Igračici iz Austrije ograničeni su bonus dobici. Žalbu smo zatvorili kao 'nerešenu', ali nakon što je kazino odlučio da preispita svoju odluku i plati igraču, žalba je postala rešena.
The player from Austria had her bonus winnings capped. We closed the complaint as ‘unresolved’ but after the casino decided to reconsider its decision and pay the player, the complaint became resolved.
Igračici iz Austrije ograničeni su bonus dobici. Žalbu smo zatvorili kao 'nerešenu', ali nakon što je kazino odlučio da preispita svoju odluku i plati igraču, žalba je postala rešena.
Dobar dan. Igram u ovom kazinu jako dugo i dao sam ga veoma visokom ocenom. Zbog čega sada žalim. Dobio sam bonus od 100 eura od bonus prodavnice. Uspio sam odigrati do 2500 eura i sve implementirao. Kada sam zatražio isplate, stigao je e-mail da će samo 500 biti isplaćeno, a 2000 je poništeno. U ćaskanju su me uvjerili da je isplata maksimalno x 25. To bi bilo 2500. Prema mejlu platili su mi samo x5. Mislili ste u zavisnosti od statusa naloga. Ne izgleda da se isplaćuje samo x5. Piše x 25.i takođe ako zavisi od statusa računa. Moj status je više nego visok jer ovdje igram redovno već najmanje 2 godine. Onda sam pročitao ovdje na Casino Guru-u da je drugi igrač imao isti problem i da su dali x25 umjesto x5. Molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem svojih preostalih 2000 eura. Puno hvala
Good day. I have been playing at this casino for a very long time and I have rated it very highly. What I now regret. Received a bonus of 100 euros from the bonus shop. I managed to play to 2500 euros and implemented everything. When I requested the payouts, an email came that only 500 will be paid out and 2000 have been canceled. I was assured in the chat that the payout is a maximum of x 25. That would be 2500. According to the email they only paid me x5. You meant depending on the status of the account. It does not appear that only x5 is paid out. It says x 25.and also if it depends on the status of the account. My status is more than high because I have been playing here regularly for at least 2 years. Then I read here on Casino Guru that another player had the same problem and they gave x25 instead of x5. Please help me to get my remaining 2000 euros. Many Thanks
Guten Tag. Ich spiele schon sehr lange in diesem Casino und habe es auch sehr gut bewertet. Was ich jetzt bereue. Habe aus dem Bonus Shop 100 Euro bonus erhalten. Habe es geschafft auf 2500 Euro zu spielen und alles umgesetzt. Als ich die Auszahlungen beantragt habe kam eine Email dass nur 500 ausgezahlt wird und 2000 storniert wurden. Es wurde mir im Chat versichert dass die Auszahlung maximal x 25 ist. Das wären 2500.laut Email haben sie mir nur x5 ausbezahlt. Sie meinten abhängig vom Status des Kontos. Es steht nicht ersichtlich dass nur x5 ausbezahlt wird. Es steht x 25.und auch wenn es abhängig vom Status des Kontos ist. Mein Status ist mehr als hoch da ich seit bestimmt 2 Jahren regelmäßig hier gespielt habe. Dann lese ich hier auf casino Guru dass auch ein anderer Spieler dass Problem hatte und sie dann statt x 5 doch x25 gegeben haben. Bitte helfen sie mir dabei meine restlichen 2000 Euro zu bekommen. Vielen Dank
Dragi Jasmine,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Provjerio sam opšte uslove bonusa i evo šta sam našao ( ovdje ):
„Bonusni uslovi
1.1 Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shop-u: x5 iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa računa)."
Da li sam dobro shvatio da su vaši dobici prikupljeni isključivo od bonusa bez depozita?
Želio bih da naglasim da prema našem Kodeksu poštenog kockanja https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#win-limits , nametnuti limit dobitka smatramo nepravednim i predatorskim, samo kada se primjenjuje za igru sa pravim novcem, međutim, prihvatamo bonus Uvjete i odredbe koji ograničavaju maksimalnu gotovinu od bonus igre, posebno kada su u pitanju bonusi bez depozita.
Obavijestite me ako postoje dodatne informacije koje sam previdio, ali bojim se da ću biti primoran da odbijem vašu žalbu kao neopravdanu. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru i razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Jasmin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
I have checked the general bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
„Bonus terms
1.1 Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
Do I understand correctly that your winnings have been accumulated solely from No Deposit bonus?
I would like to emphasize, that according to our Fair Gambling Codex https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#win-limits, we consider imposed win limit to be unfair and predator, only when it’s applied to a real money game, however, we accept bonus T&Cs that restrict the maximum cash out from a bonus play, especially when it comes to No Deposit bonuses.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
Best regards,
Dobar dan. To ste tek sada promijenili. Imam snimak ekrana gde je bio x25 u vreme kada sam dobio bonus od prodavnice. Također imaju nekoliko mailova gdje su napisali da status dozvoljava isplatu x5. Ali moj status je više nego visok jer igram tamo već 2 godine i uplaćujem nekoliko puta sedmično. Takođe pogledajte da je pre nedelju dana drugi igrač u sestrinskom kazinu imao isti problem da je još uvek bio x25. Sada su samo promijenili x5. Za mene je to još uvijek bilo x25. Molim vas pomozite mi da platim mojih 2000.
Good day. You have only now changed that. I have a screenshot where x25 was at the time I received the bonus from the shop. Also have several emails where they wrote that the status allows to pay out x5. But my status is more than high because I've been playing there for 2 years and have deposited several times a week. Also see that 1 week ago another player in sister casino had the same problem there was still x25. They only changed the x5 now. For me it was still x25. Please help me pay my 2000.
Guten Tag. Das haben Sie erst jetzt geändert. Ich hab einen Screenshot wo x25 war zu der Zeit in dem ich den Bonus aus dem Shop erhielt. Hab auch mehrere Email wo sie schrieben dass der Status erlaubt x5 auszuzahlen. Mein Status ist aber mehr als hoch da ich seit 2 Jahren dort spiele und mehrmals in der Woche eingezahlt habe. Auch sehen sie dass vor 1 woche ein anderer Spieler im schwester casino dasselbe problem hatte da war noch x25. Das mit x5 haben sie erst jetzt geändert. Bei mir war es nochx25. Bitte um Hilfe dass sie meine 2000 auszahlen.
Također možete vidjeti da je drugi igrač koji vam je također podnio žalbu za sestrinski kazino da je uprava tada isplatila x25 umjesto x5. Pa vidite da su to tek sada promijenili. Tako da je u moje vrijeme 3. januara još uvijek bio x25. Dobio sam i mejlove gdje su stalno govorili ovisno o statusu mog računa. Ali siguran sam da sam tamo platio nekoliko hiljada eura. Uvijek sam bio zadovoljan jer je sve ostalo uvijek uspjelo. Imao puno depozita i isplata. Zato molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem 2000, onda ću nastaviti da igram tamo, ako ne dobijem novac, gotovo je. hvala ti
You can also see that the other player who also submitted a complaint to you for the sister casino that the management then paid out x25 instead of x5. So you see that they only changed that now. So at my time on January 3rd it was still x25. Also got the emails where they kept saying depending on my account status. But I'm sure I've paid in a few thousand euros there. I was always satisfied because everything else always worked out. Had a lot of deposits and withdrawals. So please help me to get the 2000 then I will continue to play there, if I don't get the money it's over. thank you
Auch sehen Sie dass der andere Spieler der bei euch auch eine Beschwerde eingereicht hat für das Schwester casino dass das management dann doch x25 statt x 5 ausgezahlt hat. Also sehen sie dass sie das erst jetzt geändert haben. Somit war zu meinem Zeitpunkt am 3.jännet noch x25. Hab auch die Emails wo sie immer wieder meinten abhängig vom meinem kontostatus. Hab aber bestimmt einige tausend Euro dort eingezahlt. War auch immer zufrieden da sonst immer alles geklappt hat. Hatte sehr viele Einzahlungen und Auszahlungen. Also bitte helfen sie mir die 2000 zu bekommen dann werd ich dort auch weiterhin spielen, wenn ich das geld nicht bekomme hat sich es erledigt. Danke
Zdravo. Igrač se zove Linda i to je bilo prije otprilike 1 sedmicu preko icebet casina. Prvo su napisali da status igrača nije dovoljno visok, a zatim su dali x25. Ali ja definitivno imam veoma visok status. Redovno igram više od godinu dana. To bi bilo više nego nepravedno jer je u moje vrijeme bilo i x25.
Hi. The player's name is Linda and it was about 1 week ago via icebet casino. They first wrote that the player's status was not high enough and then gave x25. But I definitely have a very high status. I've been playing regularly for over a year. That would be more than unfair since it was also x25 in my day.
Hallo. Die Spielerin heißt Linda und es war vor ca 1 Woche über icebet casino. Sie schrieben zuerst der Status der Spielerin sei nicht hoch genug und gaben dann doch x25. Ich hab aber bestimmt einen sehr hohen Status.spiele seit über 1 Jahr regelmäßig. Das wäre mehr als unfair da es zu meiner Zeit auch noch x25 war.
Da, u moje vrijeme je bio i x25 kao što možete vidjeti 3. januara i 2000. su ga jednostavno ukinuli. Iako sam dugo i često igrao sve role. Zato molim vas pomozite mi kao i drugom igraču x25 da dobijem preostalih 2000. hvala
Yes, at my time it was also x25 as you can see on January 3rd and in 2000 they simply canceled it. Although I played all reels for a long time and often. So please help me like the other player x25 to get the remaining 2000. thank you
Ja, zu meinem Zeitpunkt waren es auch x25 wie sie sehen am 3.jänner.und 2000 haben sie einfach storniert. Obwohl ich sehr lange und oft im all reels gespielt habe. Also bitte helfen sie auch mir wie der anderen Spielerin x25 also die restlichen 2000 zu bekommen. Danke
Hvala puno, Jasmine, na svim potrebnim informacijama. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Jasmin, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Jasmine,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam AllReels Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Jasmin,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite AllReels Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Puno hvala. Čekam i nadam se da će kazino biti tako pošten i da će mi platiti i mojih 2000.
Many Thanks. I'm waiting and hoping that the casino will be so fair and pay me my 2000 as well.
Vielen Dank. Ich warte und hoffe dass das Casino so fair ist und mir auch meine 2000 ausbezahlt.
Dragi Peter i Jasmin,
Detaljno sam razmotrio Vašu žalbu i nakon dostavljanja informacija iz svih odjela, želimo Vas obavijestiti:
Na osnovu statistike računa, igrač je bio dostupan za povlačenje maksimalne vrijednosti x5 od iznosa bonusa, koji je dobio u bonus shopu.
Da ponovimo, ne radi se o dobitku sa stvarnim sredstvima, već sa bonus sredstvima, a osvajanje sredstava iz bonus prodavnice je regulisano pravilima i maksimalnim mogućim iznosom sredstava za povlačenje.
Naše obaveze prema klijentu su u potpunosti ispunjene.
Dear Peter and Jasmin,
I have reviewed your complaint in detail and after providing information from all departments, we want to notify you:
Based on the account statistics, the player was available for withdrawal of the maximum value of x5 of the amount of bonus, which he received in the bonus shop.
Let's repeat, it is not winning with real funds, but with bonus funds, and winning funds from the bonus shop is regulated by the rules and the maximum possible amount of funds to be withdrawn.
Our obligations to the client have been fulfilled in full.
Hello All Reels.
Hvala na odgovoru ali to nije istina. U to vrijeme je bilo jasno x25 u uvjetima. Tek sada su to promijenili. Pisali su mi u zavisnosti od statusa mog naloga. Kao što ste već napisali, uplaćivao sam vrlo često, sa ili bez bonusa, nije bitno. Poenta je da su oni pošteni i da su Uvjeti i odredbe isti u svim njihovim kockarnicama, tako da se prema igračima ponašaju isto. Oni znaju da sam često igrao sa vama i da uživam u igranju, pa vas molim da budete fer i isplatite 2000. Onda sam i ja spreman da nastavim da igram sa vama. Mislim da bi za iznos novca koji sam već položio kod vas to bilo više nego prikladno i pošteno. Molim za rješenje
Hello All Reels.
Thanks for the answer but that's not true. At that time it was clear x25 in the terms and conditions. They have only now changed that. They wrote me depending on the status of my account. As you already wrote, I deposited very often, whether with or without a bonus, it doesn't matter. The point is that they are fair and the T&Cs are the same in all their casinos so treat players the same. They know that I have played with you very often and enjoy playing, so please be so fair and pay out the 2000. Then I'm also willing to continue playing with you. I think for the amount of money that I have already deposited with you, that would be more than appropriate and fair. Please for solution
Guten Tag All Reels.
Danke für die Antwort aber es stimmt so nicht. Zum damaligen Zeitpunkt stand klar x25 in den AGBs. Das haben sie erst jetzt geändert. Sie schrieben mir abhängig vom Status meines Kontos. Wie sie schon schrieben ich hab sehr oft eingezahlt ob mit oder ohne bonus ist egal. Es geht darum dass sie fair sind und die AGBs sind in allen ihrem Casinos gleich also behandeln sie sich die Spieler gleich. Sie wissen dass ich sehr oft und gerne bei euch gespielt habe, also seien sie so fair und zahlen bitte die 2000 aus. Dann bin ich auch gern bereit bei euch weiter zu spielen. Ich denke für das viele Geld dass ich bei euch schon eingezahlt habe wäre das mehr als angebracht und fair. Bitte auf Lösung
Ako niste voljni da se ponašate pošteno i pošteno, izgubićete mene kao igrača u vašem i partnerskom kazinu. Jer 2000 nije puno novca za tebe za novac koji si već dobio od mene. Hvala i ja cekam odgovor.
If you are not willing to act fairly and honestly you will lose me as a player in your and the partner casino. Because 2000 is not a lot of money for you for the money you already got from me. Thank you I am also waiting for an answer.
Sollten Sie dazu nicht bereit sein fair und ehrlich zu handeln werden Sie mich als Spieler in Ihrem und den Partner casino verlieren. Denn 2000 ist nicht viel Geld für euch für das Geld was ihr von mir schon bekommen habt. Vielen Dank ich warte auch Antwort.
I još nešto, menadžment je isti. Oni su se također u početku opirali drugoj igračici i htjeli su joj dati samo x5, a onda su napisali da će napraviti izuzetak i dati joj x25. Zato nemojte lagati i tretirati sve igrače jednako i pošteno. Ako je od sada x5, razumem jer ste ga sada promenili, ali u to vreme je bio x25. I ne treba da pričamo o statusu depozita i isplata jer sam deponovao mnogo, mnogo više nego što sam povukao. Ono što su također napisali iznad gotovo svakodnevno depozit. Pa hajde da se pozabavimo time pošteno.
And one more thing, the management is the same. They also initially resisted the other player and only wanted to give her x5 and then they wrote that they would make an exception and give her x25. So don't lie and treat all players equally and fairly. If it's x5 from now on, I understand because you've changed it now, but at the time it was x25. And we don't need to talk about the status of deposits and withdrawals as I have deposited much, much more than I have withdrawn. What they also wrote above almost daily a deposit. So let's deal with it fairly.
Und noch was,das managment ist dasselbe. Auch haben sie sich bei der anderen Spielerin erst gesträubt und wollten ihr auch nur x5 geben und dann schrieben sie dass sie eine Ausnahme machen ubd ihr doch x25 geben. Also lügen sie nicht und behandeln sie die Spieler alle gleich und fair. Wenn ab jetzt x5 ist versteh ich es da ihr es jetzt geändert habt aber zum damaligen Zeitpunkt stand x25. Und über Status der ein und Auszahlungen brauchen wir nicht reden da ich viel viel mehr eingezahlt als ausgezahlt habe. Was sie auch oben schrieben fast täglich eine Einzahlung. Also regeln sie das fair.
Dragi AllReels Casino tim,
Nadam se da se samo šališ. Ne možete promijeniti uslove bonusa nakon što igrač završi klađenje. To je kao da kupujete Ferrari, ali nakon plaćanja, prodavac automobila odlučuje da vam da samo Fiat Multipla. Maksimalna isplata bonusa u trenutku kada je igračica igrala bila je 25x i stoga bi ona trebala biti plaćena u cijelosti.
Dear AllReels Casino team,
I hope you are only joking. You can't change the terms of a bonus after the player finished the wagering. It's like buying a Ferrari but after paying, the car dealer decides to only give you a Fiat Multipla. The max cash out of the bonus at the time of the player playing was 25x and therefore she should get paid in full.
Željeli bismo zamoliti AllReels Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalba će postati 'neriješena' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
We would like to ask AllReels Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Peter. Hvala. Zanima me hoće li se All Reels konačno javiti. Nikada nisam dobio ponudu za depozit od kada sam podnio reklamaciju, a prije toga skoro svaki dan. I danas, čim je tajmer istekao, dobio sam ponudu bonusa na depozit. Neću ništa uplatiti tamo osim ako mi ne uplate moj novac. Svi koluti bi mi konačno trebali platiti mojih 2000 eura.
Hi Peter. Thanks. I'm curious if All Reels will finally get in touch. I have never received a deposit offer since I submitted the complaint and before that almost every day. And today, as soon as the timer ran out, I got a deposit bonus offer. I won't deposit anything there unless they pay me my money. All Reels should finally pay me my 2000 euros.
Hallo Peter. Danke. Bin gespannt ob sich All Reels nun endlich meldet. Ich hab seit ich die Beschwerde eingereicht habe niemehr ein Einzahlungsangebot bekommen und davor fast täglich. Und heut bekam ich sofort als der Timer auslief ein Einzahlungsbonus Angebot. Ich werde dort nichts mehr einzahlen solange sie mir auch nicht mein Geld bezahlen. All Reels soll mir nun endlich meine 2000 Euro bezahlen.
Dragi Peter. Kao što vidite, uprava uvijek odgovara na sve vaše žalbe, ali ne i za mene. Što jasno pokazuje da znate da ćete morati platiti mojih 2000. Nadam se da će se kazino konačno javiti.
Dear Peter. As you can see, the management always answers all your complaints but not for me. Which clearly shows that you know you'll have to pay my 2000. I hope the casino finally gets in touch.
Lieber Peter. Wie sie sehen beantwortet das Managment immer alle ihre Beschwerden aber bei mir nicht. Was deutlich zeigt dass sie wissen dass sie meine 2000 zahlen müssten. Ich hoffe das Casino meldet sich endlich.
Dragi Peter,
Ponavljamo da klijent nema VIP status, jer projekat nema VIP program.
Klijent je u više navrata obavještavan o statusu svog računa, da je dostupan za povlačenje sa bonusa bez depozita iz bonus prodavnice u iznosu od x5 primljenog bonusa. (Ovo se ne odnosi na bonuse koje je klijent dobio za depozite).
U pravilima i snimku ekrana klijenta jasno stoji x25 (u zavisnosti od statusa naloga). Klijent je u ovom trenutku imao status koji omogućava povlačenje sredstava sa bonusa x5, koji je bio primijenjen na njegov račun, te ih je dalje koristio po svom nahođenju.
Igrač je osvojio ova sredstva sa bonus računa, NE sa STVARNOG BALCA i ne za uplatu. I ovaj bonus ima ograničenje na povlačenje sredstava što je striktno regulirano pravilima projekta.
Naš stav se nije promijenio. Klijent sa ovim bonusom dobija maksimalan mogući iznos sredstava koji mu je na raspolaganju za povlačenje.
Dear Peter,
We repeat that the client does not have VIP status, as the project does not have a VIP program.
The client was repeatedly notified about his account status, that he is available for withdrawal from the no deposit bonus from the bonus shop in the amount of x5 of the received bonus. (This does not apply to bonuses that the client received for deposits).
In the rules and a screenshot of the client clearly states x25 (depending on the status of the account). The client at the moment had a status allowing to withdraw funds from the bonus x5, which was applied to his account, as well as the client further used them at his discretion.
The player won these funds from a bonus account, NOT from a REAL BALANCE and not for making a deposit. And this bonus has a restriction on the withdrawal of funds which is strictly regulated by the rules of the project.
Our position has not changed. The client with this bonus received the maximum possible amount of funds available to him for withdrawal.
Pišu u zavisnosti od statusa naloga. Ali znate da sam deponovao skoro svaki dan. Bilo je x 25 kao i drugi igrač. Zašto su joj onda promijenili na x 25. To je nepravedno. Zašto su promijenili x5 tek sada? Zato ne laži i daj mi moj novac.
They write depending on the status of the account. But you know that I deposited almost every day. It was x 25 as well as the other player. Then why did they change it to x 25 for her. That's unfair. Why have they changed the x5 only now? So don't lie and give me my money.
Sie schreiben abhängig vom Status des Kontos. Sie wissen aber dass ich fast täglich eingezahlt habe. Es war x 25 wie auch bei der anderen Spielerin. Warum haben sie es dann bei ihr doch auf x 25.das ist ja unfair.Warum haben sie das x5 erst jetzt geändert? Also lügen sie nicht und geben sie mir mein Geld.
Pišeš nemam vip status zašto pišeš zavisno od mog statusa ako ga nemam??? Lažu i ne žele da plate. Ako ne uplate novac, objavite to i na drugim stranicama i nikada se više neću igrati s vama. Molim te, Peter, pomozi mi. Hvala
You write I don't have a vip status why do you write depending on my status if I don't have one??? They lie and don't want to pay. If they don't pay the money post it on other sites too and I will never play with you again. Please Peter help me. Thanks
Sie schreiben ich hab keinen vip status warum schreiben sie abhängig von meinem Status wenn ich keine habe??? Sie lügen und wollen nicht zahlen. Wenn sie das Geld nicht zahlen veröffentlich es auch auf anderen Seiten und ich werde niemehr bei euch spielen. Bitte Peter helfen sie mir. Danke
Dragi Jasmine,
Ako imate pitanja o projektu na kojem ste vidjeli reklamaciju, možete im se obratiti, ali oni nemaju veze sa nama, to su različiti brendovi i drugačija pravila i propisi.
Činjenica da ste finansirali svoj račun svaki dan, to ne znači da imate maksimalan status da dobijete x25 od bonus prodavnice. Vi ste takođe na svaki depozit, ponavljam na svakom, uzimali bonus i tražili ga u Live Chatu i uvek ste išli na sastanak.
U ovom slučaju dobijate maksimalan mogući iznos pri klađenju, koji je jednak x5.
Vaše je pravo da se žalite bilo kojoj vlasti, kao i organu za izdavanje dozvola.
U tom slučaju ćemo na zahtjev vlasnika licence dostaviti cjelokupnu historiju vaših depozita i prikazati status računa i da ste na svaki depozit dobili bonuse, lojalnost i sl.
Dragi Peter,
Ako ne vidite jasan razlog zašto klijentu nije plaćen x25, žao nam je.
Ali naš stav o ovoj pritužbi kupaca ostaje nepromijenjen.
Nikada ne ograničavamo dobitke za pravi novac, ali primljeni bonusi su regulisani svakim projektom prema pravilima navedenim za javni pristup.
Dear Jasmin,
If you have questions about the project where you saw the complaint, you can contact them, but they have nothing to do with us, these are different brands and different rules and regulations.
The fact that you funded your account every day, it does not say that you have the maximum status to get x25 from the bonus store. You also on each deposit, I repeat on each, took a bonus and asked for it in Live Chat and you always went to a meeting.
In this case, you got the maximum possible amount at wagering, which is equal to x5.
It is your right to appeal to any authorities, as well as the licensing authority.
In this case, we will provide, upon request of the licensee, the entire history of your deposits and show the status of the account and that on each deposit you received bonuses, loyalty and so on.
Dear Peter,
If you don't see a clear reason why the client wasn't paid x25, we're sorry.
But our position on this customer complaint remains unchanged.
We never limit winnings for real money, but received bonuses are regulated by each project according to the rules specified for public access.
Dragi Petre kao što vidiš promijenili su ga samo sa x5 a u moje vrijeme je bio x25. Zašto su to odjednom promijenili jer sam ja drugi igrač sa ovom žalbom. Allreels mi nikako ne odgovara. Također bih bio otvoren za privremeno rješenje kako bih mogao prijaviti žalbu kao riješenu. Pa pitam All reels sta mi mozete ponuditi da nadjem kompromis gdje smo oboje zadovoljni i reklamacija riješena?? Nadam se dogovoru.
Dear Peter as you can see they only changed it with x5 and at my time it was x25. Why did they suddenly change it because I'm the 2nd player with this complaint. Allreels doesn't suit me in any way. Would also be open to an interim solution so that I can report the complaint as resolved. So I ask All reels what can you offer me to find a compromise where we are both satisfied and the complaint is resolved?? I hope for an agreement.
Lieber Peter wie du siehst sie haben es mit x5 erst geändert und zu meinem Zeitpunkt war es x25. Warum haben sie es auf einmal geändert weil ich die 2te Spielerin bin mit dieser Beschwerde. Allreels kommt mir in keiner Weise entgegen. Wäre auch für eine Zwischenlösung offen damit ich die Beschwerde als gelöst melden kann. Also frag ich All reels, was können sie mir anbieten um einen Kompromiss zu finden wo wir beide zufrieden sind und die Beschwerde gelöst wird?? Hoffe auf Einigung.
Imate isti menadžment. A uslovi i uslovi su bili isti u svakom od njihovih kockarnica. Da, dobio sam bonuse ali to nema veze sa njihovim uslovima da je bilo x 25 i to je tek naknadno promenjeno. Posljednji put, možemo li sada postići dogovor? predloži mi nešto
You have the same management. And the T&Cs were the same at each of their casinos. Yes I received bonuses but that has nothing to do with their terms and conditions that it was x 25 and it was only changed afterwards. For the last time, can we now find an agreement? suggest me something
Ihr habt dasselbe managment. Und die AGBs waren in jedem ihrer casinos gleich. Ja ich habe Boni erhalten dass hat aber mit ihren AGBs nichts zutun,dass es x 25 war und es erst danach geändert wurde. Zum letzten Mal, finden wir nun eine Einigung? Schlagen Sie mir was vor?
Što se tiče bonusa koji ste dobili od bonus trgovine, naša odluka je nepromijenjena.
Ako želite:
Ovo je ono što trenutno možemo ponuditi za vaš račun.
Javite nam svoju odluku, molim.
Regarding the bonus you received from the bonus store, our decision is unchanged.
If you wish:
This is what we can offer for your account at the moment.
Let us know your decision, please.
Veoma sam razočaran u tebe. Imao sam toliko depozita i isplata i uvijek je sve išlo jako dobro osim ovog puta. Možemo li se barem složiti da ja dobijem samo pola od 1000 umjesto 2000. Onda oboje imamo nešto od toga i ja sam reklamaciju riješio. Hvala
I am very disappointed in you. I had so many deposits and withdrawals and everything has always worked out very well except for this time. Can we at least agree that I only get half that is 1000 instead of 2000. Then we both have something of it and I set the complaint as solved. Thanks
Bin sehr entäuscht von Ihnen. Ich hatte soviel ein und Auszahlungen und alles hat immer sehr gut geklappt bis auf dieses Mal. Können wir uns wenigstens darauf einigen dass ich nur die Hälfte also 1000 statt 2000 erhalte. Dann haben wir beide was davon und die Beschwerde stell ich auf gelöst. Danke
Odjel za rizik je razmotrio vaš zahtjev i donio konačnu odluku - ovo su dva bonusa ponuđena u prošlom postu.
Vaš je izbor da prihvatite ili odbijete ovu ponudu, mi ni na koji način ne insistiramo na tome.
Ovo nije kompenzacija od x25, već bonus lojalnosti vama kao našem kupcu.
Uvijek smo sretni što vas vidimo, a također nam je neugodno zbog ove situacije i da još uvijek ne možete shvatiti da je ovaj bonus ograničen pravilima.
Ali trenutno vam nudimo bonus bez ograničenja povlačenja.
Dragi Jasmine, javite mi svoju odluku.
The Risk Department has reviewed your request and have come to a final decision - these are the two bonuses offered in the last post.
It is only your choice to accept or decline this offer, we do not insist on it in any way.
This is not compensation from x25, but a loyalty bonus to you as our customer.
We are always happy to see you, and we are also uncomfortable with this situation and that you still can't understand that this bonus was limited by the rules.
But at the moment we offer you a bonus with no withdrawal limit.
Dear Jasmin, Please let me know your decision.
Očigledno je to njihova posljednja riječ kako kažu. Onda molim da date bonus od 500 eura bez maksimalne isplate?
Apparently that's their last word as they say. Then please give a 500 euro bonus without maximum payout?
Anscheinend ist das ihr letztes Wort wie sie sagen. Dann geben sie bitte einen 500euro bonus ohne Maximal auszahlung?
Dragi svi bubnjevi, da li sada pristajete na bonus od 500 eura bez maksimalnog povlačenja. Promet x 10. Onda molim da to postavite na moj račun i ja ću zatvoriti ovu žalbu?
Dear All reels, do you now agree to the 500 euro bonus with no max withdrawal. Turnover x 10. Then please post it to my account and I will close this complaint?
Sehr geehrtes All reels sind sie nun mit dem 500 Euro bonus ohne max Auszahlung einverstanden. Umsatz x 10. Dann buchen Sie es auf mein Konto bitte dann schliess ich diese Beschwerde?
Dragi Jasmine,
Vaša taktika svađanja oko dobijanja bonusa nam je vrlo poznata, jer ste redovno tražili bonuse u Live Chatu.
Također savršeno razumijemo vašu želju za većim bonusom, ali vas molimo da shvatite da ovo nije kompenzacija, već bonus lojalnosti vama.
Zato vam nudimo dvije vrste bonusa:
1. bonus bez depozita od 200 EUR sa ulogom x10, bez ograničenja povlačenja za ovaj bonus.
2. 75% bonus na depozit od 25 EUR, bez maksimalnog iznosa bonusa i bez ograničenja povlačenja za ovaj bonus.
Nažalost, trenutno vam ne možemo ponuditi više bonusa.
Nažalost, ovo nije licitiranje. I to je bonus za vas od administracije.
Radujemo se vašoj odluci i rješavanju ove žalbe.
Dear Jasmin,
Your tactic of arguing about getting bonuses is very familiar to us, as you regularly asked for bonuses in Live Chat.
We also perfectly understand your desire for a bigger bonus, but please understand that this is not compensation, but a loyalty bonus to you.
That's why we offer you two kinds of bonus:
1. no deposit bonus of 200 EUR with wager x10, no withdrawal limit for this bonus.
2. 75% deposit bonus from 25 EUR, no maximum bonus amount and no withdrawal limit for this bonus.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a more bonus at this time.
Unfortunately, this is not bidding. And it's a bonus for you from the administration.
We look forward to your decision and settlement of this complaint.
Očigledno, nažalost, neću dobiti novac na koji mi pripada. Onda ću se morati zadovoljiti sa 200 bonusa. Nadam se da ću osvojiti nešto s tim. Molimo pošaljite 200 direktno na moj račun. Hvala
Apparently, unfortunately, I will not receive the money that I am entitled to. I guess I'll have to settle for the 200 bonus then. Hope to win something with it. Please post the 200 directly to my account. Thanks
Anscheinend werd ich das Geld leider nicht erhalten das was mir zustehen würde. dann muss ich mich wohl mit dem 200 bonus zufrieden geben. Hoffe vielleicht damit was zu gewinnen. Buchen Sie die 200 bitte direkt auf mein Konto. Danke
Dragi Jasmine,
Bonus od 200EUR je uplaćen na vaš račun, aktivirajte ga pod "Bonus".
Ako imate još pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći.
Dear Jasmin,
The 200EUR bonus has been credited to your account, please activate it under "Bonus".
If you have any other questions, we will be happy to help.
Dragi Peter, hvala ti na trudu, nažalost kazino nije popustio i dao mi je samo bonus od 200 eura i 75%. Nažalost, ne možemo ništa učiniti jer kazino insistira na vašem mišljenju. Nažalost, žalba mi nije dobro prošla.
Dear Peter thank you for your efforts unfortunately the casino didn't give in and only gave me a bonus of 200 euros and 75%. Unfortunately, we can't do anything because the casino insists on your opinion. Unfortunately, the complaint did not go well for me.
Lieber Peter danke für Ihre Bemühungen leider hat das casino nicht nachgegeben und mir nur einen Bonus von 200 Euro und 75 % gegeben. Somit können wir leider nichts machen da das casino auf Ihrer Meinung bestehen bleibt. Somit ist die Beschwerde leider nicht positiv für mich verlaufen.
Dragi AllReels Casino tim,
Naveli ste sljedeće:
„Klijent je u više navrata obavještavan o statusu svog računa, da je dostupan za povlačenje sa bonusa bez depozita iz bonus prodavnice u iznosu od x5 primljenog bonusa."
Želim vidjeti taj e-mail ili razgovor u kojem ste obavijestili Jasmina o 5x maksimalnom isplatu bonusa. I naravno, mislim prije nego što je počela igrati, a ne nakon što ste joj zaplijenili dobitak. Ovo mi je već četvrti slučaj po istom scenariju. Kazino nudi bonus sa maksimalnom isplatom od 25x i kada igrač pobijedi, dobici se smanjuju na 5x zbog "statusa računa" ili je neko samo tako odlučio. Ne, pravila su jasna, igrač bi trebao dobiti punu platu i snažno predlažem da pravila budu transparentna za budućnost.
Dear AllReels Casino team,
You stated the following:
"The client was repeatedly notified about his account status, that he is available for withdrawal from the no deposit bonus from the bonus shop in the amount of x5 of the received bonus."
I want to see that email or conversation where you informed Jasmin about the 5x max cash out from the bonus. And of course, I mean before she started to play, not after you confiscated her winnings. This is already my fourth case in a row with the same scenario. The casino offers a bonus with a 25x max cashout and when the player wins, the winnings are cut to 5x because of the "account status" or somebody just decided so. No, the rules are clear, the player should get paid in full and I strongly suggest you make the rules transparent for the future.
Hvala ti dragi Peter. Kazino mi je jučer dao 200 bonusa i 75%, ali naravno nije bilo nikakvog profita. Nisam znao da već postoje 4 identična slučaja. Tek su nakon pobjede napisali e-mail da je 2000 poništeno, prije toga je u uvjetima pisalo x 25 kada sam pobijedio, a sada su to promijenili u x 5. Hvala vam što pokušavate.
Thank you dear Peter. The casino gave me 200 bonus and 75% yesterday but of course there was no profit at all. I didn't know that there were already 4 identical cases. They only wrote an email after winning that the 2000 were canceled, before that the terms and conditions said x 25 when I won and now they have changed it to x 5. Thank you for keeping trying.
Danke lieber Peter. Das casino gab mir gestern 200 bonus und 75% aber es kam natürlich garkein Gewinn. Ich wusste nicht dass es schon 4 gleiche Fälle gab. Sie schrieben erst nachdem Gewinn eine Email dass die 2000 storniert wurden, vorher stand in den AGBs x 25 als ich gewonnen hab und jetzt haben sie es auf x 5 geändert. Danke dass sie es weiter versuchen.
Jučer su napisali da 200 bonusa nije kompenzacija za x 25 ali je bilo jasno kada sam aktivirao bonus ne bonus nego rješenje za reklamaciju pa sam to dobio jučer da mogu riješiti žalbu. Možda se ipak možemo složiti.
Yesterday they wrote the 200 bonus are no compensation for the x 25 but it was clear when I activated the bonus not bonus but complaint solution so I got that yesterday so I can resolve the complaint. Maybe we can still agree.
Gestern schrieben sie die 200 bonus sind keine Vergütung für die x 25 aber es stand klar als ich den Bonus aktiviert habe nicht bonus sondern Beschwerdelösung also bekam ich das gestern damit ich die Beschwerde auflöse. Vielleicht einigen wir uns doch noch.
Dragi Peter, da li je kazino isplatio x25 u tvojim drugim slučajevima, zar ne? Onda bi bilo više nego pošteno da i meni to daš.
Dear Peter, did the casino pay out x25 in your other cases, right? Then it would be more than fair to give it to me too.
Lieber Peter hat das Casino im ihren anderen Fällen dann doch x25 ausgezahlt oder? Dann wäre es mehr als fair auch mir das zu geben.
Dragi All Reels Casino, da li biste sada bili spremni za rješenje da mogu zatvoriti žalbu?
Dear All Reels Casino, would you now be ready for a solution that I can close the complaint?
Sehr geehrtes All reels Casino, wären Sie nun bereit auf eine Lösung dass ich die Beschwerde schliessen kann?
Čini se da svi koluti nemaju potrebu da odgovore na prigovor. Za sve kolute možemo dogovoriti iznos koji mi platite umjesto 2000 da možemo zatvoriti reklamaciju. Ako kazino ponovo ne stupi u kontakt, možete ga klasificirati kao neriješeno i dati mu crne bodove. Tako da cekam sve kolute.
All reels does not seem to feel the need to respond to the complaint. All Reels we can agree on an amount that you pay me instead of the 2000 that we can close the complaint. If the casino doesn't get in touch again, you can classify it as unresolved and give it black points. So all reels I'm waiting.
All reels hält es anscheinend nicht für notwendig auf die Beschwerde zu reagieren. All Reels können wir uns auf einen Betrag einigen den Sie mir auszahlen statt den 2000 dass wir die Beschwerde schließen können. Sollte das Casino sich jetzt wieder nicht melden können Sie es als ungelöst einstufen und ihm schwarze Punkte geben. Also All Reels ich warte.
Dragi Peter,
Klijentu je isplaćeno sve što je prethodno dospjelo. Ako se klijent ne slaže sa pravilima projekta, nismo mi krivi, pravila su uvijek otvorena za svakog klijenta.
U pravilima je jasno navedeno da je maksimalni mogući iznos x25 (u zavisnosti od statusa računa).
Ako uzmete samo dio pravila i radite po njemu, onda možete zamijeniti bilo koja pravila u korist klijenta. Pobjeda je dobijena iz bonus stanja, a ne iz stvarnog.
Kupcu je ponuđen bonus lojalnosti, kupac je pristao na to i mi smo ga kreditirali i kupac ga je u potpunosti iskoristio, a sada opet traži kompenzaciju?
Znamo kako kupac komunicira i moli za bilo kakve bonuse i lojalnost ne samo ovdje, već i svaki dan uz našu tehničku podršku.
U ovom trenutku naša odluka ostaje nepromijenjena.
Obaveze prema kupcu su u potpunosti ispunjene, a još više, kupcu je uplaćen dodatni bonus na koji je on pristao tako da je reklamacija ostala zadovoljavajuća, ali kupcu nažalost nije dovoljno.
Ne vidimo dalje svrhe u ovoj žalbi. Ako se korisnik ne slaže s pravilima, a vi ih podržavate, to je vaš izbor. Pravila projekta su bila detaljna.
Naša odluka ostaje nepromijenjena.
Dear Peter,
The client was paid all that was previously due. If the client does not agree with the rules of the project, it is not our fault, the rules are always open to each client.
The rules clearly stated that the maximum possible amount x25 (depending on the status of the account).
If you take only part of the rule and operate on it, then you can substitute any rules for the client's benefit. The win was received from the bonus balance, not from the real one.
The customer was offered a loyalty bonus, the customer agreed to it and we credited it and the customer used it in full, and now again demands compensation?
We know how a customer communicates and begs for any bonuses and loyalty not only here, but with that every day with our technical support.
At this point our decision remains unchanged.
The obligations to the customer were fulfilled in full, and even more, the customer was credited an additional bonus, which he agreed to so that the complaint remained satisfactory, but the customer is not enough unfortunately.
We see no further point in this complaint. If the customer does not agree with the rules and you support them as well, that is your choice. The rules of the project were detailed.
Our decision remains unchanged.
Sada napišite da je bonus bila kompenzacija iznad koju ste napisali, ali bonus od 200 ne bi trebao biti kompenzacija od x25. Oni su u suprotnosti jedni s drugima i možete vidjeti da se iz toga mogu izvući. Čak sam im se složio da bi mi mogli dati samo 1000 umjesto 2000. Ali ne možete razgovarati s njima, pa sada upozoravam na ovaj kazino i Petera da sada ovom kazinu možete dati lošu ocjenu. Hvala Peter na pokušaju.
Now write the bonus was a compensation above you wrote but the 200 bonus should not be a compensation of x25. They contradict each other and you can see that they talk their way out of it. I even accommodated them that they might only give me 1000 instead of 2000. But you can't talk to them so I now warn against this casino and Peter you can now give this casino a bad rating. Thanks Peter for trying.
Jetzt schreiben Sie der bonus war eine Entschädigung oben schrieben Sie aber der 200 bonus soll keine vergütung der x25 sein. Sie widersprechen sich und da sieht man dass sie sich rausreden. Bin ihnen sogar entgegen gekommen dass sie mir vielleicht nur 1000 anstatt 2000 geben. Aber mit ihnen ist nicht zu reden somit warn ich nun vor diesem Casino und Peter sie können diesem Casino nun eine schlechte Bewertung geben. Danke Peter dass sie es versucht haben.
Dragi Jasmine,
Također vas želim obavijestiti da ste odlukom administracije isključeni iz bonus politike projekta.
Od ovog trenutka nisu vam dostupni bonusi na projektu.
Ali možete igrati za pravi novac i podići svoj dobitak, bez poteškoća.
Odluka se može preispitati nakon mjesec dana, na vaš zahtjev, pismenim putem na support@allreels.com.
Dear Jasmin,
Also want to notify you that by the decision of the administration you are disconnected from the bonus policy of the project.
As of this moment no bonuses on the project are available to you.
But you can play for real money, and withdraw your winnings, without difficulty.
The decision may be reviewed after one month, upon your request, by writing to support@allreels.com.
Još se usuđuju da to napišu. To ionako sve govori 🤣 Ne mislite ozbiljno da ću ikada igrati u vama ili vašim partnerskim kockarnicama? Mogli su tako lako da mi plate 1000 umjesto 2000. Onda bih nastavio da igram s tobom. Tako da su izgubili mušteriju koja je često uplaćivala, 1000 eura ne bi bilo puno. Nisi ni to uradio. Vaša odluka, a sada i vaše posljedice.
They still dare to write that. That says it all anyway 🤣 You don't seriously think I'll ever play at you or your partner casinos? They could have had it so easy to just pay me the 1000 instead of the 2000. Then I would have continued to play with you. So they lost a customer who often paid in, 1000 euros would not have been much. You didn't even do that. Your decision and now your consequences.
Das getrauen sie sich noch zu schreiben. Das sagt ja eh schon alles 🤣 Sie glauben ja nicht ernsthaft dass ich jemals noch bei euch oder euren Partnercasinos spielen werde? Sie hätten es so einfach haben können mir nur die 1000 anstatt der 2000 auszuzahlen. Dann hätt ich weiter bei euch gespielt. Somit haben sie einen Kunden der oft eingezahlt hat verloren da wären 1000 Euro nicht viel gewesen. Nicht mal das habt ihr getan. Eure Entscheidung und nun eure Konsequenzen.
Zdravo svima, hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi AllReels Casino tim,
Žao mi je što čujem za vašu odluku. Igrači bi trebali znati pravila svakog bonusa prije nego što počnu igrati s njim, a ne poslije. Žalba će postati "neriješena".
Dragi Jasmine,
Bojim se da vam ne mogu pomoći oko ovoga i uvjeriti kazino da vam plati u cijelosti. Postoji opcija da kontaktirate Curacao Gaming Authority (certria@gaminglicences.com) i podnesete im žalbu. Međutim, nisam siguran da li će vam oni pomoći u ovom konkretnom slučaju. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all, thank you for your replies.
Dear AllReels Casino team,
Sorry to hear about your decision. The players should know the rules of each bonus before they start to play with it, not after. The complaint will become "unresolved".
Dear Jasmin,
I'm afraid I can't help you with this one and convince the casino to pay you in full. There's the option to contact the Curacao Gaming Authority (certria@gaminglicences.com) and submit a complaint to them. However, I'm not sure if they will help you with this specific case. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev kazina AllReels Casino. Želeli bismo da dozvolimo ovom slučaju još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak. Dobili smo sledeću poruku iz kazina:
„Dragi timu kazino gurua,
Obaveštavamo vas da smo spremni da preispitamo našu odluku povodom žalbe igrača JASMIN-a.
Naša politika kazina je preispitana i veoma nam je žao zbog ove situacije sa igračem JASMIN.
Imajte na umu da je Odeljenje za rizike razmotrilo pritužbu igrača i uzelo u obzir sve njene aspekte.
U slučaju revizije reklamacije igrača, po pravilima našeg projekta, spremni smo (da u roku od 10 radnih dana povučemo na podatke o računu sa kojih su deponovani na račun za igru) iznos od 2.000€ naveden u žalbi .
U slučaju uplate ovog iznosa, igrač JASMIN mora da potvrdi svoj pristanak u roku od 10 radnih dana u ovoj žalbi i navede detalje o sistemu plaćanja na koji želi da primi novac.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Odeljenje za rizik kazina Allreels."
Dragi Jasmine,
Odgovorite na poruku ovde.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of AllReels Casino casino. We would like to allow this case one more chance to be resolved and help both parties involved to reach a satisfactory conclusion. We received the following message from the casino:
"Dear Casino Guru Team,
We would like to inform you that we are ready to reconsider our decision regarding the complaint of the player JASMIN.
Our casino policy has been reconsidered and we are very sorry about this situation with the player JASMIN.
Please note that the Risk Department has reviewed the player's complaint and has taken all aspects of it into consideration.
In case of revision of the complaint of the player, under the rules of our project, we are ready (to withdraw to the account details from which were deposited to the gaming account within 10 working days) the amount of €2,000 specified in the complaint.
In the case of the payment of this amount, the player JASMIN has to confirm his agreement within 10 business days in this complaint and provide details of the payment system to which he wants to receive money.
Best regards.
Allreels Casino Risk Department."
Dear Jasmin,
Please respond to the message here.
Veoma sam srećan što kazino ima drugačiji pogled i molim vas da prebacite 2000 evra na bankovni račun. Da li još uvek imate moje bankovne podatke?
I am very happy that the casino has a different view and please transfer the 2000 euros to the bank account. Do you still have my bank details?
Freue mich sehr dass das Casino eine andere Ansicht hat und bitte die 2000 euro auf das Bankkonto.Haben sie meine Bankdaten noch?
Dragi Jasi6,
Molimo potvrdite sledeće paragrafe:
1) Iznos uplate će biti 2000€ po reklamaciji.
2) Uplata će biti izvršena na žiro račun AT22 2070 6*** ***3 5847 koji ste ranije koristili.
3) Saglasni ste da potvrdite da ćete primiti uplatu, pružanjem snimka ekrana vašeg bankovnog računa, sa informacijama o prijemu pomenutog iznosa u ovoj žalbi.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Allreels odeljenje za rizik kazina.
Dear Jasi6,
Please confirm the following paragraphs:
1) The amount of the payment will be €2000 according to the complaint.
2) The payment will be made to the bank account AT22 2070 6*** ***3 5847, which you used before.
3) You agree to confirm that you will receive the payment, by providing a screenshot of your bank account, with the information about receiving the mentioned amount in this complaint.
Best regards.
Allreels Casino Risk Department.
Poštovani svi Reels, potvrđujem iznos od 2000 evra i bankovni podaci su tačni kao što ste napisali. Čim 2000 bude na računu poslaću vam screenshot priznanice od 2000. Hvala vam na odluci i da ste još uvek pošteni.
Dear All Reels, I confirm the amount of 2000 euros and the bank details are correct as you have written. As soon as the 2000 are in the account I will send a screenshot of the receipt of 2000. Thank you for your decision and that you are still fair trade have.
Sehr geehrtes All Reels ich bestätige den Betrag von 2000 euro und auch die Bankdaten sind richtig wie sie geschrieben haben.Sobald die 2000 am Konto sind schick ich hier einen Screenshot des Erhaltes von 2000. Vielen Dank für ihre Entscheidung und dass sie doch noch fair gehandelt haben.
Dragi Jasi6,
Obaveštavamo Vas da je iznos od 2000€ uspešno uplaćen na žiro račun koji ste naveli sa AT22 2070 6*** ***3 5847.
Ovo može da potraje 3 do 5 radnih dana da se pripiše na vaš bankovni račun.
Kada iznos uplate bude primljen na vaš bankovni račun, priložite ovoj žalbi snimak ekrana vašeg bankovnog računa sa primljenim iznosom.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Allreels odeljenje za rizik kazina.
Dear Jasi6,
We would like to inform you that the amount of €2000 has been successfully paid to the bank account that you indicated by AT22 2070 6*** ***3 5847.
This may take 3 to 5 working days to be credited to your bank account.
When the payment amount has been received on your bank account, please attach a screenshot of your bank account with the received amount to this complaint.
Best regards.
Allreels Casino Risk Department.
Puno vam zahvaljujem što je to razjašnjeno. Poslaću vam snimak ekrana čim novac bude na mom računu. Hvala vam
I thank you very much that it has been clarified. I will send you a screenshot as soon as the money is in my account. Thank you
Ich danke ihnen vielmals dass es sich doch noch geklärt hat.werde dann sobald das geld am konto ist einen scrennshot schicken.danke
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Jasi6,
Drago mi je da čujem da ste dobili svoja sredstva. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rešavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Jasi6,
I'm glad to hear that you received your funds. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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