Upravo sam ponovo počeo da igram ovde. Igrao sam u Playamu posljednjih nekoliko godina, ali sam odlučio da Campeonu pokušam još jednom nasumično. Moram reći da sam impresioniran, isplate su vrlo poštene: čini se da je jedini problem sa ponovnom validacijom mog računa. Ali razumijem da vjerovatno postoji sigurnosni protokol kojeg se moraju pridržavati. Trenutno čekam da prođe konačni proces, a zatim da se procesuira moje povlačenje.
Kada se ovo završi, sigurno ću nastaviti igrati ovdje.
Stavit će vas u toku.
Žao mi je što je ovo dugo trajalo. Ali ovaj kazino je najgori. Na kraju sam osvojio 8000 eura. Bilo je nepravednih čekanja na verifikaciju moje lične karte (iako sam bio korisnik koji je ranije igrao sa ličnim dokumentom za kauciju), tako da bih dobio e-poruku da je moja lična karta verifikovana, zatim bih pokušao da podignem deo svog dobitka i svoj provjera bi bila odbijena i morao bih ponovo početi. Trešnja na torti je bila kada je na moj dobitak bez mog pristanka pridružen nezatraženi bonus. Nisam to shvatio na početku i igrao sam se s tim. Kada sam shvatio i uspio sam kontaktirati podršku da ga uklone, rekli su da mogu izgubiti sav svoj dobitak. OVAJ KAZINO JE APSOLUTNA PREVARA!
I’ve just started playing here again. I was playing at Playamo for the past couple years, but decided to give Campeon another random try. I’ve got to say I’m impressed, the payouts are very fair: The only issue seems to be with re-validation of my account. But I understand that there are probably security protocol that they need to abide by. At the moment, I’m waiting for the final process to go through, and then for my withdrawal to be processed.
Once this is done, I’m sure to keep playing here.
Will keep you updated.
Sorry this took so long. But this casino is the worst. I ended up winning 8000 euro. There was unfair waits on my ID verification (even though I was a customer that had played before with bails ID), so I would get an email saying my ID has been verified, then I would try withdraw a portion of my winnings, and my verification would be denied and I would have to start again. The cherry on the cake was when an un-requested bonus was attached to my winnings without my consent. I did not realise this at the start and was playing with it. When I did realise and I managed to contact support to get it removed, they said I could lose all my winnings. THIS CASINO IS AN ABSOLUTE SCAM!