Igrač iz Ontarija je zatražio povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre podnošenja ove žalbe. Uplata još nije obrađena. Igrač je potvrdio da je problem rešen.
The player from Ontario requested a withdrawal less than two weeks prior to submitting this complaint. The payment hasn’t been processed yet. The player confirmed that the issue was resolved.
Igrač iz Ontarija je zatražio povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre podnošenja ove žalbe. Uplata još nije obrađena. Igrač je potvrdio da je problem rešen.
Zdravo..Unovčio sam u kazinu arlekin i neće verifikovati moju uplatu...Uplatio sam depozit 6. avgusta u iznosu od 96 dolara preko mastercard-a..poslao sam dokaz mastercard-a...problem koji imam da li sam uplatio depozit preko Interac-a 19. juna za 200. Tražili su dokaz o uplati za ovo.. Dao sam svoj bankovni izvod koji pokazuje da uplata ide njima na tačan datum i tačan iznos koji su želeli da vide. zatim su tražili e-poštu koju sam dobio od gigadata da takođe potvrdi uplatu. Ovaj e-mail nemam i nemam načina da ga dobijem..moj imejl ih čuva samo 30 dana. Bio sam u kontaktu sa gigadatom i mojom bankom da pokušam da ga dobijem, ali bezuspešno..potrošio sam više od 2 sata na opine i slanje e-pošte....rekao sam Arlekin kazinu ovo i rekli su da neće odobriti bez toga.. .Nikad nisam imao ovakav problem ni na jednom sajtu ... izvod iz banke je uvek bio dovoljno dobar.. pa su rekli da mi ne plaćaju pa se nadam da mi možete pomoći oko ovoga..pročitao sam neke druge pritužbe na vašem sajtu i drugi igrači iz Ontarija su imali isti problem sa ovom kompanijom koja im radi istu stvar..oni dobro znaju da ne mogu da dobijem imejl koji traže..možete li pomozite dobiću svoju uplatu. Hvala vam...dodaću i da su veoma otežali verifikaciju...morali su da pošalju 3 različite slike stvari...i odbili su moj selfi i moju ličnu kartu 6 puta lol..sada je sve spremno, samo verifikaciju plaćanja sa kojom imam problema. Hvala.
Hi..I cashed out on arlekin casino and they won't verify my payment...I made the deposit on August 6th for the amount of 96 dollars via mastercard..I sent the mastercard proof...problem I'm having is I made a deposit via interac on June 19th for 200. They asked for proof of payment for this..I provided my bank statement showing the payment going to them on the exact date and the exact amount they wanted too see. they then asked for the email I got from gigadat to also to confirm the payment . This email I do not have and I have no way to get it..my email only saves them for 30 days . I've been in contact with gigadat and my bank to try and get it but to no avail..spent over 2 hours on opine and emailing....told arlekin casino this and they said they won't approve without it...I've never had a problem like this on any site ... the bank statement has always been good enough.. so they said there not paying me so I'm hoping u guys can help me out on this..I read some other complaints on your site and other players from Ontario have had the same problem with this company doing the same thing to them..they know very well that I can't get the email they are asking for .. can you guys please help me get my payment . Thank you...I'll also add that they made verifying very difficult...had to send 3 different pics of things..and they denied my selfie and my ID like 6 times lol..those are all set now it's just the payment verification I'm having trouble with. Thanks.
Dear Ryanmc,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Zdravo, nije vreme uopšte..svi moji dokumenti su odobreni, ali sada tražim e-poštu od gigodata koji ne mogu da dobijem...Bio sam u kontaktu sa gigidatom i svojom bankom i ne postoji način da dobijem imejl koji traže. Dakle, za 2 nedelje i dalje neću moći da dobijem e-poštu.. možete li mi pomoći sa ovim? Nema razloga da sačuvam tu e-poštu od pre 2 meseca.. čuvaju se na mom nalogu 45 dana, ali se onda automatski brišu.. ovo je bio sirovi depozit. Nisam imao bonus na podudaranje ili besplatne okrete... nikad nisam video da sajt radi ovo..Pokazao sam dokaz o depozitu sa izvodom iz banke..tamo je. Hvala
Hi it's not the time at all..all my documents have been approved but there now asking for a email from gigodat that I can't get...I've been in contact with gigidat and my bank and there is no possible way for me to get the email they are asking for. So in 2 weeks I still won't be able to get the email..can u guys help me with this? There is no reason I would save that email from 2 months ago..they save in my account for 45 days but then are are deleted automatically..this was a raw deposit I had no match bonus or free spins...I've never seen a site do this..I showed proof of deposit with my bank statement..it's right there. Thanks
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, Rianmc. Možete li da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ? Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your reply, Ryanmc. Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru? Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Dragi Rianmc,
Drago mi je da čujem da je vaš problem uspešno rešen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu.
Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Ryanmc,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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