Da li ste isključili marketinške komunikacije kazina?
Ne mogu da odustanem jer ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog.
Da li ste kontaktirali kazino i zatražili da budete uklonjeni sa liste marketinških komunikacija?
Da, poslao sam e-mail, ali dugo nisu odgovorili.
Kada ste poslednji put kontaktirali osoblje kazina i o čemu ste razgovarali?
Poslao sam e-poštu pre nedelju dana, ali do sada nisu odgovorili
Da li je blokiranje pošiljaoca na telefonu važeće rešenje za vaš problem?
Da, ali ne radi ništa i dalje stižu tekstualne poruke
Možete li objasniti šta sporni iznos od 1500 zł predstavlja u ovoj situaciji?
Mislio sam da sam toliko uložio u ovaj kazino
Have you opted out of the casino's marketing communications?
I can't opt out because I can't log into my account.
Have you contacted the casino and asked to be removed from the list of marketing communications?
Yes, I sent an email, but they have not responded for a long time.
When was the last time you contacted the casino staff and what did you discuss?
I sent an email a week ago but they have not responded so far
Is blocking the sender on your phone a valid solution for your issue?
Yes but it doesn't do anything still text messages come in
Could you please explain what the disputed amount of zł1500 represents in this situation?
I meant that I put so much into this casino
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