To je pravo povlačenje, objasniću.
20.07.2021 sam dopunio račun i igrao sam dostigavši iznos od 1700 evra koji sam hteo da podignem. Na isplatu sam čekao do 11.09.2021 kada mi je saopšteno da moram ponovo provjeriti svoj račun i na moj račun za igru je dodan iznos od 1700 eura. Ponovo sam proverio račun, sa ličnim podacima, slikama posle lične karte, svim potrebnim dokumentima i onda nastavio da igram na iznos od 1700 evra. Tog dana, tačnije 11.09.2021, igrajući sam dostigao iznos od 5000 eura za koji sam izvršio povlačenje.
Dana 11.09.2021. godine uslov iznosa od 5000 eura bio je "ovjera".
Status iznosa od 5000 eura ostao je nepromijenjen do 14.10.2021. godine kada je promijenjen iz "provjere" u "na čekanju", razlog zbog kojeg datira od 14.10.2021. godine, a ne od 11.09.2021.
It's the right withdrawal, I'll explain.
On 20.07.2021 I replenished the account and I played reaching the amount of 1700 euros that I wanted to withdraw. I waited for withdrawal until 11.09.2021 when I was informed that I had to check my account again and the amount of 1700 euros was added to my game account. I checked the account again, with personal data, pictures after the identity card, all the documents I needed and then I continued to play the amount of 1700 euros. On that day, namely the date of 11.09.2021, playing I reached the amount of 5000 euros for which I made a withdrawal.
On 11.09.2021 the condition of the amount of 5000 euros was "verification".
The status of the amount of 5000 euros remained unchanged until 14.10.2021 when it changed from "verification" to "pending", reason for which it dates from 14.10.2021 and not from 11.09.2021.
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