Šta se desilo::Imao sam bonus od 129 USD deponovan uz uslov opklade 40k (5189 USD više ili manje) pretvorio sam 129 USD u 4000 USD+ USD
i ISPUNILA CEO uslov za klađenje od $5189, što je takođe OBMANjUJUĆA tvrdnja, jer definitivno NIJE 40k već više kao 200k!
pošto se svaka opklada računa samo sa 20% svoje stvarne vrednosti (npr: položite opkladu od 10 dolara, ali u stvari računate samo 2 dolara za preokret za opkladu)
imam VIDEO DOKAZ za to i biće predstavljen ovde!
Dakle, ovo 40k/5189$ postaje skoro 50.000,00$ roll over, onda!
S obzirom na ove uslove.
Ali iako je ovaj LUDI zahtev za prevrtanje, ipak sam IH SVE UGUBIO bez ijednog centa, i na kraju osvojio ukupno 3428,13 dolara
(da se SVE SNIME U VIDEU) i onda nakon što sam ga završio, ODMAH JE UKLONjEN MOJ POBEDNIČKI STANjE i onda mi je ostalo samo 129 USD!
Imam to snimljeno U VIDEU, u vreme kada mi je NOVAC SKINUO sa računa i ostavio mi 99 USD!
Evo slike POSLEDNjE Oklade napravljene pre nego što je stanje nestalo/uklonjeno
Link do slike: https://ibb.co/vZ2s5SF
I video link: https://streamable.com/5dlsna
Koja prava imaju da oduzmu moj ceo saldo DOBITKA MIMO inicijalnog bonusa na depozit, ako sam se kladio i ispunio njihov suludi uslov za klađenje od $50.000/200k roll-over već, kao i $3428.13 je DOBITAK i BILANS napravljen BEZ GUBITKA CENT POPUSTA NA BONUS koji je dat, takođe?
Posebno nema prava da se ovo uradi kada jasno NEMA JASNOG BONUS USLOVA koji eksplicitno KAŽU !
Kao što možete videti ovde: https://help.bc.game/en/articles/8412942-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-deposit-bonus-at-bc-game
trebalo bi da ima klauzulu koja JASNO kaže nešto poput: "Sav vaš dobitak saldo iznad vašeg prvobitnog iznosa depozita, biće 100% izgubljen/poništen i na kraju će vam ostati samo originalni depozit!"
Osim toga, da još više POJAČAMO svoje argumente protiv ovog nedorečenog ponašanja, na slici ispod možete JASNO VIDETI da je na stranici bonusa za ROLLOVER navedeno da je 3428,13 $ 100% ''SREDSTVA ZA POVLAČENjE''
Evo dokaza o ovoj slici: https://ibb.co/p3MH39i
Dakle, s obzirom na ovaj uslov: želim da se moj DOBITAK vrati na moj bilans kako bih mogao da ga povučem!
Ispunio sam SVE LUDE uslove za klađenje i bilo je super teško postići klađenje u vrednosti od skoro 50 hiljada dolara uz samo 2% nominalne vrednosti, sa samo 129 dolara početnog bonusa/depozita, tako da ih ne možete jednostavno oduzeti.
Način plaćanja: 129 USDT
Slika dokaza o uplati: https://ibb.co/7i7sf26
PM/Pokušaj ćaskanja evidentira veze sa slikama:
Dodatne napomene: Pokušan je jasan kontakt sa operaterom/kazinom, i oni su prvobitno rekli da će sarađivati/istražiti po tom pitanju i da će dati 24-48 sati da daju odgovor, ali je vreme isteklo i nema rešenja za slučaj, niti Operater/kazino je dao sve odgovore na dalje u vezi sa slučajem, a svi dalji pokušaji kontakta su IGNORISANI.
Dakle, otvaram ovu žalbu da bih tražio mirno rešenje, a to je PONOVNO POVRATANjE salda DOBITKA od 3428,13 dolara kako bih mogao da povučem ono što je PO PRAVU MOJE, pošto sam uspešno ispunio uslove KLAĐENjA za preokret, i shodno tome sa onim što je bilo navedeno na stranici za preokret, 3428,13 dolara je bilo „SREDSTVA KOJA SE POVIĆE"
Evo VIDEO DOKAZA problema koji se dešava UŽIVO https://streamable.com/5dlsna
(na kraju videa je TAČAN trenutak kada su mi ODUZELI saldo nakon što je uslov za klađenje ispunjen/dovršen!)
Prema njihovim uslovima, NIŠTA ne navodi da NE MOŽEMO zadržati SREDSTVA ZA POVLAČENjE iz oblasti preokreta, kao što je navedeno u argumentima iznad, kao i da ne možemo povući naše dobitke PREMA LINKU: https://help.bc.game/en/articles/ 8412942-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-deposit-bonus-at-bc-game
Zato tražim mirno rešenje ovog slučaja protiv operatera/kazina.
What happened::I had a bonus of $129 usd deposited with 40x wager requirement ($5189 more or less) i have turned the $129 into $4000+ USD
and MET the ENTIRE wagering requirement of $5189 which is also MISLEADING CLAIM as well, because it's definitely NOT 40x but more like 200x!
as every bet counts only towards 20% of it's real value (ex: you place a $10 bet but in fact you counting only $2 towards the wagering rollover)
i have VIDEO PROOF of that and it will be presented here!
So this 40x/$5189 becomes almost $50.000,00 roll over, then !
Given this conditions.
But even though this INSANE rollover requirement, i still MET THEM ALL without LOSING a single cent, and won in the end a total of $3428.13
(have it ALL RECORDED IN VIDEO) and then after completing it, IMMEDIATELY MY WINNINGS BALANCE GOT REMOVED and i got left with only $129 USD, then!
I have it recorded IN VIDEO, at the time when the MONEY GOT REMOVED from my balance all together and left me with $99 USD !
Here's the image of the LAST BET made before the balance got disappeared/removed
Link to the image: https://ibb.co/vZ2s5SF
And the video link as well: https://streamable.com/5dlsna
What rights do they have to forfeit my entire WINNINGS balance BEYOND the initial deposit bonus, if i have wagered and completed their insane wagering requirement of $50.000/200x roll-over already, as well as the $3428.13 was WINNINGS and BALANCE made WITHOUT LOSING A SINGLE CENT OFF THE BONUS given, as well ?
Specially no rights to do this when clearly there are NO CLEAR BONUS TERMS written explicitly STATING that !
Like you can see here: https://help.bc.game/en/articles/8412942-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-deposit-bonus-at-bc-game
it should have a clause CLEARLY saying something like: " All your winnings balance beyond your original deposit amount, will be 100% forfeited/voided and you will be left only with your original deposit in the end ! "
Besides that, to further STRENGHTEN my arguments against this sketchy behavior even more, on the image below you can CLEARLY SEE that on the ROLLOVER page of the bonus, it was stated that the $3428.13 IS 100% '' WITHDRAWABLE FUNDS ''
Here proof on this image: https://ibb.co/p3MH39y
So given this condition: I want my WINNINGS deposited back to my balance so i can withdraw!
I have fulfilled ALL the INSANE wagering requirements and it was super hard to achieve almost $50k worth of wagering at only 2% face value, with only a $129 initial bonus/deposit, so you can't simply take them away.
Payment Method: $129 USDT
Proof of Payment image: https://ibb.co/7y7sf26
PM/Chat attempt logs images links:
Additional Notes: Clear contact with the operator/casino was attempted, and they initially stated would cooperate/invesgigate on the matter and to allow 24-48 hours to give a response, but the time has expired and no resolution whatsoever to the case, nor any responses further on the case were made by the operator/casino, and any further attempts of contact got IGNORED by them.
So i'm opening this complaint then to seek a peaceful resolution, which is the REINSTATEMENT of the WINNINGS balance of $3428.13 so i can withdraw what was RIGHTFULLY MINE, as i have met the WAGERING requirements successfully for the rollover, and accordingly with what was stated on the rollover page the $3428.13 was " WITHDRAWABLE FUNDS "
Here is the VIDEO PROOF of the issue happening LIVE https://streamable.com/5dlsna
(at the end of the video is the EXACT moment when they TOOK AWAY my balance after the wagering requirement has been accomplished/completed !)
On their terms there's NOTHING stating that we CANNOT keep the WITHDRAWABLE FUNDS from the rollover area as stated on the arguments above, as well as cannot withdraw our winnings AS PER THE LINK: https://help.bc.game/en/articles/8412942-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-deposit-bonus-at-bc-game
So i seek for a peaceful resolution to this case against the operator/casino.
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