zdravo Peter,
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo.
Nakon detaljne analize slučaja člana i pažljivog pregleda dostavljene dokumentacije, doneli smo odluku da zadržimo ograničenje na nalogu člana. Nažalost, kao rezultat toga, račun će ostati zatvoren, a sva sredstva na računu će i dalje biti suspendovana.
Nadležno odeljenje je izvršilo dalju reviziju i u ovom trenutku možemo potvrditi da sredstva neće biti puštena.
Razumemo da ovo možda nije ishod kojem se GradGab nadao, ali moramo da poštujemo stroge propise i procedure u ovim stvarima.
S poštovanjem,
888 Team
Hello Peter,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
After conducting a thorough analysis of the member's case and carefully reviewing the provided documentation, we have made the decision to uphold the restriction on the member's account. Unfortunately, as a result, the account will remain closed, and all funds within the account will continue to be suspended.
A further review was carried out by the relevant department, and at this time, we can confirm that the funds will not be released.
We understand this may not be the outcome GradGab was hoping for, but we must follow strict regulations and procedures in these matters.
888 Team
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