Zahtjev igrača da zatvori svoj račun je zanemaren jer kazino tvrdi da nemaju takvu opciju. Žalba je zatvorena kao neriješena jer kazino nema politiku reakcije.
The player's request to close his account was ignored as the casino claims that they have no such option. The complaint was closed as unresolved as the casino has no reaction policy.
Zahtjev igrača da zatvori svoj račun je zanemaren jer kazino tvrdi da nemaju takvu opciju. Žalba je zatvorena kao neriješena jer kazino nema politiku reakcije.
Dobar dan
Na Bet22 ne postoje opcije zaštite igrača na računu. Nije moguće postaviti depozit ili ograničenje gubitka, a također nije moguće pauzirati ili čak napustiti igru.
Pošto sam nekoliko puta igrao za više novca nego što sam želio, nekoliko puta sam tražio od kazina putem chata i e-pošte da mi zatvori račun.
Prema korisničkoj službi, nije moguće postaviti limit depozita niti pauzirati račun. Samo ako se račun ne koristi 3 mjeseca treba ga automatski zatvoriti. Dobio sam sebe 21.06. zatim kontaktirao relevantno odjeljenje putem po savjetu chata, ali do danas nisam dobio odgovor na moj zahtjev.
Pošto je moj račun još uvijek aktivan, ponovo sam uplatio dosta novca, iako sam zapravo htio prestati igrati na platformi. Smatram da je onlajn kazino bez opcija zaštite igrača veoma problematičan!
Možete li mi pomoći da zatvorim svoj račun na Bet22?
Postoji li neki način da vratim novac koji sam uplatio nakon što sam zatražio od kazina da zatvori moj račun?
Hvala na podršci!
Good day
At Bet22 there are no player protection options in the account. It is not possible to set a deposit or loss limit and it is also not possible to pause or even quit the game.
Since I played for more money than I wanted several times, I asked the casino several times via chat and email to close my account.
According to customer service, it is neither possible to set a deposit limit nor to pause the account. Only if the account is not used for 3 months should it be automatically closed. I got myself on 21.06. then contacted the relevant department via on the advice of the chat but have not received an answer to my request to date.
Since my account is still active, I deposited a lot of money again, even though I actually wanted to stop playing on the platform. I find an online casino without player protection options very problematic!
Can you help me to close my account at Bet22?
Is there any way to get back the money I deposited after asking the casino to close my account?
Thanks for your support!
Guten Tag
Bei Bet22 gibt es keinerlei Spielerschutz Möglichkeiten im Konto. Es ist nicht möglich ein Einzahlungs- bzw. Verlustlimit zu setzen und auch eine Spielpause oder sogar Spielausstieg ist nicht möglich.
Da ich mehrmals für mehr Geld gespielt habe als ich eigentlich wollte, habe ich das Casino mehrmals via Chat und E-Mail gebeten mein Konto zu schliessen.
Gemäss dem Kundendienst ist es weder möglich ein Einzahlungslimit zu setzen noch das Konto zu pausieren. Erst wenn das Konto 3 Monate nicht verwendet wird, sollte es automatisch geschlossen werden. Ich habe mich am 21.06. dann auf Anraten vom Chat an die entsprechende Abteilung via gewendet aber bekam bis heute keine Antwort auf meine Anfrage.
Da mein Konto weiterhin aktiv ist, habe ich nochmals viel Geld einbezahlt obwohl ich mit dem Spielen auf der Plattform eigentlich aufhören wollte. Ich finde ein Online Casino ohne Spielerschutz Möglichkeiten sehr problematisch!
Können Sie mir helfen mein Konto bei Bet22 zu schliessen?
Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit wieder an das Geld zu kommen, welches ich eingezahlt habe, nachdem ich das Casino aufgefordert habe mein Konto zu schliessen?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
Zdravo adli92,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa 22bet kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete da li je vaš račun već verifikovan i da, od kada tačno? Kada ste prvi put zatražili da zatvorite svoj račun? Koliko vremena nakon toga su vam odgovorili? Imate li trenutno stanje na svom kazino računu?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello adli92,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with 22bet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and is yes, since when exactly? When was the first time you requested to close your account? How long after that did they respond to you? Do you have currently any balance on your casino account?
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo Nick
Hvala vam na brzoj obradi mog zahtjeva i naravno na podršci!
Evo odgovora na vaša pitanja:
Registrovao sam se 16.05.2022 na Bet22 i tamo se uspešno verifikovao. Trenutno nemam kredit na svom Bet22 računu.
Prvi put sam poslao e-poštu Bet22 19. maja 2022. da izbrišem svoj račun bez navođenja razloga.
24. maja 2022. ponovo sam poslao e-poštu Bet22 i zamolio ih da zatvore moj račun. naveo sam sljedeci razlog:
U međuvremenu sam odlučio koristiti drugog provajdera i želio bih se uvjeriti da više ne mogu vršiti nikakve daljnje depozite ili opklade s vama.
Zatim ponovo 13. juna 2022. i 21. juna 2022. sa jasnijom formulacijom razloga:
Želim da prestanem da igram na vašoj platformi i da budem siguran da ne mogu više da uplaćujem depozite i opklade sa vama.
Od 21.06.2022. nažalost izgubio sam još 3000 CHF na Bet22 jer se moji upiti jednostavno ignoriraju i ne nudi mi se nikakve opcije za zaštitu igrača, iako sam to nekoliko puta želio iskoristiti.
Više puta sam kontaktirao i chat sa zahtjevom za zatvaranje računa ili postavljanje limita depozita. Oboje bez uspeha. Rečeno mi je da pošaljem email na Moja dva maila na ovu adresu od 13. i 21.06. međutim, do danas su ostali bez odgovora.
Također vam mogu proslijediti mejlove ako je potrebno.
Ako trebate više informacija slobodno se javite.
Srdacan pozdrav
Hello Nick
Thank you for the quick processing of my request and of course for your support!
Here are the answers to your questions:
I registered on 05/16/2022 on Bet22 and successfully verified myself there. I currently have no credit on my Bet22 account.
The first time I emailed Bet22 on May 19, 2022 to delete my account without giving a reason.
On May 24th, 2022 I emailed Bet22 again and asked them to close my account. I gave the following reason:
In the meantime I have decided to use another provider and would like to make sure that I can no longer make any further deposits or bets with you.
Then again on June 13, 2022 and on June 21, 2022 with a clearer formulation of the reason:
I want to stop playing on your platform and make sure I can't make any more deposits and wagers with you.
Since 06/21/2022 I have unfortunately lost another CHF 3000 on Bet22 because my inquiries are simply ignored and I am not offered any options for player protection, although I wanted to take advantage of this several times.
I also contacted the chat several times with a request to close the account or set a deposit limit. Both without success. I was told to email My two emails to this address from 13. and 21.06. however, have remained unanswered to date.
I can also forward the emails to you if required.
If you need more information please just get in touch.
Warm greetings
Hallo Nick
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage und natürlich für eure Unterstützung!
Gerne hier die Antworten auf deine Fragen:
Ich habe mich am 16.05.2022 auf Bet22 registriert und habe mich dort auch erfolgreich verifiziert. Guthaben habe ich aktuell keines auf meinem Bet22 Account.
Das erste Mal habe ich Bet22 am 19.05.2022 via E-Mail gebeten mein Konto wieder zu löschen ohne Angabe von einem Grund.
Am 24.05.2022 habe ich Bet22 nochmals per E-Mail kontaktiert und gebeten mein Konto zu schliessen. Dabei habe ich folgenden Grund angegeben:
Ich habe mich in der Zwischenzeit für einen anderen Anbieter entschieden und möchte gerne sicherstellen, dass ich bei Ihnen keine weiteren Einzahlungen und Einsätze mehr tätigen kann.
Dann nochmals am 13.06.2022 und am 21.06.2022 mit einer klareren Formulierung des Grundes:
Ich möchte mit dem Spielen auf Ihrer Plattform aufhören und sicherstellen, dass ich bei Ihnen keine weiteren Einzahlungen und Einsätze mehr tätigen kann.
Seit dem 21.06.2022 habe ich auf Bet22 leider weitere 3000 CHF Verlust gemacht, da meine Anfragen einfach ignoriert werden und mir keine Möglichkeiten für einen Spielerschutz angeboten werden, obwohl ich das mehrmals in Anspruch nehmen wollte.
Zudem habe ich mehrmals den Chat kontaktiert mit der Bitte das Konto zu schliessen oder ein Einzahlungslimit zu setzen. Beides ohne Erfolg. Mir wurde gesagt, ich soll mich per E-Mail an wenden. Meine beiden Mails an diese Adresse vom 13. und 21.06. blieben jedoch bis heute unbeantwortet.
Gerne kann ich dir bei Bedarf die E-Mails auch weiterleiten.
Wenn du weitere Infos brauchst bitte einfach melden.
Liebe Grüsse
Poštovani adli92,
Nažalost, želio bih vas obavijestiti da s obzirom na to da ovaj kazino ima 15+ slučajeva zatvorenih kao "Politika bez reakcije", primorani smo zatvoriti vašu žalbu kao "neriješenu". Ovo će uticati na ukupnu ocjenu kazina. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem, međutim, smanjenje ocjene uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama može promijeniti pristup kazina.
Nažalost, čini se da je uobičajena praksa 22bet kazina da nas potpuno ignoriše u našim pokušajima da posredujemo u bilo kakvom pitanju. Molimo provjerite sve naše prethodne neuspjele pokušaje pregovora. Poslali smo brojne e-poruke i pokušali komunicirati s predstavnicima chata uživo, kao i sa članovima pridruženog tima. Nažalost, svi napori u rješavanju bilo kakvog problema su zamrli jer su pritužbe rasle u broju. Strogo preporučujemo da se držite podalje od 22bet kazina. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Kazino može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu bilo kada.
Dear adli92,
Unfortunately, I would like to inform you that since this casino has 15+ cases closed as "No Reaction Policy" we are forced to close your complaint as "unresolved". This will affect the overall rating of the casino. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue however, the decrease of rating caused by unresolved complaints could change the casino's approach.
Regrettably, it seems to be a common practice of 22bet Casino to ignore us completely in our attempts to mediate any kind of issue. Please check all our previous failed attempts to negotiate. We have sent numerous emails and tried to communicate with live chat representatives as well as with affiliate team members. Unfortunately, all efforts resolving any kind of issue have died as the complaints grew in numbers. We strictly recommend staying away from 22bet Casino. I wish I could be of more help.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev kazina 22bet Casino. Želeli bismo da dozvolimo ovom slučaju još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of 22bet Casino casino. We would like to allow this case one more chance to be resolved and help both parties involved to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Poštovani adli92,
Možete li mi, molim vas, proslediti e-poštu koju ste ranije spomenuli dok kazino ne odgovori? ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk )
Dear adli92,
Could you please forward me the email you mentioned before until the casino responds? (
Zdravo, izvinjavamo se na dugom odgovoru. Pojasnili smo informaciju o situaciji. Igrač nam se nije oglasio zavisnošću. Naši stručnjaci za tehničku podršku preporučili su korisniku da piše na mail radi blokiranja, ali on to nikada nije uradio.
Hello, we apologize for the long reply. We have clarified the information on the situation. The player did not declare his addiction to us. Our technical support specialists recommended the user to write to the mail for blocking, but he never did it.
Hvala vam što ste ponovo otvorili moj slučaj. Prosledio sam sve mejlove na kao što je traženo. E-poruke pokazuju da sam 4 puta pismeno tražio zatvaranje naloga, kao što mi je preporučila Bet22 podrška. Međutim, na mejlove nikada nije odgovoreno i moj nalog nikada nije izbrisan ili blokiran. Hvala vam na podršci!
Thank you for reopening my case. I forwarded all emails to as requested. The emails show that I requested an account closure 4 times in writing, as was recommended to me by Bet22 support. However, the emails were never answered and my account was never deleted or blocked. Thank you for your support!
Besten Dank für die Wiedereröffnung meines Falles. Ich habe alle Mails wie gewünscht an weitergeleitet. Die Mails belegen, dass ich 4 Mal schriftlich eine Kontoschliessung beantragt habe, wie mir das vom Bet22-Support empfohlen wurde. Die Mails wurden jedoch nie beantwortet und mein Konto damit auch nie gelöscht bzw. gesperrt. Besten Dank für die Unterstützung!
Poštovani predstavnici kazina i adli92,
Primio sam četiri e-poruke od adli92 sa zahtevom za zatvaranje naloga. Pažljivo sam pregledao njegove mejlove i nisam našao da se pominje zavisnost od kockanja, što znači da nema pravo na povraćaj novca. Međutim, ne treba zanemariti ni njegove zahteve.
Poštovani predstavnici kazina, pomenuli ste da ste dali jasna uputstva adli92.
Poslao je dva e-maila na adresu e-pošte za podršku i dva na adresa E-pošte. Ove e-poruke su posebno poslate 13. juna 2022. i 21. juna 2022. Možete li objasniti zašto njegov nalog nije blokiran nakon njegove prve e-pošte 13. juna 2022.?
Dear casino representative and adli92,
I have received four emails from adli92 requesting an account closure. I carefully reviewed his emails and found no mention of a gambling addiction, which means he is not entitled to a refund. However, his requests should not be ignored either.
Dear casino representative, you mentioned that you provided clear instructions to adli92.
He sent two emails to the support email address and two to email address. These emails were specifically sent on June 13, 2022, and June 21, 2022. Could you please explain why his account was not blocked after his first email on June 13, 2022?
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ljubazno podstičemo sve naše igrače da poštuju naše bezbednosne politike i procedure kako bi maksimalno povećali zaštitu i privatnost svojih naloga. Imajte na umu da vam toplo preporučujemo da koristite adresu e-pošte navedenu prilikom registracije da biste kontaktirali podršku i rešili probleme u vezi sa vašim nalogom.
Korišćenje adrese e-pošte navedene prilikom registracije pomaže nam da vas jedinstveno identifikujemo kao vlasnika naloga i obezbeđujemo bezbednu komunikaciju između vas i našeg tima za podršku. Takođe pomaže u sprečavanju pokušaja prevare i neovlašćenog pristupa vašem nalogu.
Molimo vas da pratite ovo preporučeno pravilo da biste osigurali sigurnost i sigurnost vašeg iskustva igranja sa nama. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili poteškoća, kontaktirajte nas sa adrese e-pošte navedene prilikom registracije i biće nam drago da vam pomognemo.
Hvala vam na saradnji i razumevanju!
We kindly encourage all our players to follow our security policies and procedures to maximize the protection and privacy of their accounts. Please note that we strongly recommend that you use the email address provided at registration to contact support and resolve issues related to your account.
Using the email address provided at registration helps us to uniquely identify you as the account owner and ensures secure communication between you and our support team. It also helps prevent fraud attempts and unauthorized access to your account.
Please follow this recommended rule to ensure the safety and security of your gaming experience with us. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us from the email address provided at registration and we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Shvatamo da korišćenje adrese e-pošte koja je navedena tokom registracije može izgledati trivijalno, ali želimo da istaknemo njenu fundamentalnu važnost za bezbednost vašeg naloga. To nije samo formalnost, već ključni element naše strategije za zaštitu vaših podataka i sprečavanje potencijalne prevare i neovlašćenog pristupa.
Korišćenje registrovane adrese e-pošte nam omogućava da sa visokim poverenjem utvrdimo vaš identitet kao vlasnika naloga, čime obezbeđujemo sigurnu i bezbednu komunikaciju između vas i našeg tima za podršku. Ulažemo sve napore da zaštitimo vaše podatke i osiguramo da vaše iskustvo igranja ostane u potpunosti pod vašom kontrolom.
Takođe želimo da naglasimo da nam takve mere predostrožnosti pomažu da vas razlikujemo od mogućih pokušaja zloupotrebe vašeg naloga. Oprez je najbolja odbrana.
Ako imate bilo kakvih dodatnih pitanja ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate. Naš cilj je da vam pružimo najbolje moguće iskustvo igranja i da vas zaštitimo.
We realize that using the email address provided during registration may seem trivial, but we would like to emphasize its fundamental importance to the security of your account. It is not just a formality, but a key element of our strategy to protect your data and prevent potential fraud and unauthorized access.
Using a registered email address allows us to establish your identity as an account holder with high confidence, thus ensuring safe and secure communication between you and our support team. We make every effort to protect your data and ensure that your gaming experience remains entirely in your control.
We would also like to emphasize that such precautions help us differentiate you from possible attempts to abuse your account. Caution is the best defense.
If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible gaming experience and keep you safe.
Poštovani predstavnike kazina 22bet,
Verujem da bi bilo razumno poslati e-mail na adresu ili nalog koji treba da se zatvori i zamolite dotičnog igrača da potvrdi da li je on zaista pokušao samoisključenje. Nije preporučljivo zanemariti ceo problem. Konkretno, kada igrač prizna da ima zavisnost od kockanja, kazino bi trebalo da učini sve da osigura da su igrači zaštićeni. Zar se ne slažete?
Dear 22bet casino representative,
I believe it would be sensible to send an email to the address or account that is to be closed, and ask the player in question to confirm whether the self-exclusion attempt was indeed made by them. Ignoring the entire issue is not advisable. In particular, when a player admits to having a gambling addiction, the casino should go the extra mile to ensure that players are protected. Don't you agree?
Hvala vam puno na vašoj proaktivnoj ulozi i posvećenosti da nam pomognete da se nosimo sa ovom situacijom. Cenimo vaše učešće i brigu za našu uslugu i bezbednost naših klijenata.
Naši napori su uvek usmereni na kontinuirano poboljšanje usluge; Vaša preporuka je veoma važna. Definitivno ćemo razgovarati o vašem predlogu sa našim timom kako bismo našu platformu učinili još pouzdanijom i pogodnijom za naše igrače.
Thank you very much for your proactive role and commitment to help us deal with this situation. We appreciate your participation and concern for our service and the safety of our customers.
Our efforts are always focused on continuous service improvement; your recommendation is very important. We will definitely discuss your suggestion with our team to make our platform even more reliable and convenient for our players.
Poštovani predstavnike kazina,
U ovom slučaju, smatramo da Kazino treba da uradi nešto da spreči situaciju koja se dogodila.
Dok drugi kazina pokušavaju da učine više u odgovornom kockanju, izgleda da su 22bet Casino RG standardi iza.
Ne možemo da rešimo ovaj slučaj jer smatramo da adli92 treba da bude obeštećen.
Dear casino representative,
In this case, we believe that the Casino should do something to prevent the situation that happened.
While other casinos are trying to do the extra mile in responsible gambling, it looks like 22bet Casino RG standards are behind.
We cannot resolve this case because we believe that adli92 should be compensated.
Takođe bih želeo da istaknem da me je Bet22 podrška obavestila putem ćaskanja tokom procesa verifikacije da postoje problemi sa adresama e-pošte na i da stoga šaljem mejlove/dokumente od alternativnog provajdera e-pošte. Već sam izvršio ceo proces verifikacije koristeći GMKS adresu e-pošte. Iz tog razloga sam i putem ove imejl adrese poslao zahteve za zatvaranje naloga.
I would also like to point out that Bet22 support informed me via chat during the verification process that there were problems with email addresses at and that I was therefore sending the emails/documents from an alternative email provider should. I have already carried out the entire verification process using the GMX email address used. For this reason, I also sent requests to close the account via this email address.
Gerne möchte ich auch noch darauf hinweisen, dass mich der Bet22 Support via Chat während dem Verifizierungsprozess darauf hingewiesen hat, dass es Probleme mit E-Mail-Adressen bei gibt und ich die Mails/Dokumente darum von einem alternativen Mail-Provider verschicken soll. Über die verwendete GMX E-Mail-Adresse habe ich darum bereits den kompletten Verifizierungsprozess durchgeführt. Aus diesem Grund habe ich auch die Anfragen zur Kontoschliessung über diese Mailadresse versendet.
Žao nam je što ste se suočili sa takvom situacijom, ali kao što smo ranije pojasnili, da biste zatražili zatvaranje računa, morate koristiti imejl sa kojim ste se registrovali u našem kazinu. Ovo je jedna od bezbednosnih mera koje preduzimamo da zaštitimo interese naših igrača.
Skrećemo vam pažnju da naš igrač nije dao informacije o prisustvu zavisnosti od kockanja i kontaktirao nas ne sa glavne pošte, što, prema našim pravilima, ne dovodi do trenutnog zatvaranja naloga.
Takođe želimo da vas uverimo da uvek razmatramo preporuke i sugestije koje dolaze od naših igrača. Vaši komentari će biti pažljivo razmotreni i mi ćemo nastojati da ih uzmemo u obzir prilikom poboljšanja naših usluga.
Međutim, važno je napomenuti da poštovanje svih pravila igre i politika naših igrača pomaže da se izbegnu takve situacije. Naš cilj je da obezbedimo bezbedno i odgovorno okruženje za igre za sve naše klijente.
We are sorry to hear that you have faced such a situation, but as we clarified earlier, to request account closure, you must use the email with which you registered at our casino. This is one of the security measures we take to protect the interests of our players.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our player did not provide information about the presence of gambling addiction and contacted us not from the main mail, which, according to our rules, does not lead to instant account closure.
We also want to assure you that we always consider recommendations and suggestions that come from our players. Your comments will be carefully considered and we will endeavour to take them into account when improving our services.
However, it is important to note that compliance with all game rules and policies by our players helps to avoid such situations. Our goal is to provide a safe and responsible gaming environment for all of our customers.
Poštovani predstavnike kazina,
U ovom slučaju, smatramo da je vaša argumentacija netačna i adli9v-ov nalog treba zatvoriti.
Možete jednostavno da odgovorite na njegov zahtev i zatražite potvrdu od njega putem podrške ili njegove originalne e-pošte.
Dear casino representative,
In this case, we believe that your argumentation is incorrect and adli9w's account should be closed.
You could simply respond to his request and ask for confirmation from him through the support or his original email.
Pridajemo veliku važnost bezbednosti u našem kazinu i uvek smo spremni da se pozabavimo važnim pitanjima koja se tiču ove oblasti. Kada nam se igrač javi sa optužbama, mi odmah vršimo odgovarajuće provere.
Međutim, u ovom slučaju igrač nije izrazio zabrinutost zbog zavisnosti. Umesto toga, tražio je privilegije i pretio da će zatvoriti nalog ako njegovi zahtevi ne budu odobreni.
Informaciju i zahtev za zatvaranje naloga smo prosledili našem timu tehničke podrške.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, slobodno kontaktirajte naš tim za podršku. Uvek smo spremni da pomognemo.
We attach great importance to safety in our casino and are always ready to deal with important issues concerning this area. When a player contacts us with allegations, we immediately carry out appropriate checks.
However, in this case, the player did not express concerns about addiction. Instead, he requested privileges and made threats to close the account if his requests were not granted.
We have forwarded the information and the request to close the account to our technical support team.
If you have any further questions or require additional information, feel free to contact our support team. We are always ready to help.
Dragi timu Bet22
Već nedeljama dobijate samo neke „standardne odgovore". Nemam osećaj da uopšte ozbiljno shvatate ovo pitanje i da ste zainteresovani da nađete rešenje.
Očajnički sam pokušavao na nekoliko načina (razne poruke e-pošte, nekoliko puta putem ćaskanja) da blokiram svoj nalog ili barem da postavim ograničenje uloga ili gubitka jer više nisam mogao da kontrolišem svoje ponašanje u igrici! Nisam dobio nikakvu podršku od vas i svi moji zahtevi su bili neuspešni dok ste nastavili da zarađujete od mene. Stoga bih želeo da komentarišem vaše tačke.
Tačka 1 – E-poruke su poslate sa alternativne GMKS adrese.
U Bet22 ćaskanju sam obavešten da postoje problemi sa Hotmail adresama e-pošte i da stoga treba da pošaljem e-poštu od drugog provajdera. Ovo za šta me sada optužuju je potpuni apsurd. Ovo je bila preporuka podrške Bet22, naravno da sam nikada ne bih došao na ovu ideju. Vi sami nastavljate da potvrđujete probleme sa Hotmail adresama u sledećoj žalbi.
„Razumemo da koristite Hotmail poštu i može doći do problema sa isporukom odgovora na ovu e-poštu."
Izvor: https: //
Takođe sam poslao zahtev za zatvaranje naloga sa svoje Hotmail adrese na 19. maja 2021. Ni na ovaj zahtev nije bilo odgovora.
Inače, slao sam i sve važne i poverljive dokumente na proveru preko svoje GMKS adrese. Očigledno tu nije bio problem...
Tačka 2 - Niste znali za zavisnost od kockanja
Pokušao sam nekoliko puta u roku od nekoliko dana putem e-pošte i ćaskanja da zatvorim svoj nalog ili barem postavim ograničenje depozita/ograničenje gubitka. U međuvremenu sam nastavio da polažem velike količine novca i igram satima. Ispod ćete naći još jedan od mojih mejlova. Kako možete jednostavno ignorisati takav vapaj za pomoć putem e-pošte? Bilo je jasno i očigledno da više ne kontrolišem svoje ponašanje u igrici i da mi je potrebna hitna podrška! Ako ste zaista zainteresovani za pojašnjenje, možete poslati sve moje istorije ćaskanja Casino Guruu.
„Pošto sam već nekoliko puta komunicirao na raznim kanalima, želeo bih da izbrišem ili blokiram sledeći nalog.
Želim da prestanem da igram! Uverite se da više ne mogu da vršim dalje depozite i opklade sa vama.
Ako ne odgovorite na moj zahtev i nastavite da blokirate moj nalog, podneću žalbu!"
Tačka 3 – Trebalo je da tražim privilegije.
Apsolutna glupost! Za koje privilegije treba da se prijavim? Samo sam želeo da zatvorim svoj nalog jer je moje ponašanje u igri izmaklo kontroli.
Dear Bet22 team
For weeks now you've only received some "standard answers". I don't get the feeling that you are taking this issue seriously at all and are interested in finding a solution.
I tried desperately in several ways (various emails, several times via chat) to have my account blocked or at least to set a stake or loss limit because I could no longer control my gaming behavior! I received no support from you and all my requests were unsuccessful while you continued to make money from me. I would therefore like to comment on your points.
Point 1 - The emails were sent from an alternative GMX address.
I was informed in the Bet22 chat that there were problems with Hotmail email addresses and that I should therefore send the emails from an alternative provider. What I am now being accused of is completely absurd. This was a recommendation from Bet22 support, of course I would never have come up with this idea on my own. You yourself continue to confirm the problems with Hotmail addresses in the following complaint.
"We understand that you are using Hotmail mail and there may be issues with delivery of replies to this email."
I also sent a request to close my account from my Hotmail address to on May 19, 2021. There was no response to this request either.
By the way, I also sent all important & confidential documents for verification via my GMX address. Apparently it wasn't a problem there...
Point 2 - You didn't know about a gambling addiction
I tried several times within a few days via email and chat to close my account or at least set a deposit limit/loss limit. In the meantime, I continued to deposit large amounts of money and play for hours. Below you will find another one of my emails. How can you simply ignore such a cry for help via email? It was clear and obvious that I was no longer in control of my gaming behavior and needed immediate support! If you are really interested in clarification, you are welcome to send all my chat histories to Casino Guru.
"As I have already communicated several times on various channels, I would like to delete or block the following account.
I want to stop playing! Please make sure that I can no longer make any further deposits and bets with you.
If you don't respond to my request and continue to block my account, I will file a complaint!"
Point 3 - I should have requested privileges.
Absolute nonsense! What privileges should I have applied for? I just wanted to close my account because my gaming behavior got out of control.
Liebes Bet22 Team
Seit Wochen kommen von Ihrer Seite nur irgendwelche "Standard Antworten". Ich habe überhaupt nicht das Gefühl, dass Sie dieses Thema überhaupt ernst nehmen und an einer Lösung interessiert sind.
Ich habe verzweifelt versucht auf mehreren Wegen (diverse E-Mails, mehrmals via Chat) mein Konto blockieren zu lassen oder wenigstens ein Einsatz- oder Verlustlimit zu setzen, da ich mein Spielverhalten nicht mehr kontrollieren konnte! Ich bekam dabei keinerlei Unterstützung von Ihnen und alle meine Anfragen waren erfolglos während Sie weiter Geld mit mir verdient haben. Gerne möchte ich darum zu Ihren Punkten Stellung nehmen.
Punkt 1 - Die Mails wurden von einer alternativen GMX Adresse gesendet.
Ich wurde im Chat von Bet22 darauf hingewiesen, dass es Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Hotmail E-Mail-Adressen gibt und ich darum die Mails von einem alternativen Provider verschicken soll. Das mir nun vorgeworfen wird, ist völlig absurd. Dies war ja eine Empfehlung vom Bet22 Support, alleine wäre ich natürlich nie auf diese Idee gekommen. Sie bestätigen die Probleme mit Hotmail-Adressen in der folgenden Beschwerde ja selber weiterhin.
"Wir verstehen, dass Sie Hotmail-Mail verwenden und es möglicherweise Probleme mit der Zustellung von Antworten auf diese E-Mail gibt."
Zudem habe ich am 19.05.2021 eine Anfrage zur Kontoschliessung von meiner Hotmail-Adresse an geschickt. Auch auf diese Anfrage kam keine Rückmeldung.
Übrigens habe ich auch alle wichtigen & vertraulichen Dokumente zur Verifizierung über meine GMX-Adresse gesendet. Dort war das anscheinend kein Problem...
Punkt 2 - Sie wussten nichts von einer Spielsucht
Ich habe mehrmals innerhalb von wenigen Tagen via Mail und Chat versucht mein Konto zu schliessen oder wenigstens ein Einzahlungslimit/Verlustlimit festzulegen. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich weiterhin grosse Geldbeträge einbezahlt und stundenlang gespielt. Unterstehend finden Sie nochmals eines meiner Mails. Wie können Sie einen solchen Hilferuf per E-Mail einfach ignorieren? Es war doch klar und deutlich erkennbar, dass ich mein Spielverhalten nicht mehr unter Kontrolle hatte und sofortige Unterstützung brauche! Wenn Sie wirklich an einer Aufklärung interessiert sind, können Sie Casino Guru gerne alle meine Chatverläufe zustellen.
"Wie bereits mehrmals auf unterschiedlichen Kanälen mitgeteilt, möchte ich gerne das folgende Konto löschen bzw. Sperren lassen.
Ich möchte mit dem Spielen aufhören! Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass ich bei Ihnen keine weiteren Einzahlungen und Einsätze mehr tätigen kann.
Falls Sie auf meine Anfrage nicht reagieren und mein Konto weiterhin nicht sperren werde ich eine Beschwerde einreichen!"
Punkt 3 - Ich soll Privilegien beantragt haben.
Absoluter Blödsinn! Was für Privilegien soll ich beantragt haben? Ich wollte lediglich mein Konto schliessen weil mein Spielverhalten ausser Kontrolle geraten ist.
Poštovani adli92,
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, čvrsto verujem da bi kazino trebalo da zatvori vaš nalog i da imate pravo na povraćaj novca.
Na osnovu informacija koje je dao predstavnik kazina, izgleda da oni nisu voljni da vam nadoknade iznos koji ste izgubili.
Stoga predlažem da zatvorite ovu žalbu kao nerešenu, uz nadu da će kazino u budućnosti priznati njihovu grešku i vratiti vam novac.
Mogu li da nastavim?
Dear adli92,
As I mentioned earlier, I strongly believe that the casino should close your account and that you are entitled to a refund.
Based on the information provided by the casino representative, it appears that they are unwilling to reimburse you for the amount you lost.
Therefore, I suggest closing this complaint as unresolved, with the hope that the casino will acknowledge their error in the future and provide you with a refund.
Can I proceed?
Zdravo Matej
Da, verovatno nema druge opcije ako kazino nije zainteresovan za rešenje... Zaista je šokantno da se pitanje zaštite igrača ne shvata ozbiljno i da se i dalje zarađuje novac od zavisnika od kockanja!!!
Hello Matej
Yes, there is probably no other option if the casino is not interested in a solution... I find it really shocking that the issue of player protection is not taken seriously and money continues to be made from gambling addicts!!!
Hallo Matej
Ja es bleibt wohl keine andere Option wenn das Casino nicht an einer Lösung interessiert ist… Ich finde es echt schockierend, dass das Thema Spielerschutz nicht ernst genommen und mit Spielsüchtigen weiterhin Geld verdient wird!!!
Poštovani adli92,
Predlažem da svoju žalbu pošaljete regulatoru kazina. Regulator Kurasaa je često zauzet i njihove odluke ponekad mogu biti čudne, ali vredi pokušati jer je besplatan.
Ako stvari krenu jako loše, znam za advokatsku firmu na Kurasau koja je specijalizovana za slučajeve kockanja.
Mogu ti pomoći u svemu. Samo mi recite šta biste želeli da probate.
Dear adli92,
I would suggest sending your complaint to the casino's regulator. The Curacao regulator is often busy and their decisions can be strange at times, but it is worth a try since it is free.
If things go really bad, I am aware of a law firm in Curacao that specializes in gambling cases.
I can help you with everything. Just let me know what you would like to try.
Zdravo Matej
Želeo bih da prijavim slučaj nadzornom organu. Hoćete li u moje ime proslediti slučaj nadzornom organu ili kako tačno da postupim?
Hvala vam na podršci!
Hello Matej
I would like to report the case to the supervisory authority. Will you pass the case on to the supervisory authority on my behalf or how exactly should I proceed?
Thank you for your support!
Hallo Matej
Gerne möchte ich den Fall an die Aufsichtsbehörde melden. Geben Sie den Fall in meinem Namen an die Aufsichtsbehörde weiter oder wie muss ich hier genau vorgehen?
Besten Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
Poštovani adli92,
Izvinjavam se zbog kašnjenja u odgovoru.
Molimo pošaljite e-poruku Curacao Antilephone NV na:
Obavezno uključite sledeće detalje:
1) Lični podaci:
– Puno ime (ime, prezime i srednje ime ako je primenjivo)
- Zemlja boravka
- Godine
2) Žalbeno telo:
– Naziv kazina (pominjanje njegovog broja licence bi bilo korisno)
- Vaša prijava (korisničko ime) i e-pošta koja se koristi za onlajn kazino nalog
– Detaljan opis problema na koji ste naišli, uključujući spornu sumu novca
3) Priložite relevantne datoteke uz e-poštu (slike ekrana ili prepisku putem e-pošte) koje pokazuju vaš pokušaj da rešite problem sa kazinom, zajedno sa vezom do ove žalbe.
Imajte na umu da žalba treba da bude formalna i napisana na engleskom jeziku.
Dear adli92,
Apologies for the delay in my response.
Kindly send an email to Curacao Antillephone N.V. at:
Ensure to include the following details:
1) Personal Information:
- Full name (first name, last name, and middle name if applicable)
- Country of residence
- Age
2) Complaint Body:
- Name of the casino (mentioning its license number would be beneficial)
- Your login (username) and email used for an online casino account
- A detailed description of the issue encountered, including the disputed sum of money
3) Attach relevant files to the email (screenshot images or email correspondence) that demonstrate your attempt to resolve the matter with the casino, along with a link to this complaint.
Please note that the complaint should be formal and written in English.
Kada pošaljete žalbu regulatoru, obavestite me i zatvorićemo ovaj slučaj sa statusom: čeka se odluka regulatora. Kada regulator donese odluku, molimo vas da ponovo otvorite slučaj.
Once you have sent the complaint to the regulator, please inform me and we will close this case with the status: waiting for the regulator's decision. When the regulator makes a decision, please reopen the case.
Ako vam je potrebna pomoć u pripremi žalbe, slobodno me kontaktirajte na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk i rado ću vam pomoći.
If you need assistance with preparing the complaint, feel free to contact me at and I will be happy to help.
Dear adli92,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Zdravo Matej
Oprostite zbog zakašnjelog odgovora. Nažalost, još nisam stigao da podnesem žalbu regulatornom tijelu. Možete li molim vas da ponovo produžite period za 7 dana.
Uradiću to najkasnije do vikenda. Hvala vam!
Hello Matej
Please excuse my delayed response. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to submitting the complaint to the regulatory authority yet. Can you please extend the period again by 7 days.
I'll get it done by the weekend at the latest. Thank you!
Hallo Matej
Bitte entschuldige meine verspätete Rückmeldung. Ich bin leider noch nicht dazu gekommen die Beschwerde bei der Regulierungsbehörde zu platzieren. Können Sie den Zeitraum bitte nochmals um 7 Tage verlängern.
Ich werde es spätestens am Wochenende erledigen. Vielen Dank!
Zdravo Matej
Poslao sam vam ga e-poštom na pregled.
Hvala vam na podršci i srdačan pozdrav
I ja
Hello Matej
I sent it to you by email for review.
Thank you for your support & kind regards
And I
Hallo Matej
Ich habe es dir per Mail zum Review geschickt.
Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung & liebe Grüsse
Zdravo adli92,
Izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora, razboleo sam se tokom odmora.
Pregledao sam vašu e-poštu i sve izgleda dobro. Molimo vas da ga prosledite regulatoru i obavestite me kada to učinite.
Hello adli92,
Apologies for the delayed response, I fell ill during my vacation.
I have reviewed your email and everything looks good. Kindly forward it to the regulator and inform me once you have done so.
Zdravo Matej
Upravo sam poslao mejl nadzornom organu i stavio te na CC.
Hvala vam na velikoj podršci i srdačan pozdrav
I ja
Hello Matej
I just sent the email to the supervisory authority and put you on CC.
Thank you for your great support & kind regards
And I
Hallo Matej
Ich habe das Mail soeben an die Aufsichtsbehörde geschickt und dich auf CC genommen.
Vielen Dank für deine tolle Unterstützung & liebe Grüsse
Hvala što ste potvrdili.
Zatvaram ovu žalbu sa statusom: čekam odluku regulatora.
Molimo vas da ponovo otvorite slučaj kada dobijete konačnu odluku od regulatora, ili će se žalba automatski ponovo otvoriti nakon tri meseca.
Thank you for confirming.
I am closing this complaint with the status: awaiting the regulator's decision.
Please reopen the case once you receive the final decision from the regulator, or the complaint will automatically reopen after three months.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev adli92. Želeli bismo da dozvolimo ovom slučaju još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of adli92. We would like to allow this case one more chance to be resolved and help both parties involved to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Nakon što sam podneo žalbu regulatornom telu, Bet22 mi je refundirao ceo gubitak od 19. maja 2022. (>10.000 CHF). Takođe ste potvrdili da je moj nalog zatvoren i da se više ne može ponovo aktivirati. Slučaj je stoga rešen.
Hvala vam puno na velikoj podršci u ovoj teškoj situaciji!
Hvala vam puno na refundaciji. Nadam se da ćete se u budućnosti ozbiljnije baviti pitanjem zaštite igrača!
After I filed a complaint with the regulatory authority, Bet22 refunded me the entire loss since May 19, 2022 (>10,000 CHF). You have also confirmed that my account has been closed and can no longer be reactivated. The case has therefore been settled.
Thank you very much for your great support in this difficult situation!
Thank you very much for the refund. I hope that you will take the issue of player protection more seriously in the future!
Nachdem ich eine Beschwerde bei der Regulierungsbehörde eingereicht habe, hat mir Bet22 den kompletten Verlust seit dem 19.05.2022 (>10’000 CHF) zurückerstattet. Zudem haben Sie mir bestätigt, dass mein Konto geschlossen wurde und nicht mehr reaktiviert werden kann. Der Fall hat sich somit erledigt.
@Casino Guru
Besten Dank für euren tollen Support in dieser schwierigen Situation!
Besten Dank für die Rückerstattung. Ich hoffe, dass Sie das Thema Spielerschutz in Zukunft ernster nehmen!
Nakon uspešnog rešavanja problema, žalbu ćemo označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Cenimo vašu saradnju i potvrdu, adli92, i ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš Centar za rešavanje žalbi. Naš cilj je da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot https :// . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti od pomoći drugima koji razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
After successfully resolving the problem, we will mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation, adli92, and if you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. Our goal is to assist you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.