Ne razumem svu lošu reputaciju koju ljudi daju na sve okrete, osvojite kazino i roo kazino, oba funkcionišu veoma pošteno, sve dok se igrač pridržava odredbi i uslova, onda ne bi trebalo da bude problema sa igranjem i povlačenjem, takođe igrač ne sme da bude frustriran kada čeka zahtev za povlačenje jer im treba vremena da sve bude ispravno pre uplate, upravo sam dobio potvrdu da sam povlačenje napravio nakon što sam primio bonus bez depozita od 50 dolara i pošteno odigrao zahteve za opkladu koji su bili postavljeno je obrađeno i poslato na moj bankovni račun. Osvojio sam 500$ na svim okretanjima i pobedio u kazinu i ceo iznos je poslat zbog toga što sam bio VIP igrač, a onda sam napravio keš od 490$ u roo kazinu i to je potvrđeno i poslato nazad na moj bankovni račun, da, trebalo je ukupno 36 sati da se sve ovo desi i da se novi dokumenti verifikuju, ali su sve to uradili brzo i nisam imao nikakve drame ni sa jednim od kazina, tako da sada kada su novi dokumenti verifikovani vreme isplate trebalo bi da bude brže, tako da je sranje što postoje procesi koje treba pratiti i sporo vreme čekanja i ograničena isplata novca mesečno, ali imajte na umu da su ovo oba mala kazina prilagođena australijskim igračima i da sam sa oba od 2019. i imao sam nekoliko povlačenja iznosa između 300 i 10.000 dolara odjednom i uvek su bili brzi sa plaćanjem. Jednom sam se zaneo kada sam jednom osvojio više od 105.000 dolara nakon grejanja od nedelju dana i na kraju sam dao većinu vratite se u kazino, pa samo zato što postoje negativni komentari, bolje je da probate sami jer 9 od 10 puta loših kritika su napisali ljudi koji su ili izgubili mnogo novca i faul ili su imali bonus novac i dobici su oduzeti jer NE PRATE tačno uslove i odredbe, a zatim nastavljaju i vode kazino, SVA KAZINA IMAJU PROCESE VERIFIKACIJE PRIJE DA SE IZVRŠE PLAĆANjA, pa ako se pobrinite da pošaljete dokumente što je prije moguće kada se to od vas zatraži i odgovorite na e-poruke o vašem povlačenju videćete da nećete imati mnogo problema, generalno dobijam e-poštu i onda odgovorim i generalno ću dobiti odgovor za 24 sata, a zatim ću odgovoriti i sačekati još 24 sata, ali to u redu je, to se zove imati strpljenja, oni takođe imaju i druge kupce kojima treba da se pobrinu, to je moja recenzija za ALL SPINS VIN CASINO I ROO CASINO i ponosan sam što sam KLIJENT SA NjIMA OBA 🙂🙂
I don't understand all the bad rap that people give all spins win casino and roo casino they both operate very fairly, aslong as the player abides by the terms and conditions set out then there should not be a problem with play and withdrawals, also the player must not get frustrated when awaiting a withdrawal request as they do take there time to very everything is correct before making payment, I just received confirmation that a withdrawal I made after receiving a $50 no deposit bonus and played the wager requirements fairly that were set out has been processed and sent to my bank account I won $500 on all spins win casino and the whole amount was sent due to being a VIP player and then I done a cash pit of $490 at roo casino and it was confirmed and sent back to my bank account, yes it took 36 hours total for all this to happen and new documents to be verified but they done it all swiftly and I had no drama with either of the casinos, so now that the new documents are verified the cashout time should be quicker, so yes it sucks that there are processes to follow and slow wait times and limited cash outs per month but keep I'm mind that these are both small casinos tailored for Australian players and I have been with both of them since 2019 and have had a few withdrawals being amounts between $300 upto $10,000 at a time and they have always been promt with payment I just got carried away once when I won upwards of over $105,000 dollars once after a week long heater and I ended up giving most of it back to the casino, so just because there are some negative comments you're better off trying for yourself because 9 out of 10 times bad reviews are written by people who have either lost a lot of money and call foul or they have had bonus money and winnings forfeited because they DO NOT FOLLOW the terms and conditions correctly and then they carry on and run the casino down, ALL CASINOS HAVE VERIFICATION PROCESSES BEFORE PAYMENTS ARE MADE, so if you make sure to send the documents ASAP when asked to do so and reply to emails about your withdrawal you will find that you will not have much of an issue, in general I receive an email and then reply and generally I will get a response with in 24 hours and then reply and wait another 24 hours but that is ok it's called having patience they also have other customers to cater to aswell, that is my review for ALL SPINS WIN CASINO AND ROO CASINO and I am PROUD TO BE A CUSTOMER WITH THEM BOTH 🙂🙂