Napravio sam drugi depozit od 100 dolara sa uključenim bonusom od 50%. Igrao sam slot igrice. Onda sam osvojio 1227, proverio sam i koje igre je zabranjeno igrati da bih se kvalifikovao.
Nakon što je bonus završen, uradio sam KIC proces. Tražili su od mene dodatne informacije o mom poslu i prihodima. Hteli su da vide moj bankovni izvod sa pristiglom platom. Pa sam im poslao 3 različita mesečna bankovna izvoda, nisu to odobrili, želeli su da vide platne liste ili ugovor o poslu sa utvrđenom satnom ili mesečnom stopom plaćanja.....
Objašnjavam da sam student. Nemam nikakve prihode osim džeparca koje dobijam od oca za pomaganje u porodičnom poslu.
Nikada me nisu pitali ni o kakvoj profesiji prilikom registracije i deponovanja novca ovde u kazinu. Tako da nisam znao da moram da imam posao da igram ovde.
Nakon što sam objasnio ove situacije, primio sam e-poštu dan kasnije. Vaš nalog je zatvoren iz razloga što su otkrili sumnjive radnje prevare na mom nalogu. Nemam pojma šta ovo znači??
Sada mogu da podignem svoj deponovani novac od 200 dolara, a ostatak je nestao, rekli su mi da je odluka doneta i da treba da je prihvatim....
I made a second deposit of 100 dollar with 50% bonus included. I played slot games. Then i win 1227, i checked also which games are forbidden to play to qualify.
After the bonus completed, i did the KYC process. They asked me for extra information about my job and income. They wanted to see my bank statement with incoming salary. So I sent them 3 different month bank statements, they did not approve this they wanted to see pay slips or job agreement with the determined hourly or monthly payment rate.....
I explain that i am a student. I do not have any income other than some pocket money I receive from my father for helping with the family business.
I was never asked about any professions when registering and depositing money here at the casino. So i did not know i must have a job to play here.
After i explain this situations i received the email a day later. Your account is closed the reason was they found suspicious fraud actions in my account. I have no idea what this means??
Now i can withdraw my deposited money of 200 dollar and the rest is gone, they told me the decision is made and i should accept it....
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