Dakle, nakon što sam dobio veliki dobitak na slotu Princess Roial, kazino mi je isplatio deo dobitka, a oni su platili nekoliko puta. Mislio sam da je sve u redu pa sam nastavio da igram. A onda sam zatražio još jedno povlačenje i oni su ga odbili i tražili neke KIC dokumente i selfi, koje sam dao. Od tada su uvek odbijali moja povlačenja i uvek tražili nova dokumenta, ponekad čak i isti dokument (selfi sa tekstom) što nema smisla. Dao sam sve dokumente za KIC, ali nisam mogao da izvršim povlačenje. Zato sam kasnije pokrenuo spor ovde - jer sam verovao da je to samo opšti KIC proces, i pokušao sam da obezbedim sva tražena dokumenta...
Koliko ja znam, niko od moje porodice i prijatelja ne igra tamo, i nikada ne bih preporučio igranje u ovom kazinu, jer oni ne vraćaju dobitke.
Da, prva dva bonusa dobrodošlice su izgubljena, ne sećam se tačno šta se desilo sa drugim bonusom na depozit - ali sam igrao istu igru, i verovatno sam otkazao ne ceo bonus, već neke cente koji su ostali na računu, koje sam nije u mogućnosti da se kladi u igri.
So After I received a big win on Princess Royal slot, the casino paid me a part of the winning, and they paid a few times. I thought that everything is fine so kept playing. And then I claimed another withdrawal and they rejected it and requested some KYC documents and selfie, which I provided. Since than, they always rejected my withdrawals and always requested new documents, sometimes even the same document (Selfie with text) which doesn't make sense. I provided all documents for KYC, but was not able to make a withdrawal. That's why I started the dispute here later - because I believed that its just a general KYC process, and I tried to provide all requested documents...
To the best of my knowledge, non of my family and friends play there, and I would never recommend playing at this casino, because they do not pay winnings back.
Yes the first two welcome bonuses were lost, I do not remember exactly what happened with the second deposit bonus - but I played the same game, and probably canceled not the whole bonus, but some cents that were left on the account, that I was not able to bet in the game.
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