Poštovani Sati725,
Hvala vam na kontinuiranoj komunikaciji. Nažalost, bez konkretnih informacija traženih u mojim prethodnim porukama, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa rešavanjem ovog pitanja.
Više puta sam tražio ovu informaciju, ali pošto ona nije dostavljena, bićemo primorani da za sada zatvorimo žalbu. Međutim, budite sigurni da možete ponovo da otvorite žalbu u bilo kom trenutku tako što ćete poslati potrebne detalje na nikolas.b@casino.guru .
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i tu smo da vam dodatno pomognemo ako pružite potrebne informacije.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Sati725,
Thank you for your continued communication. Unfortunately, without the specific information requested in my previous messages, we are unable to proceed with resolving this matter.
I have kindly requested this information multiple times, but as it has not been provided, we will be forced to close the complaint for now. However, please rest assured that you can reopen the complaint at any time by submitting the required details to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
We appreciate your understanding and are here to assist further should you provide the necessary information.
Best regards,
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