Dragi Johnny,
Došli smo do zaključka da je najbolji korak koji sada možete učiniti je da kontaktirate nadležna tijela za licenciranje kazina. Koliko znamo, oni bi trebali blokirati sve vaše račune unutar iste grupe i vratiti vaše depozite ako to dozvole - to je zasnovano na njihovoj licenci koju bi trebali slijediti.
Međutim, ovaj kazino ima poseban termin koji se nalazi ovdje (https://www.amokcasino.com/terms-and-conditions/?__updated=1643869535495)
14.3. Imajte na umu da je svako samoisključivanje koje se traži na ovoj web stranici primjenjivo samo na ovu web stranicu (Amok kazino). Stoga vam preporučujemo da razmislite o proširenju svog samoisključenja na svakog operatera kod kojeg imate račun.
To znači da biste se trebali isključiti iz svakog kazina jednog po jednog - smatramo da je ovaj kazino termin u suprotnosti sa uslovima licence i kako nemamo dovoljno informacija zašto vam je kazino dozvolio da igrate, samo licenca može pomoći u pravu sad. Oni imaju potpuni pristup svojim podacima i u ovom slučaju mislimo da bi trebali favorizirati vas i Amok Casino bi trebao vratiti sve vaše depozite.
Kontaktirajte ih ovdje: https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/
Za sada ćemo zaključiti i žalbu kao neriješenu - čekajući odluku organa.
Obavijestite me na nikolas.b@casino.guru kada ih kontaktirate i obavijestite nas o slučaju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Johnny,
We have came to a conclusion that the best step you are now able to do is to contact the licensing authorities of the casino. As far as we know, they should block all of your account within a same group and refund your deposits if they allow to - this is based on their license which they should follow.
However, this casino has a specific term found here (https://www.amokcasino.com/terms-and-conditions/?__updated=1643869535495)
14.3. Please note that any self-exclusion requested on this Website is only applicable to this Website (Amok Casino). Therefore, We recommend You consider extending Your self-exclusion to each operator where You hold an account.
This means that you should exclude yourself from every single casino one by one - we find this casino term going against the terms of the license and as we do not have enough information why did the casino allow you to play, only the license can help right now. They have full access to their data and in this case we think they should favor you and Amok Casino should refund all of your deposits.
Please contact them here: https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/
We will be also closing the complaint for now as unresolved - waiting for the authority's decision.
Please let me know on nikolas.b@casino.guru once you contact them and keep us updated regarding the case.
Best regards,
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