The player from Germany lost €1615 at Alphabook Casino, claiming he shouldn't have been allowed to register due to legal restrictions in Germany. The casino agreed to a refund and requested his crypto wallet ID. Despite repeated assurances of a refund, the casino suddenly changed its decision, and he is now seeking help to retrieve his money. Since the player did not furnish the casino with the requested information within the specified timeframe, we agreed with the casino's decision not to refund the lost deposits to the player.
Igrač iz Nemačke je izgubio €1615 u Alphabook kazinu, tvrdeći da mu nije trebalo da bude dozvoljeno da se registruje zbog zakonskih ograničenja u Nemačkoj. Kazino je pristao na povraćaj novca i zatražio njegov ID kripto novčanika. Uprkos ponovljenim uveravanjima o povraćaju novca, kazino je iznenada promenio svoju odluku i on sada traži pomoć da povrati svoj novac. Pošto igrač nije dostavio kazinu tražene informacije u navedenom roku, složili smo se sa odlukom kazina da igraču ne refundira izgubljene depozite.
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