Dobar dan. Želim da rešim problem povlačenja koji imam. Videvši da Astropai ponekad radi, kao trenutno, moram da podignem 4.000.000 koje sam osvojio (bio sam u mogućnosti da podignem samo 1 milion u dve transakcije od po 500.000 svaka) i pojavljuje se poruka: 'operator odbio' (problem sa plaćanjem). Pokušao sam da podignem manje iznose, ali mi i dalje odbijaju. Treba mi hitno rešenje za ovo jer je to mnogo novca. Imam snimke ekrana svega. Hvala vam.
Good afternoon. I want to resolve a withdrawal issue I'm having. Seeing that Astropay sometimes works, like right now, I need to withdraw 4,000,000 that I won (I was only able to withdraw 1 million in two transactions of 500,000 each) and a message appears: 'declined by operator' (payment issue). I tried to withdraw smaller amounts but they are still being denied. I need an urgent solution to this as it is a lot of money. I have screenshots of everything. Thank you.
Buenas tardes. Quiero resolver un problema de retiro que tengo. Viendo que funciona astropay a veces como en este momento , necesito retirar 4.000.000 que gane (pude retirar solo 1 millón en dos transacciones de 500.000) y aparece un mensaje declined by operator (problema de pago). Intente retirar de a poco pero igual las deniega. Necesito solución urgente a esto ya que es mucho dinero . Poseo capturas de pantalla de todo. Gracias
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