Igraču iz Švicarske blokiran je račun zbog revizije. Odbacili smo ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
Razmislite o tome 2 puta
IQ ima 0, a svoj novac čekam više od 14 dana. U početku nešto nije u redu s isplatom Bitcoina, a sa 2. (Skrill) sam zatražen test koji "samo" 2 puta godišnje sa "slučajnim" igračem. Sada mogu čekati još 2 tjedna.
Think about it 2 times
The service has an IQ of 0 and I've been waiting for my money for more than 14 days. At first something is wrong with the Bitcoin payout and with the 2nd (Skrill) I was asked for a test which "only" 2 times a year with a "random" player. Now I can wait another 2 weeks.
Überlegt es euch 2mal
Der Service hat einen IQ von 0 dazu warte ich seit mehr als 14 Tage auf mein Geld. Zuerst stimmt etwas mit der Bitcoin Auszahlung nicht und bei der 2. (Skrill) wurde ich für einen Test welcher "nur" 2mal im Jahr bei einem "zufälligen" Spieler. Jetzt darf ich noch weitere 2 Wochen warten.
Dragi Olivier,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Molimo vas da shvatite da je to uobičajena procedura za kasina za reviziju računa igrača. Iz našeg iskustva može potrajati 14 dana, ali svaki je casino drugačiji i ima svoju proceduru koju treba slijediti. Zbog toga igračima savjetujemo strpljenje i potpunu suradnju s kasinom.
Potpuno razumijem tvoju frustraciju, Olivier. Postavit ću tajmer za dodatnih 7 dana i ako do srijede ne bude razvoja, mi ćemo intervenirati i pokušati vam pomoći. Puno vam hvala na razumijevanju i strpljenju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Olivier,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand that it is a common procedure for casinos to audit players’ accounts. From our experience, it may take 14 days, but every casino is different and has its own procedure which needs to be followed. That’s why we advise players to be patient and fully cooperate with the casino.
I fully understand your frustration, Olivier. I will set the timer for additional 7 days and if there’s no development by Wednesday, we will intervene and try to help you. Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.
Best regards,
Novac je sada nestao! Natjerali su me da čekam 14 dana i stalno su mi vraćali novac i sada imaju ono što žele. Novac je nestao !! Inzistirao sam na tome 2 puta, a oni su to otkazali 2 puta! Tada sam izgubio novac u stvarno izmanipuliranoj mašini koja je 16 puta zaredom učinila nešto nevjerovatno. Može li se pretpostaviti da bi rekli da će to trajati još dvije sedmice, zašto su onda novac stavili na račun? umjesto "provjere"?
Prevario si me i iskušavao.
Molim vas, pomozite mi da ponovo vidim svoj novac ...
The money is gone now! They made me wait 14 days and kept sending me money back and now they have what they want. The money is gone!! I insisted on it 2 times and they canceled it 2 times! Then I lost the money in a really manipulated machine that did something improbable 16 times in a row. Can it be Assuming they would say it will go on for another 2 weeks, why did they then put the money into the account? instead of "checking"?
You cheated on me and tempted me.
Please help me to see my money again ...
Das Geld ist nun weg! Die haben mich 14 Tage lang warten lassen und mir dad Geld immer wieder zurück geschickt und nun haben sie was sie wollen. Das Geld ist weg!! Ich habe 2 mal darauf bestanden und 2mal haben sie es storniert! Dann habe ich das Geld in einem wirklich manipulierten Automat verloren, der 16mal hintereinander etwas unwahrscheibliches getan hat. Kann es das sein? Angenommen sie würden Sagen es geht noch 2 Wochen aber wieso haben die dann das Geld aufs Konto gutgeschrieben? anstatt zu "prüfen"?
Sie haben mich betrogen und extra verlockt.
Bitte helfen Sie mir, dass ich mein Geld wieder sehe....
Da .. Znam da to vjerovatno više ne možete, ali to je vaš trik. Otkažete isplatu i ponovo je učitate na račun igre i nakon 2-3 tjedna više nemate strpljenja. Ako kažete da preispituju povlačenje, zašto ga otkazuju? To nije tačno
Yes .. I know that you probably can't do it anymore, but that's your trick. You cancel the payout and reload it to the game account and after 2-3 weeks you have no more patience. If you say they are reviewing the withdrawal, why are they canceling it? That is not proper
Ja .. Ich weiss, dass Sie jetzt wohl nichtts mehr machen können aber das ist ihre Masche. Sie stornieren die Auszahlung und laden es wieder aufs Spielkonto und nach 2-3 Wochen warten, hat man keine Geduld mehr. Wenn Sie sagen sie überprüfen die Auszahlung warum stornieren sie diese dann? Das ist nicht ordnungsgemäss
Hvala Oliviere na odgovoru. Budući da ste odigrali svoj dobitak, bojim se, ne možemo puno učiniti za vas. Molimo vas da razumijete, igrač je jedini odgovoran za svoj račun, aktivno stanje i sve opklade.
Obavijestite me ako postoje neke dodatne informacije koje sam inače previdio, bit ću prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu. Stvarno bih volio da sam od veće pomoći. Hvala ti.
Thank you, Olivier, for your reply. Since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance and all the bets taking place.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint. I really wish I were of more help. Thank you.
Dragi Olivier,
Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Molimo vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ako vam je potrebna pomoć ili pomoć, u protivnom ćemo odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Olivier,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance or help, otherwise, we will reject your complaint.
Odbacili smo ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu. Žao nam je, nismo vam mogli pomoći s ovim, ali molim vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakav problem s bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with any other casino. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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