Igrač iz Nemačke deponirao je sredstva na svoj račun samo kako bi shvatio da račun pripada drugom igraču.
Zdravo. Prije nekoliko tjedana prijavio sam se u taj kasino s podacima o računu koje koristim u mnogim kockarnicama. Platio sam 2 puta po 25 eura. Tada sam primijetio da je pozdrav igrača sa pravim imenima potpuno drugačiji od mog. Sad sam pomislio, u redu, pogledaću imam li uopće račun, a onda sam otkrio da sam jednom blokirao račun. I sada je očigledno ko je još preuzeo podatke mog računa viola1911, uključujući lozinku. Oduvijek sam mislio da se takvi podaci više ne mogu preuzeti, jer blokirani igrač ima te podatke. Dakle, sada ovaj korisnik na računu ima mojih 50 eura i ne mogu ništa. Nitko ne može kontaktirati telefonom i nema automatskog odgovora putem e-maila. Probao sam već 3 puta
Hello. A few weeks ago I logged into this casino with the account information that I use in many casinos. I paid 2 times 25 euros with paysafe. Then I noticed that greeting the player with real names is completely different from mine. Now I thought, okay I'll have a look if I have an account at all and then found out that I blocked myself once. And now apparently who else has taken over my account data viola1911 including password. I always thought that such data can no longer be taken over, because a blocked player has this data. So now this user has my 50 euros in the account and I can not do anything. Nobody can be reached by phone and there is no automatic response via email. Have tried it for 3 times
Hallo. Habe mich vor paar Wochen in diesen casino mit den kontodaten das ich in vielen casino benutze eingeloggt. Habe 2 mal 25 Euro mit paysafe eingezahlt. Dann habe ich bemerkt, daß bei der Begrüßung des Spieler mit richtigen Namen ein ganz anderer als meiner steht. Jetzt dachte ich, okay ich schau mal ob ich überhaupt ein Konto habe und habe dann festgestellt das ich mich einmal selbst gesperrt habe. Und jetzt hat anscheinend wer andere meine accountdaten viola1911 samt passwort übernommen. Ich dachte immer das solche Daten nicht mehr übernommen werden kann, da ja ein gesperrte Spieler diese Daten hat. So jetzt hat dieser User meine 50 Euro am Konto und ich kann nix machen. Telefonisch niemand erreichbar und per Email kommt einmal eine automatische Antwort sonst gar nix. Hab es schon zum 3 mal probiert
Dragi Patrick,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Kontaktirat ćemo kockarnicu i zatražiti njihovu pomoć, ali prije nego što to učinimo, molimo vas da nam pošaljete bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kockarnice iz razdoblja kada je vaš račun prvi put otvoren, prije nego što ste ga blokirali? Tražim potporni dokaz da ste otvorili ovaj račun pod vašim imenom i svojom adresom e-pošte. Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Radujemo se što ćemo vam se javiti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Patrick,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their assistance, but, before we do that, please could you forward us any relevant communication between you and the casino from the period when your account has been opened for the first time, before you blocked it? I’m looking for a supporting evidence that this account has been opened by you, under your name and your email address. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dragi Patrick,
Pošaljite mi bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kockarnice iz perioda kada je vaš račun prvi put otvoren.
Dear Patrick,
Please send me any relevant communication between you and the casino from the period when your account has been opened for the first time.
Tako da sam tamo imao davno račun, a u nekom trenutku sam ga verovatno blokirao. Uglavnom to radim kad vidim da tamo ništa ne radi. Ali kao što rekoh, više nisam znao da ću biti tamo blokirani, kao i mnogi drugi kockarnice, također sam se prijavio s pristupnim podacima Viola 1911 i lozinkom (koju koristim u mnogim kockarnicama), nakon čega sam izvršio dva depozita od 25 eura paysafe, primijetio sam da je pozdrav potpuno drugačije ime od mog i primijetio sam da neto nije moj račun, pa sam pomislio da možda uopće nemam račun, ali prilikom registracije je moja adresa e-pošte prepoznata a rečeno mi je da mi je račun blokiran zbog samoisključenja. Pokušao sam tada nazvati, ali niko se nije javio. Napisao sam e-poštu, a odgovor sam dobio nakon nekoliko dana, pisao sam ponovo i nisam dobio odgovor
So I had an account there a long time ago, and at some point I probably had it blocked. I mostly do when I see that nothing works there. But as I said, I no longer knew that I would be blocked there, and like many other casinos, I also logged in with the access data Viola 1911 and the password (which I use at many casinos), after which I made two deposits from 25 euros paysafe, I noticed that the greeting was a completely different name than mine and I noticed that the net was not my account, so I thought that I might not have an account at all, But when registering, my email address was recognized and I was told that my account was blocked due to a self-exclusion. I then tried to call, but nobody answered. I wrote email, and I got the answer in a few days I wrote again and got no answer
Also ich habe schon vor längerer zeit mal da ein konto gehabt,und irgendwann wahrscheinlich auch sperren lassen. MAche ich meistens wenn ich sehe das dort gar nix geht. Aber wie gesagt ich habe es nicht mehr gewusst,das ich mich dort sperren haben lassen.Und habe mich wie bei vielen anderen casinos auch mit den zugangsdaten Viola 1911 und dem Passwort (das ich bei vielen casinos benutze eingeloggt. NAchdem ich dann 2 mal einzahlungen von je 25 euro paysafe macht habe ,habe ich bemerkt das bei der begrüssung ein ganz anderer name steht als bei meiner. Und da hab ich bemerkt das das gar net mein konto ist. Also habe ich mir gedacht das ich eventuell gar kein konto habe,aber bei der registritation wurde meine email adresse erkannt,und mir eben gesagt das mein konto aufgrund eines selbstauschlusses gesperrt sei.Ich habe dann versucht anzurufen,aber dort hebt keiner ab.Habe email geschrieben ,und ich bekam als antwort das man sich in paar tagen meldet.Habe nochmals geschrieben und keine antwort bekommen
Puno hvala Patrick na brzom odgovoru. Sada ću proslijediti vašu žalbu mom kolegi Petru koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Patrick for your quick reply. I will transfer now your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Patrick,
Jeste li dobili odgovor od kasina u vezi s problemom? Možete li mi to poslati (peter.m@casino.guru)? To bi bilo vrlo korisno.
Hi Patrick,
Have you received any reply from the casino regarding the issue? Could you please forward it to me (peter.m@casino.guru)? That would be very helpful.
Ne, nažalost ne, niko me nije kontaktirao - to je poput razgovora sa zidom - ništa ne dolazi
No, unfortunately not, nobody contacted me - it's like talking to a wall - nothing comes
Nein leider nicht,bei mir hat sich keiner gemeldet-es ist so wie wenn man mit einer wand spricht-da kommt nix
OK Patrick,
Ovo je znatiželjna situacija. Kolika je vjerojatnost da će netko upotrijebiti istu prijavu i lozinku za registraciju u kockarnicu? Nazvat ću kazino i vidjeti u čemu je problem.
OK Patrick,
This is a curious situation. What is the probability that somebody would use the same login and password to register in the casino? I will contact the casino and see what the issue is.
Zaista nemam pojma koliko je velika vjerovatnoća - tužna je činjenica da niko ne izvještava tačno
I really have no idea how high the probability is - sad rather the fact that no one reports is correct
habe echt keine ahnung,wie hoch da die wahrscheinlichkeit ist-traurig stimmt mich eher die tatsache das sich keiner meldet
Hej Paclmaya,
Kako si? Nadam se da ste dobro i zdravi u ovim ludim vremenima!
Prvo želim reći da ne prenosimo račune.
Ne mislite da li je otvorena, blokirana, zatvorena, zabranjena ... Nema veze.
Drugo kad je račun blokiran (kao što ste rekli da ste tražili samo isključivanje) niko ne može položiti račun na taj račun.
Dakle, vaša je pritužba vrlo čudna i mogućnost da se to dogodi zapravo nije opcija.
Ipak moramo to provjeriti.
Molimo pošaljite e-poštu našoj podršci i CC ovaj email - manager@777.com.
Navedite svoje korisničko ime, adresu e-pošte (ako možete i vaš aktivni i e-poštu registriranu na računu), datume za depozite, iznose i podatke o depozitu (ID).
Nadamo se da će se to pitanje uskoro riješiti.
I kao i uvijek hvala Casino.Guru na pomoći!
Hey Paclmaya,
How are you? Hope you are well and healthy in this crazy times!
First I wish to say that we do not transfer accounts.
Don't mater if it's open, blocked, closed, banned... It does not matter.
Second once an account is blocked (as you said you asked for self exclusion) no one can deposit to that account.
So your complaint is very strange and the possibility of that happening is not really an option.
Nevertheless we need to check it.
Please send an email to our support and CC this email - manager@777.com.
Please provide your user name, email address (if you can both your active one and the email registered in the account), dates for the deposits, amounts and the deposit info (ID).
We hope that this matter will be resolved soon.
And as always thank you Casino.Guru for your help!
Pa sam poslao kod casino 2 paysafe depozita. Zanima me šta sada izlazi
So I sent the codes of the 2 paysafe deposits to the casino. I'm curious to see what comes out now
So habe dem casino auch die Codes von den 2 paysafe Einzahlungen geschickt. Bin ja gespannt was jetzt rauskommt
Možemo potvrditi da nismo dobili nijednu e-poštu od ovog uređaja.
Nema adrese e-pošte od korisničkog imena - Viola1911.
Casino Guru - Molimo igrača da se obratite podršci putem registrovane adrese e-pošte na računu, kao i da proslijedi bilo kakvu prethodnu komunikaciju.
Ako koristi novu adresu e-pošte, pošaljite je ovdje.
Hvala ti,
777 podrška
We can confirm we did not receive any email from this player.
No email from user name - Viola1911.
Casino Guru - Please ask the player to contact support via the registered email address in the account as well as forward any previous communications.
If he is using a new email address please post it here.
Thank you,
777 support
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dakle, samo želim jasno reći da sam na ovaj email poslao 2 paysafea ono što im je objavio 777casino. Čak i sa šiframa zapravo treba biti jasno da sam na mreži i plaćen. A kockarnica bi to trebala utvrditi
So I just want to make it clear that I sent 2 paysafe on this email what 777casino posted to them. Even with the codes it should actually be clear that I was online and paid. And the casino should be able to determine that
So ich will nur klarstellen das ich auf diese Email was 777casino ihnen gepostet hat, 2 paysafe geschickt habe. Schon mit den Codes müsste eigentlich sich herausstellen das ich online war,und eingezahlt habe. Und das sollte das Casino feststellen können
Da. Igrač je kontaktiran i ovaj problem se rješava.
Casino.guru imajte na umu da podaci koje vam je igrač poslao nisu tačni.
Nadalje, više nećemo odgovarati na ovu žalbu.
Yes. The player has been contacted and this issue is being handled.
Casino.guru please note that the details the player sent you are not correct.
Further more we will no longer reply to this complaint.
Takva sranja. Da li sam vam poslao kodove sa obe platne kartice ili ne? Na adresu manager@777.com Ali bez obzira što ste se obogatili sa mojih 50 eura. To je u redu, tako da neću preporučiti ovu kasinu niti koristiti neku njihovu kockarnicu. I dalje želim da zahvalim casino guruima na pomoći. Nadam se da će svi ostati zdravi i da će nastaviti raditi za kupce. S poštovanjem
Such bullshit. Did I send you the codes from both paysafecards or not? To the manager@777.com address. But no matter you have enriched with my 50 euros. It is okay, so I will not recommend this casino or use one of their casinos. I still want to thank casino gurus for helping out. I hope everyone stays healthy and will continue to work for customers. Sincerely yours
So ein Schwachsinn. Hab ich ihnen damals die Codes von beiden paysafecards gesendet oder nicht? An die manager@777.com Adresse. Aber egal sie haben sich mit meinen 50 euros bereichert. Ist okay, ich werde dementsprechend dieses casino nicht weiterempfehlen, oder eines ihrer casinos in Anspruch nehmen. Ich möchte mich trotzdem bei casino Gurus bedanken, das sie sich eingesetzt haben. Ich hoffe alle bleiben gesund, und setzen sich weiterhin für die Kunden ein. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
A sa tim je tema i za mene učinjena. Ne želim reklame, promocije iz 777casino-a ili njegovih sestrinskih kockarnica.
And with that, the topic is done for me too. I don't want advertisements, promotions from 777casino or its sister casinos.
Und damit is das Thema auch für mich erledigt. Ich will keine Werbung, promotions von 777casino oder ihrer Schwester casinos.
Pozdrav Patrick, razgovarao sam sa Skinovim predstavnikom preko Skypea. Tražio sam od njih bilo kakve dokaze koji bi podržali njihove tvrdnje, ali oni su to odbili pružiti. Kao krajnje sredstvo, mogli biste se obratiti Malteškoj upravi za igre (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) i tamo podnijeti žalbu. Dobra je licenca, pa će vam možda biti od pomoći. Javite mi ako vam je potrebna pomoć u ispunjavanju obrasca.
Hello Patrick, I chatted with a casino rep by Skype. I asked them for any sort of evidence to support their claims, but they refused to provide it. As a last resort, you could contact the Malta Gaming Authority (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) and submit a complaint there. It's a good license, so they may be helpful. Please let me know if you need help with filling the form.
Iskreno, je li takvo ponašanje za kazino normalno? Ne ljutite se, čak sam objavio kodove koje sam koristio sa paysafecard - a vi biste trebali vidjeti nešto takvo ako ste platili platnom karticom ili ne? Ne zanima me 50 eura - ali od igrača uvek zahtevate fer-play - gde je fer play u kockarnicama? A zbog m, alta gaminga - tamo stvarno provjeravam mrežu, engleski mi nažalost nije najbolji - tako da zapravo ne znam što moram tamo raditi.
Honestly, is such a behavior normal for a casino? Don't be angry, I even posted the codes I used from the paysafecard - and you should see something like that if you paid with paysafecard or not? I am not concerned with the 50 euros - but you always demand fair play from the players - where is the fair play at the casinos? And because of m, alta gaming - I really check the net there, my english is unfortunately not the best - so I don't really know what I have to do there.
Jetzt mal ehrlich ,ist so ein verhalten von einem casino normal? Nicht böse sein ,ich habe ja sogar die codes gepostet die ich benutzt habe von der paysafecard-und sowas müsste man ja sehen wenn mit paysafecard einbezahlt wurde oder nicht? Mir geht es nicht um die 50 euro-aber man verlangt immer fairplay von den spielern-wo bleibt das fairplay bei den casinos? Und wegen m,alta-gaming -ich check das net wirklich dort,mein englisch ist leider nicht das beste-weiss also nicht wirklich was ich da machen muss.
Zdravo Patrick,
Šteta što nismo našli rješenje uz pomoć kockarnice. Vrlo je jednostavno da google prevede web stranicu na njemački jezik, koji pretraživač koristite?
Hi Patrick,
It's a shame we didn't find a solution with the help of the casino. It is very simple to have google translate the website to German, what browser do you use?
Zdravo Patrick. U redu, pa otvorite vezu (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/). Zatim desni klik na stranici trebao bi vam pokazati opciju "prevedi na njemački". Ako prikazuje drugi jezik, nema problema, kliknite ga na bilo koji način. U desnom uglu adresne trake vidjet ćete postavke jezika u kojima možete promijeniti jezik u njemački.
Hi Patrick. Alright, so open the link (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/). Then right click on the page should show you the option "translate to German". If it shows other language, no problem, click on it anyway. In the right corner of the address bar you will see language settings where you can change the language to German.
Zdravo Patrick.
Vaš slučaj je vrlo specifičan, jer nakon što je kazino uradio neku istragu, oni nas upozoravaju da ovo što ste ovdje napisali nije sasvim istina. Napisali su to i 27. travnja 2020. Mi smo, naravno, tražili detalje, ali nisu nam mogli dati dokaze, jer se ovaj slučaj nalazi u specifičnim uvjetima.
Vjerojatno vjeruju da ste počinili neku vrstu prijevare, pa zbog toga ne mogu otkriti nikakve podatke dok vaš slučaj ne bude na odgovarajući način istražen.
Ono što vam Petar predlaže je ispravan način kako pristupiti u ovoj situaciji. Nakon podnošenja žalbe na MGA, oni će morati komunicirati sa regulatorom koji ima mnogo više mogućnosti nego mi u ovoj situaciji. Tada ćemo vidjeti što regulator odluči. Jako mi je žao, ali ne možemo vam pomoći u ovoj situaciji, a takođe ne možemo kriviti kazino. (velika korporacija mora se strogo pridržavati pravila) Postoje određene situacije kada posrednik treće strane ne može ništa učiniti, a mi trebamo čekati odluku regulatora.
Vaš prigovor postavit ćemo u jedinstvenu klasifikaciju - "Čekajući odluku regulatora" kada dobijemo informacije od vas ili kockarnice sa službenim odgovorom, mi ćemo ga potvrditi i u skladu s tim zatvoriti žalbu.
Jako mi je žao zbog komplikacija - nadam se da će sve biti u redu.
Hello Patrick.
Your case is very specific because after casino did some investigation, they warn us that what you wrote here is not entirely the truth. They wrote it also here 27 APR 2020. We, of course, asked for details, but they were unable to give us the proofs because this case is in under specific conditions.
They probably believe that you committed some kind of fraud, and because of this, they cannot disclose any information until your case would be investigated appropriately.
What Peter suggest you is a correct way how to approach in this situation. After submitting a complaint at MGA, they will need to communicate with the regulator which has much more options then we in this situation. Then we will see what the regulator decide. I am very sorry, but we can't help you in this situation, and also we can't blame the casino. (big corporation must strictly stick with the rules) There are some specific situations when 3rd party mediator can't do anything, and we need to wait on regulator decision.
We will set your complaint to the unique classification - "Waiting for regulator's decision" when we get info from you or the casino with the official answer, we will confirm it and then close the complaint accordingly.
I am very sorry for the complications - I hope all will be all right.
Volim to ponovo reći - mnogo su učinili za mene - više nego što sam očekivao, želim da se ovdje zahvalim svima. Neka gospoda iz Askgamblera mogla bi im odrezati krišku, još jednom hvala i želim im svima dobro zdravlje - da svima dobro ide
I like to say it again - they did a lot for me - more than I expected, I want to thank everyone here. Some gentlemen from Askgamblers could cut off a slice, thanks again and I wish them all good health - that everyone is doing well
Ich sag es gerne nocheinmal-sie haben sehr viel für mich getan-mehr als ich erwartet habe.Ich möchte mich bei allen hier bedanken. Da könnten sich einige Herren von Askgamblers eine scheibe abschneiden.Danke nochmals und ich wünsche ihnen allen viel gesundheit-dass es allen gut geht
Zdravo Patrik.
Nadamo se da ste dobro. Želeli smo da dostavite ažuriranje u vezi sa ovim slučajem, koji je prethodno na našoj veb stranici označen kao „Čeka se regulatora". Vaša žalba je sada ponovo otvorena i željni smo da znamo da li je bilo nedavnih dešavanja ili rešenja od naše poslednje komunikacije.
Ako je organ za licenciranje rešio vaš slučaj i presudio u vašu korist, ljubazno vas molimo da ažurirate svoju žalbu u okviru teme. Alternativno, ako je presuda favorizovala kazino, vaš doprinos je jednako vredan. Razumemo da je prošlo neko vreme, ali ažuriranje vaše žalbe će nam omogućiti da preduzmemo odgovarajuće mere, kao što je izdavanje crnih poena kazinu u slučaju da je odluka u vašu korist ili upozorenje drugim igračima i korisnicima o slučajevima u kojima Autoritet podržava operatera .
Hvala vam unapred što ste odvojili vreme da odgovorite.
Hello Patrick.
We hope you are doing well. We wanted you to provide an update regarding this case, which was previously marked as "Waiting for Regulator" on our website. Your complaint has now been reopened, and we are eager to know if there have been any recent developments or resolutions since our last communication.
If the Licensing Authority has resolved your case and ruled in your favor, we kindly request you to update your complaint within the thread. Alternatively, if the ruling favored the casino, your input is equally valuable. We understand that some time has passed, but updating your complaint will allow us to take appropriate action, such as issuing black points to the casino in case the ruling is in your favor or warning other players and users about instances where the Authority supports the operator.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.
Dear paclmaya,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, nismo dobili nikakvu komunikaciju od igrača. Uprkos tome što smo priznali da je do naše poslednje interakcije došlo pre nekog vremena, želeli smo da na odgovarajući način revidiramo status i klasifikaciju žalbe na osnovu proteklog vremena. Nažalost, bez doprinosa igrača, ovo postaje nemoguće, što nas navodi da zatvorimo slučaj kao „odbijen".
Igrač je dobrodošao da se obrati u budućnosti, ako želi da ponovo otvori ovu žalbu. Možemo ga na odgovarajući način ponovo klasifikovati nakon podnošenja potkrepljujućih dokaza o presudi Organa za licenciranje. Do tada, cenimo vaše razumevanje.
Regrettably, we have not received any communication from the player. Despite acknowledging that our last interaction occurred some time ago, we aimed to appropriately revise the complaint's status and classification based on the elapsed time. Regrettably, without the player's input, this becomes impossible, leading us to close the case as "rejected."
The player is welcome to reach out in the future, should they wish to reopen this complaint. We can appropriately reclassify it upon submission of substantiating evidence of the Licensing Authority's verdict. Until then, we appreciate your understanding.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev paclmaia. Želeli bismo da dozvolimo ovom slučaju još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of paclmaya. We would like to allow this case one more chance to be resolved and help both parties involved to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Paclmaia nam je pisao mejlom:
Uopšte nema novih informacija, čak ni o MGA - možete im pisati šta god hoćete - dobićete normalan odgovor, proći će nekoliko meseci i to je to - ništa više. Zato je za mene MGA isto toliko šala kao i mnoga kazina
Imate li neku potvrdu sa njihove veb stranice? Možete li da im se obratite još jednom i da se raspitate o statusu vaše prvobitne žalbe? Da li ste koristili engleski kada ste pisali svoju prvobitnu žalbu MGA?
The paclmaya wrote to us by email:
There is no new information at all, not even about the MGA - you can write to them whatever you want - you will get the normal answer, it will take a few months and that's it - nothing more. That's why for me MGA is just as much of a joke as many casinos
Do you have any confirmation from their website? Can you please reach out to them once more and inquire about the status of your initial complaint? Did you use English when writing your original complaint to the MGA?
U MGA možete pisati samo na engleskom - barem žalbu. Ali ne znam, možda se promenilo.
Fotografisao sam PAisafecard u kazino i poslao mi je - kažu nešto drugo - ne mari za 50 evra. Ja na primer znam da nisam uradio ništa loše. Kazino se može tapšati po ramenu, ne moraju sada da podnose zahtev za bankrot. Nadamo se da će kazino preživeti ovu krizu - jer 50 evra je mnogo.
Kao što sam rekao, na temu MGA – podneo sam žalbe nekoliko puta, zbog intervetten.com i drugih kazina – osim standardnog odgovora, ništa nije stiglo – sve dok mi odjednom nije rečeno, ali zaista ne znam o čemu se radi, to je to. Mislim da od tada nisam ništa čuo
At MGA you can only write in English - at least the complaint. But I don't know, maybe it has changed.
I took a photo of the PAysafecard to the casino and sent it to me - they say something else - don't give a damn about the 50 euros. I for one know that I didn't do anything wrong. The casino can pat themselves on the back, they don't have to file for bankruptcy now. Hope the casino survives this crisis - because 50 euros is a lot.
As I said, on the subject of MGA - I've filed away complaints a few times, because of interwetten.com and other casinos - apart from the standard answer, nothing came - until suddenly I was told, but I really don't know what it was about, that's it A few years ago - "I was supposed to contact another authority and, I did, they told me again that they weren't responsible for that or something like that. Then I contacted MGA again - and I don't think I've heard anything since then
Bei MGA kann man ja nur auf englisch schreiben-zumindest die Beschwerde. Weiss aber nicht ,vielleicht hat es sich ja geändert.
Ich habe dem casino damals die PAysafecard abgelichtet und geschickt-sie sagen was anderes-scheiss auf die 50 euro. Ich für mein wissen ,weiss dass ich nichts falsch gemacht habe. Das casino kann sich auf die Schulter klopfen,sie müssen jetzt keine Insolvenz beantragen . Hoffe ,Casino übersteht diese Krise -weil 50 euro ja sehr viel sind.
Wie gesagt,zum thema MGA -habe paar mal beschwerden abgeschcikt,wegen interwetten.com und andere Casinos-bis auf die standard antwort kam nix-bis aufeinmal,wo mir gesagt wurde,weiss aber wirklich nicht mehr um was es ging ,is ja schon paar jahre her-"ich solle mich bei einer anderen behörde melden und ,habe ich gemacht,die haben mir wieder gesagt,dafür sind sie nicht zuständig oder so. Darauf habe ich mich wieder bei MGA gemeldet-und seit dem glaube ich nichts mehr gehört
Žao mi je, paclmaia, ali moraću da zatvorim ovaj slučaj kao neizvestan. Bez dodatnih informacija iz MGA/Kazina, ne mogu da utvrdim šta je možda pošlo naopako ili gde je vaš novac završio.
I'm sorry, paclmaya, but I will have to close this case as an uncertain one. Without additional information from MGA/Casino, I am unable to determine what may have gone wrong or where your money ended up.
Molimo Vas da potvrdite da li je prihvatljivo da se slučaj označi kao nerešen sa statusom neizvestan slučaj. Izvinjavamo se što nismo u mogućnosti da pružimo dalju pomoć.
Kindly confirm if it is acceptable to mark the case as unresolved with the status of uncertain case. We apologize for being unable to provide further assistance.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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