Prošle godine sam igrao turnir za koji sam mislio da sam osvojio £2000
međutim, nakon nekoliko meseci dobili e-poštu žele novac bk (a da mi čak i ne kažu da su već otišli na moj bankovni račun da uzmu novac) jer je to bio tehnički problem i moram da ga vratim. Pozvao sam Kindred Group da saznam, ali oni u severnoj Švedskoj ili Danmark su me pitali za detalje koje sam im dao, rekli su da će biti u kontaktu sa mnom, nikada nisu čuli bk. nego febr. dobila sam telefonski poziv od žene koja mi je rekla da treba da vratim samo 1500 funti, pitam je da li bi mogla da sačeka pošto je moj muž možda bolje razume. Problem sa jezikom, razgovarano sa mojom bankom, rekli su mi da ne moram da platim novac jer je to njihov problem, sada sam 24. maja osvojio na njihovoj strani preko 200 funti, povučeno 180,00 funti nakon što novac od Bankholidai-a još uvek nije bio na mom Paipal računu. Pa sam ih nazvao zašto, rekli su mi kroz tehničke poteškoće da dosta igrača još čeka, nego su dobili e-poštu koju su novac oduzeli pošto im dugujem 2000 funti, oni vole da im se isplate bk, još uvek imaju sačuvanu e-poštu - kaže- ---32Red- vd [Incident: 240524-004311]
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13:43 (pre 3 sata)
Zdravo Gudrun,
Hvala na email.
Mogu da potvrdim da niste osvojili ovaj novac, a ovo je bila preplata.
Molimo vas da nam što pre pošaljete iznos koji vam je ostao od preplaćenog iznosa kako bismo mogli da obavestimo naš finansijski i pravni tim.
Ne savetujemo vam da se zadužujete da biste nam vratili sredstva, pa vas molimo da samo vratite sredstva koja su vam na raspolaganju.
Potvrdićemo akciju sa našim pravnim timom. Bićemo u kontaktu ako nam zatrebaju dodatne informacije, ali budite sigurni da nećemo pokrenuti pravni postupak sve dok vam preostala sredstva budu vraćena.
Obavestite nas ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć.
Srdačan pozdrav,
posle sat vremena dobio sam još jedan e-mail-
Primetili smo da ste nedavno koristili PaiPal kao način plaćanja na svom 32Red nalogu. Kao takvi, želeli smo da vas obavestimo da ažuriramo naše opcije plaćanja na 32Red i da od 3. juna 2024. PaiPal više neće biti dostupan kao način plaćanja.
Iako shvatamo da vam ovo može izazvati neke neprijatnosti, želeli bismo da iskoristimo ovu priliku da predstavimo potpuno novu opciju plaćanja - Instant Banking . Ovaj novi, najsavremeniji način plaćanja nudi jednostavan i bezbedan način deponovanja i povlačenja sa vašeg naloga. Sa ovom novom opcijom plaćanja Open Banking , imaćete uplate koje vaša banka direktno potvrđuje na siguran i pouzdan način. Brzo je, jednostavno i sada je dostupno na našoj bankarskoj stranici.
Pored toga, želimo da vas podsetimo da imamo niz drugih načina plaćanja dostupnih na 32Red-u, kao što su Visa/Mastercard , koji se takođe mogu naći na našoj bankarskoj stranici.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i saradnju po ovom pitanju.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
pošto uvek plaćam preko PaiPal-a i nikada ne koristim svoju karticu osim kupovine. pošto sam invalid.i ne mogu da izađem bez pomoći, plus moja banka mi je savetovala da ga ne koristim na kockarnicama.
sada jednostavno ne znam šta da radim
Pozdrav Amber70
Last year I played a tournament I thought I have won £2000
however ,after couple of month got Email they want the money bk (without even telling me they already gone to my Bankaccount to get the money) because it was a technical problem and I have to Pay it back. I alled the Kindred Group to find out , but they in the nothern country sweden or danmark the ask mefor the details wich i gave them they said they will be in contact with me, never heard bk. than febr . got a phonecall from a women telling me I only need to pay back £1500 ,i ask her if she could wait as my husband may understand her better.Language issue , Spoken to my Bank they told me i do not need to pay the money back as its their problem, now I won on their side on the 24th of may over £200, withrawn £180.00 after the Bankholiday money still was not in my Paypal account. So I called them why, they told me through technical Difficulty plenty of players still waiting , than got a email the Moneys got withold as I owe them £2000 they like to get it paid bk , still have the Email saved-it is saying----32Red- wd [Incident: 240524-004311]
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13:43 (3 hours ago)
to me
Hi Gudrun,
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm you did not win this money, and this was an overpayment.
We would ask that you send us the amount you have remaining from the overpayment as soon as possible so that we can inform our finance and legal team.
We do not advise you get into any financial debt to return the funds to us so please just return the funds you have available to you.
We will confirm the action with our legal team. We will be in touch if we need any further information but please rest assured that we will not pursue legal action so long as the funds you have remaining are returned.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Kind Regards,
than hrs later got another e-mail-
We noticed that you have recently used PayPal as a payment method on your 32Red account. As such, we wanted to let you know that we are updating our payment options at 32Red and as from the 3rd June 2024 PayPal will no longer be available as a payment method.
Whilst we appreciate this may cause some inconvenience to you, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce a brand new payment option - Instant Banking. This new, cutting-edge payment method offers an easy and safe way to deposit and withdraw from your account. With this new Open Banking payment option, you'll have payments directly authenticated by your bank in a secure and trusted way. It's quick, simple and now available on our banking page.
In addition, we would like to remind you that we have a range of other payment methods available on 32Red such as Visa/Mastercard, which can also be found on our banking page.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter.
Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
as I always pay over paypal and do never use my Card appart from shopping . as i am disabled.and can not go out without help , plus my bank did advised me not to use it on gambling places.
now I just do not know what i should do
Regards Amber70
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