Odbijajući da mi dozvoli da povučem svoj dobitak zato što nemam vozačku dozvolu za pasoš, podneo sam žalbu preko rešavača i oni će to čak i preneti, postavila sam prepreke da me spreči da povučem i prepreke koje su mi stavljene na put da me spreči da se žalim putem odgovarajućih kanala
Specijalista za žalbe
13:36 (pre 27 minuta)
Zdravo Kevine,
Ne odgovaramo direktno na e-poruke za žalbe Resolvera iz više razloga. Glavna je da, ni pod kojim okolnostima, ne delimo informacije drugih ljudi putem e-pošte koja nije registrovana na njihovom nalogu. Takođe nismo svesni šta Resolver radi sa ovim informacijama, kao što su lični dokumenti koji su možda otpremljeni u upit.
Siguran sam da razumete da je zaštita vaših podataka i ličnih podataka od kritične važnosti za nas.
Sve najbolje
The refusing to let me withdraw my winnings because I do not have a passport driving license I made a complaint through resolver and they will jot even communicate tho it,I've barriers put in my way to stop me withdrawing and barriers put in my way to stop me complaining through the proper channels
Complaint Specialist
13:36 (27 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Kevin,
We don't respond to Resolver Complaint emails directly for a number of reasons. The main one being that we don't, under any circumstances, share other peoples information via an email that isn't registered on their account. We're also unaware of what Resolver does with this information, such as personal documents that may have been uploaded to the query.
Im sure you understand that the protection of your data and personal information is of critical importance to us.
All the Best