Zdravo. Kako vam mogu pomoći?
Filip 11:56
Vaš zahtev za povlačenje je otkazan.
Razlog odbijanja: „Obavještavamo vas da je banka koja je izdala transakciju odbila, preporučujemo da kontaktirate banku za više informacija. Preporučujemo da koristite drugu karticu/način plaćanja."
Da biste saznali detalje, kontaktirajte našu službu za podršku.
Možete li dati više detalja o ovome? Moja banka nikada nije primila nijedan depozit
Luka 11:57
Filipe, došlo je do greške pri pokušaju povlačenja sredstava metodom koju ste izabrali. Želeli bismo da vas zamolimo da isprobate još jedan metod za povlačenje.
Filip 11:57
Možete li dati informacije o ovoj grešci?
Luka 11:58
Nažalost, ne, pošto ja nisam deo odeljenja za finansije i to su svi detalji koje su dali. Želeo bih da predlažem da koristite drugi način plaćanja za povlačenje.
Filip 11:58
ne razumem.
Da li mi možeš pomoći?
Lukas 12:00
To je bio tehnički problem dok pokušavate da obradite povlačenje na kartici koju ste izabrali. Takođe možete pokušati da koristite drugu karticu ili način plaćanja.
Filip 12:01
Pokušao sam na druge načine, i oni su takođe odbijeni
Samo bih želeo da podignem preostali novac na svom računu
Luka 12:03
Razumem, Filipe, ali nažalost naišli smo na problem kada smo to pokušavali da uradimo. Naš tim ljubazno predlaže da koristite drugi metod za povlačenje. koliko vidim, na vašem nalogu u poslednje vreme nema registrovanih novih načina plaćanja, tako da možete isprobati i drugi.
Filip 12:03
Da, probao sam bankovni depozit. Ali ni to nije uspelo
Luka 12:04
Možete pokušati da koristite drugu banku za povlačenje.
Filip 12:05
Imam samo jedan bankovni račun
Luka 12:06
Predlažemo vam da koristite drugi metod za isplate, pošto ne možemo da obradimo povlačenje u trenutnom.
Filip 12:07
Koji drugi metod? Nemam novčanik za kriptovalute.
Dakle, samo 2 metode. Bankovna kartica ili bankovni transfer. Obojica su odbili
Inače, hvala vam što ste odgovorili na sva pitanja do sada.
Luka 12:10
Filipe, isplata je odbijena jer pokušavaš da koristiš istu karticu iz iste banke. Predlažem vam da potpuno koristite drugu metodu. To može biti kartica druge banke, e-novčanik ili bilo šta drugo.
Filipu 12:10
Imam samo jedan bankovni račun i jednu bankovnu karticu
Takođe verujem da je nezakonito deponovati sa tuđeg računa
I verujem da bi tada i novoj kartici bila potrebna verifikacija itd
Luka 12:11
Filipe, trebalo bi da koristite samo načine plaćanja koji pripadaju vama lično i čije vlasništvo možete dokazati. Predlažemo da koristite drugi način plaćanja.
Filipu 12:12
Nemam više od jednog bankovnog računa i jedne bankovne kartice
Kako da napredujemo sa ovim?
Luka 12:13
Filipe, nažalost, reći ću da bez drugog načina plaćanja nećemo moći da povučemo vaša sredstva.
Hello. How may I help you?
Phillip 11:56
Your withdrawal request has been canceled.
Reason of decline: "Please be informed that the transaction was declined by the issuing bank, we recommend contacting the bank for more information. We recommend using a different card/Payment method. "
To find out the details, please contact our support service.
Can you please give more details about this? My bank has never received any incoming deposits
Lucas 11:57
Phillip, there was an error while performing an attempt to withdraw your funds on the method you selected. We would like to ask you to try out another method for the withdrawal.
Phillip 11:57
Can you provide information about this error?
Lucas 11:58
Sadly, no, since I am not part of the finance department and those are all the details they have provided. I would like to kindly suggest to use another payment method in order to withdraw.
Phillip 11:58
I dont understand.
Can you help me?
Lucas 12:00
It was an issue of technical sort while trying to process the withdrawal on the card you chose. You could also try using a different card or way to pay.
Phillip 12:01
I have tried other ways, and they also get declined
I would just like to withdraw the remaining money in my account
Lucas 12:03
I understand, Phillip, but sadly we faced an issue when trying to do so. Our team kindly suggests you use another method for a withdrawal. as far as I can see, there are no new payment methods registered in your account recently, so you can try a different one as well.
Phillip 12:03
Yes, I tried bank deposit. But that didn't work either
Lucas 12:04
You may try to use another bank for the withdrawal.
Phillip 12:05
I only have one bank account
Lucas 12:06
We suggest you to use another method for the withdrawals, since we can not process the withdrawal n the current one.
Phillip 12:07
What other method? I do not have a cryptocurrency wallet.
So only 2 methods. Bank card or bank transfer. Both declined
By the way, thank you for answering all the questions so far.
Lucas 12:10
Phillip, the withdrawal is declined since you are trying to use the same card from the same bank. I suggest you to use another method completely. That could be the card from another bank, e-wallet or anything else.
Phillip 12:10
I only have one bank account and one bank card
I also believe it is illegal to deposit from someone elses account
And I believe then the new card would also need verification, etc
Lucas 12:11
Phillip, you should only use payment methods that belong to you personally and ownership of which you can prove. We suggest you to use another payment method.
Phillip 12:12
I do not have more than one bank account and one bank card
How do we move foward with this?
Lucas 12:13
Phillip, sadly, I shall state without the another payment method we will be unable to withdraw your funds.
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