Račun je "pod istragom" od novembra 2021. Vjerovali ili ne.
Koliko se sjećam, krajem novembra tražio sam povlačenje 1200 eura, nedugo nakon toga su mi uskratili pristup računu i stavili ga pod istragu. Od tada sam ih zvao desetine i desetine puta, ali svaki put sam dobijao isti odgovor - račun je pod istragom.
Prošlo je nevjerovatnih 9 mjeseci od toga, a nisam vratio ni pristup svom računu ni svoj novac koji je tamo. Zvao sam ih telefonom najmanje 10 puta, poslao 10 puta mejl i svaki put su mi odgovorili isto.
Ne plaćati nekome novac 9 mjeseci, a svaki put dati isti odgovor je u najmanju ruku kriminalno, odvratno i najgori odnos koji sam imao sa kladionicom. Da li mogu ovo nastaviti narednih 5 godina ako se ne varam? Recite mi da je račun još uvijek pod istragom?
Svima koji eventualno čitaju ovu žalbu - izbjegavajte ovu kompaniju po svaku cijenu. Grupa prevaranata se očito krije iza jakog brenda građenog godinama, nemam drugog objašnjenja.
Već sam otvorio žalbu na drugom sajtu prošlog mjeseca, a ona je zatvorena kao neriješena jer je 888 stalno davao iste odgovore - račun pod istragom, naglašavamo s vama i slične prazne riječi i fraze.
Dakle, hajde da probamo u Casino Guruu. 🙂
Account "under investigation" since November 2021. Believe or not.
As far as I remember, at the end of November I asked for a withdrawal of 1200 euros, shortly after that they denied me access to the account and put it under investigation. Since then, I have called them dozens and dozens of times, but each time I received the same answer - the account is under investigation.
It’s been an amazing 9 months since that, and I haven’t gotten back either access to my account or my money that’s there. I called them on the phone at least 10 times, sent 10 times an email and they replied the same each time.
Not paying someone money for 9 months, and giving the same answer every time is at least criminal, disgusting and the worst relationship I have had with a bookmaker. Can they continue this for the next 5 years if I'm not mistaken? Tell me the account is still under investigation?
To everyone who possibly reading this complaint - avoid this company at all costs. A group of fraudsters is obviously hiding behind a strong brand built over years, I have no other explanation.
I already had opened complaint at another site last month, and it has been closed as unresolved because 888 kept giving same replies - account under investigation, we emphatize with you and similiar empty words and phrases.
So, lets try at Casino Guru. 🙂
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