NaslovnaPritužbe777SlotsBay Casino - Povlačenje igrača je otkazano zbog navodnog kršenja uslova za klađenje.
777SlotsBay Casino - Povlačenje igrača je otkazano zbog navodnog kršenja uslova za klađenje.
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Crni bodovi: 200
2.440 €
777SlotsBay Casino
Index sigurnosti:Ispod proseka
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Germany managed to apply for a €2440 withdrawal after wagering a 100% bonus on his €250 deposit. However, the casino canceled his winnings claiming a violation of bonus wagering requirements related to low-risk betting. The casino refunded the original deposit, but the player disputes this, stating his bets ranged from low to high risk. After contacting casino and their affiliates we still weren't able to get a response. The casino decided to react and we reopened the complaint. We reviewed the player's game history but have not found any evidence of risk-free betting. As the casino didn't enforce their terms and conditions about restricted games on a software level we closed this complaint as unresolved.
Igrač iz Nemačke uspeo je da se prijavi za povlačenje od 2440 evra nakon što je uložio 100% bonusa na depozit od 250 evra. Međutim, kazino je otkazao njegov dobitak tvrdeći da je prekršio uslove za bonus klađenje u vezi sa niskim rizikom klađenja. Kazino je refundirao prvobitni depozit, ali igrač to osporava, navodeći da su se njegove opklade kretale od niskog do visokog rizika.
Uplatio sam 250 evra sa 100 posto bonusa 8. jula 2023.
Pažljivo sam pročitao uslove bonusa unapred
Mogao sam da se prijavim za isplatu od 2440 evra nakon opklade.
Danas 10. jula 2023. primio sam sledeću e-poštu:
Dragi Jorg,
Pišemo da vas obavestimo da smo proverili vašu nedavnu igru i zaključili da je došlo do kršenja naših Uslova i odredbi, posebno zbog korišćenja klađenja sa niskim rizikom kako bi se ispunili uslovi za bonus klađenje. Stoga je sledeća klauzula primenjena na vaš nalog:
38.6 Kada je bilo koji uslov ponude ili promocije prekršen ili postoji bilo kakav dokaz o nizu opklada koje je položio klijent ili grupa klijenata, a koje zbog bonusa na depozit, poboljšanih plaćanja, besplatnih opklada, opklada bez rizika ili bilo koje druge promotivne nude rezultate u zagarantovanom profitu kupaca, bez obzira na ishod, bilo pojedinačno ili kao deo grupe, 777slotsbai zadržava pravo da povrati bonus element takvih ponuda i po svom apsolutnom nahođenju ili podmiri opklade po tačnim kvotama, poništi bonus za besplatnu opkladu i opklade bez rizika ili poništiti svaku opkladu finansiranu bonusom na depozit. Pored toga, 777slotsbai zadržava pravo da naplati administrativnu naknadu klijentu do vrednosti bonusa na depozit, bonusa za besplatne opklade, opklade bez rizika ili dodatne uplate za pokrivanje administrativnih troškova. Dalje zadržavamo pravo da tražimo od bilo kog klijenta da dostavi dovoljnu dokumentaciju kako bismo bili zadovoljni po našem apsolutnom nahođenju u vezi sa identitetom klijenta pre nego što dodamo bonus, besplatnu opkladu, opkladu bez rizika ili ponudu na njihov račun.
Vaši dobici generisani uz pomoć naših bonus sredstava su povučeni, a vaš početni depozit vraćen na vaš saldo na igrama, bez bonusa.
Hvala na razumevanju.
S poštovanjem,
Srdačan pozdrav,
777 Odeljenje za finansije Slots Bai
poništili su moju nagradu i vratio sam depozit od 250 evra na svoj račun.
Mislim da mi je to prva isplata tamo.
igrao sam igru plinko od igre na nož do 90 posto uz bonus.
tamo sam igrao opklade sa ulogom od 3-4 evra i sa visokim, srednjim i malim rizikom.
možete izabrati nivo rizika u ovoj igri.
u međuvremenu mi je stanje palo sa 2500 evra na 2200 evra
vratio sam se malo jer sam takođe igrao opklade sa visokim rizikom i mogao sam da zatražim isplatu od 2440 evra na kraju.
ne mogu da razumem odluku kazina na bilo koji način jer se kladim sa visokim srednjim i niskim
igrao rizik.
sve je bilo tu inače moj bilans ne bi pao na 2200 evra u međuvremenu pre nego što sam se vratio pod visokim rizikom i na kraju sam mogao da se prijavim za isplatu od 2440 evra.
Ako kazino ne želi da se ova igra igra sa bonus novcem onda mora da zabrani igru u uslovima i odredbama bonusa, što niste uradili.
već sam potpuno verifikovan u ovom kazinu
I deposited 250 euros with a 100 percent bonus on July 8th, 2023.
I carefully read through the bonus conditions beforehand
I was able to apply for a payout of 2440 euros after wagering.
Today on July 10th, 2023 I received the following email:
Dear Jorg,
We are writing to inform you that we have checked your recent gameplay, and concluded that a breach of our Terms and Conditions took place, specifically due to the use of low-risk betting in order to complete bonus wagering requirements. Therefore, the following clause has been applied to your account:
38.6 Where any term of the offer or promotion is breached or there is any evidence of a series of bets placed by a customer or group of customers, which due to a deposit bonus, enhanced payments, free bets, risk free bets or any other promotional offer results in guaranteed customer profits irrespective of the outcome, whether individually or as part of a group, 777slotsbay reserves the right to reclaim the bonus element of such offers and in their absolute discretion either settle bets at the correct odds, void the free bet bonus and risk free bets or void any bet funded by the deposit bonus. In addition, 777slotsbay reserves the right to levy an administration charge on the customer up to the value of the deposit bonus, free bet bonus, risk-free bet or additional payment to cover administrative costs. We further reserve the right to ask any customer to provide sufficient documentation for us to be satisfied in our absolute discretion as to the customer's identity prior to us crediting any bonus, free bet, risk-free bet or offer to their account.
Your winnings generated with the help of our bonus funds have been retracted, and your initial deposit refunded back to your gaming balance, without the bonus.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind regards,
777 Slots Bay Finance department
they canceled my prize and i got my deposit of 250 euros back to my account.
I think it's my first payout there.
i played the game plinko from hacksaw gaming to 90 percent with the bonus.
there I played bets with a stake of 3-4 euros both with high, medium and low risk.
you can choose the risk level in this game.
in the meantime, my balance fell from 2500 euros to 2200 euros
i came back a bit because i also played bets with high risk and was able to request a payout of 2440 euros in the end.
i can't understand the casino's decision in any way as i bet with high middle and low
played risk.
everything was there otherwise my balance would not have dropped to 2200 euros in the meantime before i came back at high risk and in the end could apply for a payout of 2440 euros.
If the casino does not want this game to be played with bonus money then they must prohibit the game in the bonus terms and conditions which you have not done.
i am already fully verified at this casino
ich habe am 8.7.2023 250 euro mit 100 protzent bonus eingezahlt.
vorher habe ich mir sorgfältig die bonusbedingungen durchgelesen
ich konnte nach wagerumsetzung 2440 euro zur auszahlung beantragen.
heute am 10.7.2023 habe ich dann folgende email erhalten:
Dear Jorg,
We are writing to inform you that we have checked your recent gameplay, and concluded that a breach of our Terms and Conditions took place, specifically due to the use of low-risk betting in order to complete bonus wagering requirements. Therefore, the following clause has been applied to your account:
38.6 Where any term of the offer or promotion is breached or there is any evidence of a series of bets placed by a customer or group of customers, which due to a deposit bonus, enhanced payments, free bets, risk free bets or any other promotional offer results in guaranteed customer profits irrespective of the outcome, whether individually or as part of a group, 777slotsbay reserves the right to reclaim the bonus element of such offers and in their absolute discretion either settle bets at the correct odds, void the free bet bonus and risk free bets or void any bet funded by the deposit bonus. In addition, 777slotsbay reserves the right to levy an administration charge on the customer up to the value of the deposit bonus, free bet bonus, risk-free bet or additional payment to cover administrative costs. We further reserve the right to ask any customer to provide sufficient documentation for us to be satisfied in our absolute discretion as to the customer's identity prior to us crediting any bonus, free bet, risk-free bet or offer to their account.
Your winnings generated with the help of our bonus funds have been retracted, and your initial deposit refunded back to your gaming balance, without the bonus.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind regards,
777SlotsBay Finance department
sie habem meinen gewinn storniert und ich habe meine einzahlung von 250 euro auf mein konto zurück bekommen.
ich glaube es ist meine erste auszahlung dort.
ich habe zu 90 protzent mit dem bonus das spiel plinko von hacksaw gaming gespielt.
dort habe ich auf 3-4 euro einsatz sowohl wetten mit hohen mittleren und niedrigen risiko gespielt.
die risikostufe kann man in diesem spiel auswählen.
zwischenzeitlich fiel mein guthaben von 2500 euro auf 2200 euro
ich kam wieder etwas zurück da ich auch wetten mit hohen risiko spielte und konnte am ende 2440 euro zur auszahlung beantragen.
ich kann die entscheidung des casinos in keinster weise nachvollziehen da ich wetten mit mit hohen mittleren und niedrigen
risiko gespielt habe.
es war alles dabei sonst wäre auch mein guthaben zwischenzeitlich nicht auf 2200 euro heruntergefallen bevor ich auf hohen risiko wieder zurück kam und am ende 2440 euro zur auszahlung beantragen konnte.
wenn das casino möchte das dieses spiel mit bonusgeld nicht gespielt wird dann müssen das spiel in den bonusbedingungen verbieten was sie nicht gemacht haben.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Proverio sam uslove i odredbe bonusa kazina, i evo šta sam našao:
1.18 Osim ako nije drugačije navedeno,samo Slot igre doprinose ispunjenju uslova za klađenje. 100% svi.
Plinko nije slot igra. Da li ste kontaktirali korisničku podršku pre početka igre, ako je to doprinelo ispunjenju uslova za klađenje? Koje ste još igre igrali sa bonusom?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear fowi30,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the casino’s Bonus Terms and Conditions, and this is what I found:
1.18 Unless otherwise stated, only Slot Games contribute towards fulfillment of the wagering requirement. 100% all of them.
Plinko is not a slot game. Have you contacted customer support prior to starting the game, if it contributed towards the fulfillment of the wagering requirements? What other games have you played with the bonus?
oko 10 posto bonusa je uloženo na kovanice i oko 90 posto bonusa na plinko
Obe igre su bile dozvoljene da se igraju u skladu sa uslovima bonusa i takođe su konvertovale ulog na 100 procenata.
kao što je gore opisano, unapred sam pročitao uslove bonusa.
obe igre su bile dozvoljene da se igraju sa bonusom i takođe su uložene 100 procenata uloga
moja nagrada nije otkazana zato što su igre zabranjene, već zato što me optužuju
da je praktikovao klađenje sa malim rizikom što nije tačno
jer sam igrao i visok rizik, i srednji rizik i nizak rizik na plinku sa ulozima od 3-4 evra
Tamo možete odabrati nivo rizika
Pao sam sa 2500 na 2200 evra tokom konverzije i uspeo sam da se vratim kroz visok rizik i konačno podnesem zahtev za isplatu od 2440 evra nakon što je bonus primenjen.
i played coins and plinko from hacksawgaming
about 10 percent of the bonus was wagered with coins and about 90 percent of the bonus with plinko
Both games were allowed to play according to the bonus conditions and also converted the wager to 100 percent.
as described above, I have read the bonus conditions beforehand.
both games were allowed to play with the bonus and also wagered 100 percent of the stake
my prize wasn't canceled because the games are banned, but because they accuse me
to have practiced low risk betting which is not true
because I played both high risk, medium risk and low risk at plinko with stakes of 3-4 euros
You can select the risk level there
I fell from 2500 to 2200 euros during the conversion and was able to come back through high risk and finally apply for a payout of 2440 euros after the bonus was implemented.
ich habe coins und plinko von hacksawgaming gespielt
circa 10 protzent des bonus wurden mit coins umgesetzt und circa 90 protzent des bonus mit plinko
beide spiele waren laut bonusbedingungen erlaubt zu spielen und haben auch den wager zu 100 protzent umgesetzt.
wie oben beschrieben habe ich die bonusbedingungen vorher gelesen.
beide spiele waren erlaubt mit den bonus zu spielen und haben auch den wager zu 100 protzent des einsatzes umgesetzt
mein gewinn wurde ja auch nicht storniert weil die spiele verboten sind sondern weil sie mir vorwerfen
low risk betting betrieben zu haben was nicht der wahrheit entspricht
da ich sowohl high risk medium risk und low risk gespielt habe bei plinko auf 3-4 euro einsätzen
die risikostufe kann man dort auswählen
ich bin während des umsetzens von 2500 auf 2200 euro gefallen und konnte durch high risk auch wieder zurück kommen und letztendlich nach umsetzung des bonus 2440 euro zur auszahlung beantragen.
U ćaskanju uživo mi je rečeno da se igre koje nisu dozvoljene takođe automatski blokiraju tako da se ne može desiti da igrate zabranjene igre sa bonusom
In the live chat I was told that games that are not allowed are also automatically blocked so that it cannot even happen that you play forbidden games with a bonus
im live chat wurde mir gesagt das nicht erlaubt spiele zusätzlich automatisch blockiert werden so das es gar nicht erst dazu kommen kann das man verbotene spiele mit bonus spielt
Hvala vam puno, fovi30, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Peteru ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, fowi30, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali nisam imao uspeha. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo postići bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označiću žalbu kao „nerešenu" u našem sistemu. Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano nerešenim žalbama može pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Antilephone Gaming Authoriti ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) i da im podnesete žalbu. Uprava za igre na sreću ima više opcija i alata za pomoć igračima. Obavestite me da li vam treba pomoć oko podnošenja žalbe ili kako su oni odgovorili ako to možete sami da uradite ( _KSKSKSKSKS_1@email.kkkkk ). Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Antillephone Gaming Authority ( and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
hvala vam što ste podelili svoju zabrinutost sa nama.
Imajte na umu da sam sproveo detaljnu istragu o vašem slučaju u saradnji sa odeljenjem za finansije.
Od suštinskog je značaja napomenuti da su obe igre „Coins" i „Plinko" virtuelne igre, a ne slotovi, čime se krši klauzulu 16.21 u našim Uslovima i odredbama:
„Kazino uživo, stone igre i virtuelne igre isključene su iz svih bonus promocija. Ako igrač igra ove igre dok kladi bonus, 777slotsbai zadržava pravo da poništi/poništi stanje bonusa, uključujući sve dobitke dobijene igranjem pod ograničenjima bonusa ."
U prilogu potražite transkript ćaskanja, gde su vam naši agenti za ćaskanje pružili sve relevantne informacije. Konkretno, obavešteni ste da „kovanice" i „Plinko" ne spadaju u kategoriju slotova, a dato je i upozorenje protiv igranja ovih igara dok je aktivan bonus u upotrebi, jer dobitak u takvim okolnostima nije dozvoljen. Ova interakcija se dogodila 10. jula, dva dana nakon vašeg početnog depozita i igre.
Ovo dovodi do kršenja naših uslova i odredbi, posebno klauzule 16.18, koja kaže:
„Osim ako nije drugačije navedeno, samo Slot igre doprinose ispunjavanju uslova za klađenje. Sve 100%".
8. jula ste deponovali 250€ i dobili bonus od 100%. Prva igra koju ste igrali bila je "Coins" Nakon vaše 16. opklade, osvojili ste 2.007,04 €, a vaš saldo je 2.443,04 €. Zatim ste prešli na kombinaciju od 3 novčića sa opkladama od 3 €, što je rezultiralo saldom od 2,378,36 €. Kasnije ste igrali "Plinko" sa 96% vaših opklada (12.010€) u ovoj igri. Iako je vaše stanje nakratko premašilo 2.500 €, završili ste sa 2.437,26 €, što je više od vašeg početnog iznosa pre početka „Plinko"
Kao rezultat toga, zaključili smo da vaše radnje predstavljaju kršenje naših odredbi i uslova za klađenje bez rizika, posebno klauzule 38.6.
Nakon što smo izvršili zajedničko ispitivanje vašeg igranja sa odeljenjem za finansije, moramo da vas obavestimo da je naša odluka po ovom pitanju konačna.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ne oklevajte da tražite pojašnjenje.
Srdačan pozdrav,
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of 777SlotsBay Casino. We have received the following message:
Please be advised that I have conducted a thorough investigation into your case in collaboration with the Finance department.
It is essential to note that both games "Coins" and "Plinko" are Virtual Games and not Slots, thereby violating clause 16.21 in our Terms and Conditions:
"Live casino, Table Games, and Virtual Games are excluded from all bonus promotions. If a player plays these games while wagering a bonus, 777slotsbay reserves the right to void/revoke the bonus balance, including any winnings derived from playing under the bonus restrictions."
Please find attached chat transcript, where our chat agents provided you with all the relevant information. Specifically, you were advised that "Coins" and "Plinko" do not fall under the category of slots, and a warning notice was given against playing these games while an active bonus is in use, as winning under such circumstances is not allowed. This interaction took place on the 10th of July, two days after your initial deposit and gameplay.
This leads to a breach of our Terms and Conditions, specifically clause 16.18, which states:
"Unless otherwise stated, only Slot Games contribute towards fulfillment of the wagering requirement. 100% all of them."
On July 8th you deposited 250€ and claimed a 100% bonus. The first game you played was "Coins" After your 16th bet, you won 2,007.04€, leaving your balance at 2,443.04€. Then, you switched to a 3-coin combination with 3€ bets, resulting in a balance of 2,378.36€. Later, you played "Plinko," with 96% of your bets (12,010€) placed in this game. Although your balance briefly exceeded 2,500€, you ended with 2,437.26€, higher than your initial amount before starting "Plinko"
As a result, we have concluded that your actions represent a violation of our 'risk-free betting' Terms and Conditions, specifically clause 38.6
Having conducted a joint examination of your gameplay with the Finance department, we must inform you that our decision on this matter is final.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to seek clarification.
na zvaničnom sajtu za igranje hacksav se zove instantvin igra.
u katalogu slota idi u kategoriju: ostali
Kazino uživo, stone igre i virtuelne igre isključene su iz svih bonus promocija, ali ne i instantvin igara
Takođe, ako ne želite da se ova igra igra sa aktivnim bonusom, imate mogućnost da to upišete u uslove bonusa na listi zabranjenih igara.
nažalost oni to nisu uradili.
mnoge igre koje nisu dozvoljene sa bonus novcem, samo pravi novac je prikazan za vas.
ovo nije bio slučaj sa plinkom i novčićima i igre su konvertovale opkladu i u tom pogledu morao sam da pretpostavim da se mogu igrati sa bonusom
ako im je zabranjeno kako se onda mogu kladiti?
Dnevnik ćaskanja uživo koji ovde dajete kao dokaz nije prihvatljiv jer je moj bonus već bio primenjen i kada sam zahtevao isplatu.
moja isplata od 2440 evra je već bila otkazana u ovom trenutku.
Naravno, oni tada tvrde da ove igre nisu dozvoljene.
dobar način da ne morate da plaćate.
obraz da tako nešto uradi kao dokaz nakon što je uplata već otkazana.
u igri plinko je bio konstantan rast i pad balansa, igrao sam i opklade niskog srednjeg i visokog rizika,
U međuvremenu je bilans pao na 2200 evra, ali pošto sam i ja igrao visok rizik, vratio sam se sa stanjem.
trebalo bi da možete da razumete ovo u istoriji klađenja.
that coins are a virtual game is not correct.
on the official hacksaw gaming site it is called an instantwin game.
in slotcatalog go to category: others
Live casino, table games and virtual games are excluded from all bonus promotions but not instantwin games
Also, if you do not want this game to be played with an active bonus, you have the option to write it in the bonus terms and conditions in the list of prohibited games.
unfortunately they didn't do this.
many games that are not allowed with bonus money, only the real money is displayed for you.
this was not the case with plinko and coins and the games converted the wager and in this respect i had to assume that they could be played with the bonus
if they are forbidden then how can they wager?
the live chat log you are providing here as proof is not acceptable as at the time my bonus had already been implemented and I had requested the payout.
my payout of 2440 euros had already been canceled at this point.
Of course they then claim that these games are not allowed.
a good way not to have to pay out.
a cheek to do something like that as proof after the payment has already been cancelled.
in the plinko game it was a constant up and down of the balance i played both low medium and high risk bets,
In the meantime the balance fell to 2200 euros but since I also played high risk I got back up with the balance.
you should be able to understand this in the betting history.
das es sich bei coins um eine virtuelles spiel handelt ist nicht richtig.
auf der offizielen seite von hacksaw gaming nennt man es ein instantwin spiel.
in slotcatalog geht es in die category: andere
Live-Casino, Tischspiele und virtuelle Spiele sind von allen Bonusaktionen ausgeschlossen aber nicht instantwin spiele
außerdem haben sie die möglichkeit wenn sie nicht möchten das dieses spiel mit einen aktiven bonus gespielt wird es in den bonusbedingungen zu schreiben in der liste der verbotenen spiele.
dies haben sie leider nicht getan.
viele spiele die nicht erlaubt sind mit bonusgeld wird nur das echtgeld bei ihnen angezeigt.
bei plinko und coins war dies nicht der fall und die spiele haben den wager umgesetzt und insofern musste ich davon ausgehen das sie mit dem bonus spielbar sind
wenn sie verboten sind wie können sie dann den wager umsetzen?
das live chat protokoll was sie hier als beweis ausführen ist nicht als beweis zu akzeptieren da zu dem zeitpunkt mein bonus bereits umgesetzt war und ich die auszahlung beantragt hatte.
meine auszahlung von 2440 euro war zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch bereits storniert.
Klar das sie danach behaupten das diese spiele nicht erlaubt sind.
eine gute möglichkeit nicht auszahlen zu müssen.
eine Frechheit so etwas als Beweis auszuführen nachdem die auszahlung bereits storniert wurde.
im spiel plinko war es ein ständiges auf und ab der balance ich habe sowohl wetten mit niedrigen mittleren und höheren risiko gespielt,
zwischenzeitlich fiel die balance auf 2200 euro aber da ich ebend auch hohes risiko gespielt haben bin auch wieder hochgekommen mit der balance.
dies sollte man in der wetthistory nachvollziehen können.
Dragi fovi30 , zatražili smo istoriju igara od kazina da bismo dalje pregledali ovaj slučaj. Ljubazno vas molim da budete strpljivi dok istražujemo. Obavestiću vas o svakom daljem razvoju događaja.
Hvala na razumevanju!
Dear fowi30, we have requested game history from the casino to further review this case. I kindly ask you to be patient while we investigate. I will update you about any further developments.
Pregledali smo istoriju igara i nismo pronašli nikakve dokaze o klađenju bez rizika. Igrač je igrao ograničene igre, ali verujemo da bi takva ograničenja trebalo da budu primenjena na softverskom nivou, sprečavajući igrača da otvori igre ili da se opklada ne računa u uslov za bonus igranje. Pošto je odluka kazina po ovom pitanju konačna, sada ćemo zatvoriti ovu žalbu kao nerešenu, što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina, smanjenje rejtinga bi moglo pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina.
Dragi fovi30 , žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte.
Srdačan pozdrav,
We have reviewed the gaming history and have not found any evidence of risk-free betting. The player has played restricted games but we believe such restrictions should be enforced on a software level, preventing the player from opening the games or the wager not counting towards the bonus playthrough requirement. As the casino's decision on the matter is final, we will now close this complaint as unresolved which may negatively affect the casino's rating, the decrease in the rating could help to change the casino's approach.
Dear fowi30, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email.
Best regards,
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