Želim da podignem 7000 evra sa svog računa u kazinu 20 opklada. Traže verifikaciju vize i u nekoliko navrata sam poslao fotografije (pozadi i napred) svoje vize. Za podršku e-pošte i kic e-pošte. Stalno mi govore da ništa nisu dobili i moram da pošaljem potvrdu. Ovo se nastavlja i nastavlja. Kada im priđem na live chat-u, ponekad me ignorišu i prestanu da se javljaju. Uglavnom mi kažu da treba da pošaljem e-poštu kyc@20bets.com . Ili će se uskoro vratiti. Onda se ništa ne dešava. Uspeo sam da dobijem jedan odgovor od kyc@20bets.com juče. Osoba po imenu CODI mi je napisala:
dragi Tomas,
Nadam se da će vas ovaj imejl dobro naći.
Iz bezbednosnih razloga, dostavite fotografije prednje i zadnje strane sledeće kartice: 457115KSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS22.
Možete sakriti srednje cifre, ali učinite vidljivim: prvih 6 i poslednje 4 cifre; Vaše puno ime i datum isteka.
Ako bilo koja od ovih informacija nije dostupna, dostavite bankovni izvod koji sadrži najmanje 4 poslednje cifre kartice i vaše ime.
Želim ti lep dan!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Javio sam se i još jednom poslao fotografije verifikacije vize.
Ali bez odgovora. Svestan sam da to ne traje već mnogo dana, ali je potpuni ćorsokak. Ili me ignorišu ili me preseku.
Bio bih zahvalan za neke smernice i neke "mišiće" da mi pomognu.
Napravio sam snimke ekrana na nekoliko ćaskanja.
Hvala unapred i srdačan pozdrav od
I want to withdraw 7000 euro from my account at 20 bets casino. They ask for visa verification and I have sent photos (back and front) of my visa on several occasions. To support email and kyc email. They keep saying that they have not received anything and I need to send verification. This goes on and on. When I approach them on live chat they sometimes ignore me and stop answering. Most of the time they say that I should send an email to kyc@20bets.com. Or they will be back shortly. Then nothing happens. I succed in getting one answer from kyc@20bets.com yesterday. A person named CODY wrote me:
Dear Thomas,
I hope this email finds you well.
For security reasons, please provide photos of the front and back sides of the following card: 457115XXXXXXXX22.
You can hide the middle digits but please make visible: the first 6 and the last 4 digits; your full name and the expiration date.
If any of this information is unavailable, kindly provide a bank statement containing at least the last 4 digits of the card and your name.
Have a great day!
Best Regards,
I answered and sent the photos of the visa verification once more.
But no reply. I am aware that it has not been going on for many days, but it is a complete dead end. They either ignore me og cut me off.
I would appreciate some guidance and some "muscles" to help me out.
I have taken screenshots on several chats.
Thanks in advance and kindly regards from
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