Hvala gospodine na svemu, već sam kontaktirao svog provajdera i jasno je da su kreirali ovaj novac na ovu adresu, ja sam iz Indije i koristio sam upi kao način transakcije do opcije depozita koja je bila dostupna u tom pokretu, ali sada su oni uklonio ga.
Ne mogu da stupim u kontakt sa drugom stranom, kao što je razorpai ili muchBetter, koju su možda iskoristili da isporuče taj novac u kazino. Zato što nemam ID transakcije za to.
Bez brige, gospodine, veoma sam vam zahvalan što ste nam pomogli.
Hteo bih samo da vam to prenesem. Prethodno su od mene tražili da pošaljem svoj mesečni bankovni izvod koji sam preuzeo sa stranice banke i dao im lozinku. Ali sada kažu ovo „Pozdrav!
Kontaktiramo vas u vezi depozita od 935,00 INR od 24.09.2024 u 16:10:18 GMT.
Za dalju istragu, ljubazno vas molimo da dostavite originalni izvod vaše banke. Što se tiče prethodno date izjave, ona nije originalna i generisana je korišćenjem softvera treće strane."
Želim da znaju da je u redu da nemam svoj depozit na vašem kazino računu.
Jer osećam da me ismevaju i to je neka vrsta maltretiranja koje pokušavaju jer sam se žalio.
10 USD nije vredno ovoliko vremena i pažnje koju dobijaju.
Hvala guru neka bude blagoslovljen i prenesite to mom dragom poštovanom gospodine.
Thank you sir for everything, I already contacted my provider and it's clear they have created this money to this address, I am from India and I used upi as a mode of transaction to there deposit option which was available at that movement but now they have removed it.
I cannot contact whith the second hand party ,like razorpay or muchBetter which they might have used it to deliver that money to the casino. Because I don't have the transaction ID to that.
No worries any ways sir I am very thankful to you for helping us .
I would just like to convey it to you that. Previously they asked me to send my monthly bank statement which I downloaded it from the bank page and provided them with the password. But now they are saying this "Greetings!
We are contacting you about the deposit of 935,00 INR from 24.09.2024 at 16:10:18 GMT.
For further investigation, we kindly ask you to provide the original statement from your bank. As for the previously provided statement, it is not original and was generated using third-party software."
I want them to know it's ok for me to not have my deposit into your casino account.
Cause I feel they are making fun of me and it's somesort of harresment they are trying coz I complained.
10usd is not worth this much time and attention which they are receiving.
Thank you guru be blessed and pass it on my dear respected sir.
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