Otvorio sam nalog ovde kao holandski igrač. Kao i uvek, pročitao sam T&C i otkrio da holandski igrači ne mogu da igraju u kazinu. Kontaktirao sam podršku i rekli su mi sledeće:
„Imajte na umu da, ako je vaša zemlja navedena na našem obrascu za registraciju, dobrodošli ste da se registrujete kod nas."
Tako sam položio 200 EUR. Odmah posle (oko 2 minuta). Moj nalog je zatvoren. Nisam čak ni igrao sa depozitom. Odmah nakon što sam dobio imejl:
„Dragi Marten
Možemo potvrditi da je vaš nalog sada zatvoren.
Vaš nalog ostaje zatvoren i ako su vam potrebna dodatna pojašnjenja, sve potrebne informacije možete pronaći na našoj stranici."
Zatim sam kontaktirao podršku više puta rekavši im da razumem, ali da želim da mi se depozit vrati. Što bi trebalo da bude više od normalnog. Prošlo je skoro nedelju dana i podrška više ne reaguje. Bilo bi sjajno ako bih mogao dobiti pomoć.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I opened an account here as dutch player. As always I read the T&C and found the dutch players werent able to play on the casino. I contacted support and they told me the following:
"Please note that, if your country is listed on our registration form, you are welcome to register with us."
So I deposited 200 EUR. Right after (like 2 minutes). My account was closed. I didnt even play with the deposit. Right after i received an email:
"Dear Marten
We can confirm that your account has now been closed.
Your account remains closed and if you need further clarification, you can find all the necessary information on our page."
I then contacted support multiple times telling them I understand, but that i want my deposit refunded. Which should be more then normal. Its been almost a week now and support isn't responding anymore. Would bre great if i could get some help.
Kind regards,
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