dokaze na moju adresu e-pošte ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Alright, I think I understand it now.
Dear 1win Casino team,
Let's get back a bit...
"Could you please explain the player's situation in more detail? What is happening there, and, what is the current status of his pending withdrawal? When can he expect the payment?"
So, the player's verification has been successfully completed, and the account is currently operating normally.
What happened with the pending withdrawal or any remaining balance if there was any in the user's casino account? What was the balance on his account and how much was in the pending withdrawal at the time the account was blocked?
If anything of the player's funds were confiscated and we are talking about a breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions, please substantiate your claims and decision with relevant evidence. It would be highly appreciated if you could substantiate all your claims with relevant evidence.
If needed or suits you better, feel free to send the necessary details and supporting evidence to my email address (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Thank you.
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