Dragi Raksith,
Želim da vas obavijestim da dokazi koje je pružio kazino nisu bili dovoljni da dokažete da ste koristili više računa.
Nakon pažljivog ispitivanja dokaza i interne rasprave u Casino.Guru, zaključili smo da samo IP podudaranja, iako brojna, nisu dovoljan dokaz višestrukih naloga. U današnjoj eri mobilnog interneta, takve utakmice se lako mogu dogoditi. Naročito u oblastima sa velikom populacijom, jer postoji ograničen broj dostupnih adresa, a broj kupaca je obično veći, pa su šanse da se takva situacija dogodi.
Dragi 24betting predstavnici,
U slučaju da nema drugih dokaza o višestrukom obračunu, predlažemo da se dobitak igrača isplati.
Dear Raksith,
I would like to inform you that the evidence provided by the casino were not sufficient to prove that you used multiple accounts.
After careful examination of the evidence and internal discussion at Casino.Guru, we have concluded that only IP matches, although numerous, are not a sufficient proof of multiple accounts. In present day era of mobile internet, such matches may happen easily. Especially in areas with high population, as there is a limited amount of addresses available and the amount of customers is usually higher, therefore the chances are very likely for such situation to happen.
Dear 24betting representatives,
In case there are no other proofs of multi accounting, we would like to suggest that the player's winnings should be payed out.
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