Prethodno je bio blokiran od povlačenja još u julu. Otkriven sam sa 2 naloga sa 1kbet. Podneo sam dokumente, problem je rešen u julu i mogao sam da nastavim sa povlačenjem.
Zatim sam nastavio da se kladim sa 1kbet sa računom. Nije bilo problema sa puno depozita, opklada i povlačenja.
12. septembra, moj nalog je blokiran za povlačenje. Poslao sam mejl odeljenju za bezbednost i od mene je zatraženo da dostavim ličnu kartu sa selfijem da dokažem svoj identitet, bankovne izvode da dokažem vlasništvo nad bankovnim računima. Ja sam te dokumente predao.
Međutim, tada me je služba obezbeđenja zamolila da dostavim dokument, dokaz da nema zavisnosti od kockanja.
Dokument mora biti overen potpisom specijaliste i pečatom zdravstvene ustanove.
U mojoj zemlji ne postoji način da se dobije takav dokument. lako možete dobiti „da" zavisnosti od kockanja samo priznavanjem, ali ne postoji način da se dijagnostikuje „ne" zavisnosti od kockanja. a činjenica da sam se kockao sa 1kbet me diskvalifikuje od 0 zavisnosti od kockanja.
Poslao sam imejlom odeljenju za bezbednost i marketing da pitam za svrhu ovog dokumenta. Stalno dobijam ovaj odgovor,
„Dragi kupče, svi konsultacije u vezi sa vašim zahtevom date su ranije u ovoj poruci pošte.
Bez dostavljanja traženih datoteka, bilo kakve dalje radnje su nemoguće. Sve dalje vaše poruke biće ignorisane."
slao sam im više puta e-poruke tražeći odgovore na moja pitanja
1. molim vas da mi navedete tačne odredbe/uslove da kazino zahteva ovaj dokument, "dokaz da nema zavisnosti od kockanja", za svakog klijenta.
2. da li postoji način da mi ne bude potreban takav dokument, "dokaz da nema zavisnosti od kockanja", da bih ga povukao?
3. koja druga dokumenta treba kazinu od mene?
4. hajde da samo kažemo, šta ako pobednički kupac sa novcem u 1kbet, ima problem sa mentalnim zdravljem ili zavisnost od kockanja. šta će 1kbet uraditi klijentu prema vašim uslovima i odredbama?
izbegavali su da odgovore na bilo koje od ovih pitanja i ignorisali me. (priložio imejl)
da li moram da se pridržavam zahteva kazina i da potrošim novac da bih pokušao da odem kod lekara specijaliste za ovaj sertifikat, „dokaz da nema zavisnosti od kockanja"?
1. koštalo je mnogo novca u mojoj zemlji, 200 dolara ili čak više. nije garantovano da ćete ga dobiti u jednoj sesiji ili čak dobiti.
2. nije garancija da će kazino prestati da traži dodatne zahteve za koje bih ponovo morao da potrošim više novca da ispunim.
Was previously blocked from withdrawal back in July. I was detected with 2 accounts with 1xbet. I submitted the documents, the issue was resolved in July and was able to procced with withdrawal.
Then I went on to continue to bet with 1xbet with the account. There was no trouble with a lot of deposits, bets and withdrawals.
On 12 sept, my account was blocked from withdrawal. I email the security department and was asked to submit my identification card with selfie to prove my identity, bank statements to prove ownership of bank accounts. I have submitted those documents.
However then, the security department asked me to submit a document, a proof of no gambling addiction.
The document must be verified by medical specialist's signature and stamp of the medical facility.
There is no way to get such a document in my country. you can easily get yes to gambling addiction by just admitting it but there's no way to diagnose no to gambling addiction. and the fact that I was gambling with 1xbet disqualifies me from having 0 gambling addiction.
I have emailed the security and the marketing department to ask for the purpose for this document. I keep getting this reply,
"Dear customer, all consulting on the matter of your request was provided earlier in this mail thread.
Without providing the requested files, any further actions are impossible. All further messages from you will be ignored."
i have sent repeated emails to them seeking for answer to my questions
1. please state me the exact terms/conditions that the casino requires this document, "proof of no gambling addiction", for every customers.
2. is there any way that i do not require such a document, "proof of no gambling addiction", for me to withdraw?
3. what other documents do the casino need from me?
4. lets just say, what if a winning customer with money in 1xbet, has mental health problem or gambling addiction. what is 1xbet going to do to the customer according to your terms and conditions?
they have been avoiding to answer any of these questions and ignoring me. (attached the email)
do i have to adhered to the casino demand and spend money to try to go to a specialist doctor for this cert, "proof of no gambling addiction"?
1. it cost alot of money in my country, $200 or even more. it is not guaranteed to get it in 1 session or even getting it.
2. it is not guarantee that the casino will stop asking for additional demands that i would have to again spend more money to fulfill.
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