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BC.Game Casino - Isplata dobitaka igrača je odložena.
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BC.Game Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Argentina had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks prior to contacting us. Winnings hadn't been obtained up to that day. The player had been trying to withdraw 4626 JPY from an online casino but had faced difficulties due to issues with the payment provider Payoneer. The casino insisted that the delay had been caused by Payoneer not processing the refund. After a lengthy back-and-forth, the casino decided to credit the refund to the player's account, even though they hadn't received the refund from Payoneer yet. The player confirmed that the balance had been restored and the issue had been successfully resolved.
Igrač iz Argentine je podneo zahtev za povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre nego što nas je kontaktirao. Dobici do tog dana nisu dobijeni. Igrač je pokušavao da povuče 4626 JPI iz onlajn kazina, ali se suočio sa poteškoćama zbog problema sa dobavljačem plaćanja Paioneer-om. Kazino je insistirao da je kašnjenje uzrokovano time što Paioneer nije obradio povraćaj novca. Nakon dužeg pregovaranja, kazino je odlučio da kreditira povraćaj novca na račun igrača, iako još nisu primili povraćaj od Paioneer-a. Igrač je potvrdio da je ravnoteža vraćena i da je problem uspešno rešen.
Povukao sam uplatu od 6226 JPI međunarodnoj banci, koja je odbila depozit. Novac je vraćen pošiljaocu, u ovom slučaju BCGAME, ali oni nisu uplatili povraćaj na moj račun.
Komunicirao sam sa Paioneer savetnicima koji su me obavestili da je depozit u potpunosti vraćen pošiljaocu.
Pokušao sam da kontaktiram tim za podršku na bc igrama bez uspeha, doživeo sam velika kašnjenja u pronalaženju rešenja.
Pored toga, tražio sam VIP savetnika, za koji, na osnovu mog nivoa u kazinu, kažu da je trebalo. Ovo da ne spominjem da su mi prethodno blokirali nalog i uskratili razne stvari koje oglašavaju da im pruže.
I withdrew a payment of 6226 JPY to an international bank, which rejected the deposit. The money was returned to the sender, in this case BCGAME, but they did not credit the refund to my account.
I communicated with Payoneer advisors who informed me that the deposit was completely returned to the sender.
I have tried to contact the support team at bc games without success, experiencing extensive delays for a solution.
In addition, I've been requesting a VIP advisor, which, based on my level at the casino, they say I should have. This is not to mention that they previously blocked my account and deprived me of various things that they advertise to provide.
Retire un pago de 6226 JPY,a un banco internacional el cual me rechaza el deposito, devolvieron el dinero al remitente , en este caso BCGAME, no me acreditan en la cuenta dicha devolucion.
Me comunico con asesores de Payoneer me informan que fue devuelto en su totalidad al remitente el deposito.
intento comunicarme con el soporte de bc games sin exito demoras extensas para una solucion.
ademas vengo reclamando un asesor VIP el cual por mi nivel en el casino indican que deberia tener, esto sin mencionar que anteriormente me bloquearon la cuenta, me privaron de distintas cosas que dan publicidad de brindar.
Hvala vam što se poslali svoj prigovor. Žao nam je što čujemo da imate problema sa isplatom i razumemo vašu brigu. Ipak, imajte na umu da je prilično normalno da se na isplate čeka nekoliko dana, pa čak i nedelja. Ovo znači da treba da prođe nekoliko dana da se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Ovo se može desiti zbog nezavršene KYC procedure ili zbog velikog broj zatraženih isplata. Zato mi savetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi, sarađuju sa kazinom i čekaju bar 14 dana pre nego što podnesu prigovor.
Ako vam je nalog kompletno verifikovan, istorija igara ispravna, vaša isplata odobrena od strane kazina, i još niste dobili svoje dobitke nakon 14 dana, mi možemo da intervenišemo i da probamo da vam pomognemo. Hvala unapred za vaše strpljenje i razumevanje.
Pozdrav, Centar za rešavanje prigovora
Dear kiki2584,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests. That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Hvala na odgovoru, kiki2584. Da li ste ranije izvršili uspešna povlačenja?
Pored toga, ako postoji bilo kakva druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, prosledite je na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you for your reply, kiki2584. Have you made any successful withdrawals before?
Additionally, if there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Poštovani, nisam imao problema sa isplatama u različitim kripto ili fiat, u ovom sam samo odbio uplatu, i vratio je u kazino, poslao sam razgovore sa podrškom kazina
Dear, I have not had problems with withdrawals in different cryptos or fiat, in this one I only rejected the payment, and returned it to the casino, I sent the chats with the casino supports
Estimada no he tenido problemas en retiros en distintas cryptos o fiat, en este solamente rechazo el pago, y devolvio al casino,mande los chats con los soportes del casino
Javio sam se našem prodavcu fiat-a u vezi sa pitanjem plaćanja, ali nažalost, još uvek nismo primili nikakav povraćaj sredstava. Da bih pomogao u rešavanju ovog pitanja, priložio sam uplatnicu za referencu.
Da bi napredovao dalje, preporučujem korisniku da se obrati Paioneer-ovoj podršci za plaćanje kako bi dobio priznanicu za ovu transakciju refundiranja. Posedovanje priznanice će nam pomoći da istražimo i ubrzamo proces.
Ne ustručavajte se da me kontaktirate ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije ili pomoć u vezi sa ovim pitanjem.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I've followed up with our fiat merchant regarding the payment issue, but unfortunately, we have not received any refunds as of yet. To assist in resolving this matter, I have attached the payment slip for reference.
In order to progress further, I recommend that the user reach out to Payoneer's payment support to obtain the receipt for this refund transaction. Having the receipt will be crucial in helping us investigate and expedite the process.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information or assistance regarding this issue.
Naravno, tražićemo od našeg trgovca da nam pruži ove informacije. Molimo vas da podelite jasan snimak ekrana koji prikazuje ceo obrazac, ili možete i da ga snimite, pokazujući da je paieroneer zahtevao ove informacije i šta se traži.
Srdačan pozdrav
Sure, we will ask our merchant to provide this information. Please share a clear screenshot showing the whole form, or you can screen record it as well, showing that the payeroneer requested this info and what is being requested.
Posle kratkog sastanka sa našim trgovcem, još nismo našli nikakve povraćaje sredstava ili bilo šta drugo, ali smo ponovo zamerili transakciju, tako da ste možda već primili ovu novu uplatu. Mi ćemo se sami povezati sa Paioneer-om za proces refundiranja poslednje uplate, za koju kažu da su refundirali. U prilogu je priznanica za novu uplatu.
Srdačan pozdrav
After a brief meeting with our merchant, we found no refunds or anything yet, but we have resent the transaction again, so you might have already received this new payment. We will connect with Payoneer ourselves for the refund process of the last payment, which they are saying they refunded. Attached below is the receipt for the new payment.
Nažalost, možemo poslati samo na isti nalog iz bezbednosnih razloga. Mislim da ćete morati da razgovarate sa Paioneer-om da biste dobili sredstva i povukli ih.
Srdačan pozdrav
Unfortunately, we can only send to the same account due to security reasons. I think you will need to discuss with Payoneer to let you have the funds and withdraw them.
Odlučili ste da pošaljete sredstva nazad Paioneer-u bez konsultacije sa mnom...najviše su mi vratili na moj račun i odatle sam uspeo da ih podignem na drugi račun...opet odlučujete sami i sada idite da ponovo odbiju uplatu, to je duplo vreme čekanja sve zbog njihove nekompetentnosti ili nekonsultovanja pre...
You made the decision to send the funds back to Payoneer without consulting most they credited me back to my account and from there I managed to withdraw them to another decide on your own again and now you go to reject the payment again, it is a double waiting time all due to their incompetence or not consulting before...
la decision de mandar los fondos de nuevo a payoneer la tomaron ustedes sin consultarlo....a lo sumo me acreditaban de nuevo en mi cuenta y de ahi me arreglaba para sacarlos en otra cuenta...deciden ustedes solos de nuevo y ahora van a rechazar el pago nuevamente , es un doble tiempo de espera todo por su incompetencia o no consultar antes...
Sada izlaze sa izgovorima da ne isplaćuju bonuse jer su visoki iznosi, nivo 41 bez VIP domaćina, sa važnim opkladama bez poštovanja bonusa dogovorenih od strane platforme, još jednom i ne znam koliko je neusklađenost i nespremnost kazina da reši Ova pitanja, već sam se nekoliko puta žalio da rade šta hoće, očigledno, želim odgovor da znam zašto ne isplaćuju bonuse koje treba da plate.
Now they come out with excuses for not paying the bonuses because they are high amounts, level 41 without a VIP host, with important bets without compliance with the bonuses agreed upon by the platform, one more time and I don't know how many are the non-compliance and the casino's lack of willingness to resolve These issues, I have already complained several times that they do what they want, apparently, I want an answer to know why they do not pay the bonuses that they should pay.
ahora salen con excusas para no pagar los bonos por ser montos elevados,nivel 41 sin host vip, con apuestas importantes sin el cumplimiento de los bonos acordados por la plataforma una mas y no se cuantas van del incumplimiento y la poca predisposicion del casino a resolver estos temas, ya reclame varias veces que hacen lo que se les antoja por lo visto, quiero una respuesta para saber por que no pagan los bonos que deberian pagar.
Prilažem politiku prema onome što kaže kazino, koja nije u skladu sa opkladom od $47,000 USD, nisu mi dali ni centa, dve nedelje niko od njih nije platio nedeljni povraćaj novca....osim što su radili šta su želeli sa mojim jenom
I attach the policy according to what the casino says, which is not complying with $47,000 USD bet, they did not give me a cent, two weeks neither of them paid the weekly cashback....apart from doing what they wanted with my yen
adjunto la politica de acuerdo a lo que dice el casino , que no esta cumpliendo $47.000 usd apostados no me dieron ni un centimo, dos semanas ninguna de las 2 abonaron el cashback semanal....aparte de hacer lo que quisieron con mis yenes
Zamolio bih vas da otvorite posebnu žalbu za bilo šta osim za pitanje povlačenja, jer će to potpuno odstupiti od ove teme razgovora. A što se tiče povlačenja, gde kažete da bi trebalo da vas konsultujemo, kao što sam gore naveo, to bi bilo poslato na isti način povlačenja samo iz bezbednosnih razloga; ne možemo ga poslati na bilo koji drugi način. Zamolio bih vas da se konsultujete sa Paioneer-om i zamolite ih da pošalju imejl na za sva dodatna pitanja, a mi ćemo moći dalje da vam pomognemo. Naš trgovac ne može da pruži ove informacije iz bezbednosnih razloga. Dostavili smo uplatnicu iznad, koju možete dati Paioneer-u.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I would request that you open a separate complaint for anything other than the withdrawal issue, as it will completely deviate from this topic of discussion. And regarding the withdrawal, where you are saying we should consult you, as I have stated above, it would have been sent to the same withdrawal method only due to security reasons; we can't send it to any other method. I would ask you to consult with Payoneer and ask them to send an email to for any further queries, and we will be able to assist with this further. Our merchant cannot provide this information due to security reasons. We have provided the payment slip above, which you can provide to Payoneer.
Poštovani, ne dozvoljava mi da uložim još jednu pritužbu,...zato to radim u ovoj istoj i već sam poslao e-mail za podršku u slučaju povraćaja novca
Dear, it doesn't let me make another complaint,...that's why I do it in this same one and I already sent an email to support with the case of the cashback
estimado no me deja poner otra queja,...por eso lo hago en esta misma ya envie un correo a soporte con el caso de los cashback
Pitanje, zar ne bi bilo manje drame, pripisati taj saldo na kazino račun? Imam još jednu međunarodnu banku koja prihvata jene...zato me i muči što ranije nisam konsultovan, a na pitanje povrata novca nikada nije odgovoreno.
Question, wouldn't it be less drama, crediting that balance to the casino account? I have another international bank that accepts yen...that's why it bothers me that I wasn't consulted before, and the issue of cashback was never answered.
Consulta, no seria menos dramas , acreditarme ese saldo en la cuenta del casino?, tengo otro banco internacional que acepta yenes...por eso me molesto que no se me consulte anteriormente, y el tema del cashback nunca me respondieron
kiki2584, želim da naglasim da nijedan kazino nije dužan da vam da bonus. Nažalost, nismo u poziciji da prisilimo kazina da kreditiraju bonuse, pa bih preporučio da se fokusiramo na odloženo plaćanje.
Pošto se čini da je BC.GAME tim već radio na rešavanju problema, preporučio bih da damo još nekoliko dana i nadamo se da će nam se javiti sa dobrim vestima. Hvala vam na strpljenju i saradnji.
Hello everyone,
Thank you both for your replies.
kiki2584, I would like to emphasize that no casino is obliged to give you any bonus. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to force casinos to credit bonuses, therefore I would recommend that we focus on the delayed payment.
Since it seems that the BC.GAME team has already been working on resolving the issue, I would recommend that we give it a few more days and hopefully, they will get back to us with good news. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Imali smo razgovor sa Paioneer-om i čini se da neće dozvoliti ovu transakciju. Refundiraćemo ovaj iznos na vaš BC.GAME račun kako biste ga mogli povući preko lokalne banke. A što se tiče drugih pritužbi, otvorite novu temu kada ova žalba bude rešena.
Srdačan pozdrav
We had a conversation with Payoneer and seems like they not going to allow this transaction. We are going to refund this amount in your BC.GAME account so you can withdraw it using local bank. And regarding other complaint please open new thread once this complaint is resolved.
Bilo kakve vesti o ovome...nisu mi ponovo isplatili nedeljni povraćaj novca...nisu vratili jen...kakva katastrofa postaje gora...opet vidite značajan iznos u bonusu
Any news about this...they did not pay me the weekly cashback again...they did not refund the yen...what a disaster it gets worse...again you see a significant amount in bonus
Alguna novedad sobre me volvieron a pagar el cashback le reintegran los yenes ..que desastre cada ves peor ..otra ves un monto importante en bonus
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo, Nije primljeno ažuriranje u vezi sa povraćajem sredstava od Paioneer-a, zamolio bih korisnika da zamoli da pošalje potvrdu o refundaciji kako bismo mogli da obradimo povraćaj sredstava na korisnički nalog.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hi, There is no update received regarding the refund from Payoneer, I would ask the user to ask them to send the refund certificate so we can process the refund to user's account.
Povraćaj novca je zatražen pre više od nedelju dana, ostavljen je ažuriran i rečeno im je kako su zatražili kontakt e-poštu kako bi mogli da upravljaju njom iz BC igre. To je bilo dogovoreno i iznos je upisan na račun BC igre, kakva su katastrofa za Boga.
The refund was requested more than a week ago, it was left up to date and they were told how they requested the contact email so they could manage it from BC game. It was what was agreed upon and the amount was credited to the BC game account, what a disaster they are for God.
Se solicito el reembolso hace mas de una semana se dejo ascentado y se les paso como solicitaron el mail de contacto para que lo gestionen desde BC game era lo que se acordo y se acreditaba el monto en la cuenta de BC game, que desastre son por dios.
Prolazi još nedelju dana i ništa ne rešavaju, na kraju se dogovore kako dalje, ne daju rešenje, kasniće 2 meseca sa ovim problemom
Another week going around and they don't resolve anything, in the end agree on the way to proceed, they don't provide a solution, they are going to be 2 months late with this issue
otra semana mas dando vueltas y no resuelven nada, al final ponganse de acuerdo de la manera de proceder, no brindan una solucion van para 2 meses de demora con este tema
PAIONEER mora prvo da refundira ovaj iznos našem trgovcu, a onda možemo da ga vratimo na vaš račun. Nismo dobili nikakav odgovor ili povraćaj sredstava od njih. Pošto je ovo vaš nalog, morate da budete u kontaktu sa njima i zamolite ih da podele sertifikat o povraćaju sredstava.
Srdačan pozdrav
PAYONEER has to refund this amount to our merchant first, then we can refund it to your account. We haven't received any reply or refund from them. As this is your account, you need to be in touch with them and ask them to share the refund certificate.
, dogovoreno je sledeće što si rekao... Ne tvrdim ništa što nisi rekao, ali kako uvek radiš šta hoćeš, DA LI SE GREŠIM ILI KAŽEŠ DA ĆEŠ VRATI IZNOS U BK NALOG IGRICE???
The refund has already been requested, they provided the ticket number
, the following thing said by you had been agreed upon... I am not claiming anything that you did not say, but as you always do what you want, AM I WRONG OR DO YOU SAY THAT YOU WILL REFUND THE AMOUNT INTO THE BC GAME ACCOUNT???
Ya se pidio el reembolso brindaron numero de ticket
, se habia acordado lo siguiente dicho por reclamo nada que ustedes no dijieran, pero como siempre hacen lo que quieren, ESTOY EQUIVOCADO O DICE QUE REINTEGRARAN EL MONTO EN LA CUENTA DE BC GAME???
Bili bismo vam veoma zahvalni ako biste nam mogli dostaviti vaučer za povraćaj sredstava, kao što smo razgovarali prošle nedelje. Ovo je ključno za olakšavanje procesa refundiranja. Spomenuo sam ovo u našem prethodnom razgovoru kako bih osigurao jasnoću i izbegao bilo kakvu zabunu. Hajde da se fokusiramo na ovo ćaskanje posebno na rešavanje žalbe da bismo održali jasnu i efikasnu komunikaciju.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with a refund certificate voucher, as discussed last week. This is crucial for facilitating the refund process. I mentioned this in our previous conversation to ensure clarity and avoid any confusion. Let's focus this chat specifically on addressing the complaint at hand to maintain clear and effective communication.
Ponovo sam tražio od Paioneer-a povraćaj novca, kažu mi da su ponovo zvanično vratili novac pre 60 dana, teraju me da idem okolo bez rešenja.
I have asked Payoneer for a refund again, they tell me that they have officially made the refund again 60 days ago, they have me going around without a solution.
he vuelto a pedir el reintegro a payoneer me dicen que ya realizaron de nuevo la devolucion oficialmente hace 60 dias me tienen dando vueltas sin solucion
Ponovio sam zahtev za refundaciju, ljudi u Paioneer-u su uvek voljni, ja još uvek čekam dobar signal od bc game, čekaju me na sumu koja je za njih zaista beznačajna, a za mene važna.
I reiterated the request for a refund, the people at Payoneer are always willing, I'm still waiting for a good signal from bc game, they have me waiting for an amount that is really insignificant for them but important for me.
Volvi a reiterar el pedido del reembolso, siempre buena predisposicion la gente de payoneer, sigo a la espera de una buena señal de parte de bc game, me tienen esperando por un monto realmente insignificante para ellos pero importante para mi.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Potreban nam je samo vaučer sertifikata za povraćaj sredstava od Paioneer-a koji pokazuje da je povraćaj izvršen. Ovo će morati da samo korisnik pošalje e-poštu Paioneer-u gde mogu da pošalju ovu sliku ispod i zamole ih da izdaju sertifikat o povraćaju sredstava. Paioneer će im poslati sertifikat.
We just need the refund certificate voucher from the Payoneer which shows that the refund has been done. This will need only user to send email to payoneer where they can send this image below and ask them to issue the refund certificate. Payoneer will send them the certificate.
Već sam poslao te podatke Paioneer-u i oni su ih odbili...mogu da daju rešenje sada i prestanu da se vrte je zato što je deo računa obrisan...možete li da kontaktirate Paioneer direktno...prethodno ste tražili e-mail... rekli su da ste zatražili povraćaj ..pre nego što im ga pošalju nazad ..bc igra nije složena ...oni kreditiraju moj račun sa prokletih 4626 jena i namiruju se sa Paioneer-om kao što su uradili prilikom prve uplate ..kakav nedostatak efikasnosti. .imaju me dva meseca bez rešenja...već sam zvao Paioneer 3 puta telefonom,povraćaj novca...u prethodnoj poruci javio sam broj karte...ovo je već loša šala za toliko dugo čekanje na rešenje deo tebe...opet si platio Paioneer-u...doneo si tu odluku bez konsultacija...rešavaš grešku...
I already sent that data to Payoneer and they reject it...they can give a solution now and stop going around...this is because part of the receipt is deleted...could you contact Payoneer directly...previously you requested the email...they said that you requested the refund ..before sending it back to them ..bc Game is not complex ...they credit my account with the damn 4626 yen and settle with Payoneer as they did in the first payment ..what a lack of efficiency. .they have had me for two months without a solution...I have already called Payoneer 3 times by phone, the refund has been a previous message I reported the ticket number...this is already a bad joke for so long waiting for a solution part of paid Payoneer made that decision without solve your mistake...
Ya envié esos datos a Payoneer y lo rechazan ...pueden dar una solución ya y dejar de dar vueltas..esto debido a que está borrado parte del comprobante ..podrían contactarse con Payoneer ustedes directamente ..anteriormente solicitaron el correo ..dijieron que ustedes solicitaban el reembolso ..antes de volver a enviarlo a ellos ..bc Game no es complejo ...acreditan en mi cuenta los malditos 4626 yenes y arreglan con Payoneer como lo realizaron en el primer pago ..que falta de eficiencia tienen hace dos meses sin solución...ya llame 3 veces telefónicamente a Payoneer el reembolso está realizado ..en un mensaje anterior informe el número de ticket ...esto ya es una broma de mal gusto tanto tiempo esperando una solución de parte de ustedes..ustedes volvieron a pagar a Payoneer ...tomaron esa decisión sin consultar..solucionenlo ustedes a su error ...
Kristina...kazino guru...molim te neka ti ljudi iz bc Game daju rešenje. Bavim se ovim pitanjem više od dva meseca...inače više volim da zatvorim potraživanje i izgubim tu sumu...ali budite uvereni da ću sve objaviti na instagramu fejsbuku i koliko društvene mreže ima... sa svim snimcima ekrana...drugu uplatu su izvršili bez konsultacija i traže da ispravim njihovu grešku...čekaju me kao idiota... guru...please let these people from bc Game provide a solution. I have been dealing with this issue for more than two months...otherwise I prefer to close the claim and lose that amount...but rest assured that I will publish everything on Instagram Facebook and how much social network it has...with all the screenshots...they made the second payment without consulting and ask me to fix their mistake...they have me waiting like an idiot... gurú..favor de que está gente de bc Game brinde una solución hace más de dos meses estoy con este tema ..sino prefiero cerrar el reclamo perder ese monto ... pero tengan de seguro que publicaré todo por Instagram Facebook y cuánta red social tenga...con todas las capturas de pantalla..ellos realizaron el segundo pago sin consultar y piden que yo solucione su tienen esperando como un idiota ..
Nažalost, situacija sa kojom se suočavate sa Paioneer-om je van naše kontrole. Od suštinskog je značaja da razumete da ovaj problem potiče od vašeg dobavljača novčanika, a ne od nas ili našeg trgovca. Kao vlasnik naloga, imperativ je da direktno stupite u kontakt sa Paioneer-om, jer oni ometaju proces refundiranja. Iako smo u potpunosti spremni da kreditiramo povraćaj sredstava na vaš BC nalog, to se može desiti samo nakon što Paioneer izvrši povraćaj sredstava našem trgovcu. Pozivamo vas da intenzivirate komunikaciju sa timom za podršku Paioneer-a kako biste ubrzali povraćaj sredstava. Kada od njih dobijete potvrdu o povraćaju novca, predočite je našem timu za podršku. Uveravamo vas da će po prijemu kreditna sredstva odmah biti prikazana na vašem računu. Ovo kašnjenje je žalosno, ali je ključno shvatiti da odgovornost leži na Paioneer-u, a ne na nama ili našem trgovcu.
Regrettably, the situation you're facing with Payoneer is beyond our control. It's essential to understand that this issue stems from your wallet provider, not us or our merchant. As the account holder, it's imperative that you engage directly with Payoneer, as they are the ones hindering the refund process. While we are fully prepared to credit the refund to your BC account, this can only occur after Payoneer has completed the refund to our merchant. We urge you to intensify your communication with Payoneer's support team to expedite the refund. Once you secure the refund certificate from them, please present it to our support team. We assure you that upon receiving this, the credited funds will be promptly reflected in your account. This delay is regrettable, but it's crucial to recognize that the responsibility lies with Payoneer, not with us or our merchant.
Ali poštovani, izvršili ste drugu uplatu bez konsultacija... Želeo sam povraćaj samo na svoj račun bc igre i izabrao sam gde da povučem... tu grešku ste generisali kod druge uplate
But dear, you made the second payment without consulting... I wanted the refund only in my bc Game account and I chose where to withdraw... that error was generated by you in the second payment
Pero estimado ustedes realizaron el segundo pago sin consultar...yo quería el reembolso solamente en mi cuenta de bc Game y yo optar dónde retirar..ese error lo generaron ustedes en el segundo pago
Ali ono što sam ranije prijavio...obrnuto odbijaju jer nedostaje podataka...ali kako varvarski toliki obrti...i to ne zbog mene...mogu da daju rešenje jednom za svagda
But what I reported before...they reject the reverse because there is a lack of data...but how barbaric so many turns...and not because of me...they can provide a solution once and for all
Pero que informe anteriormente rechazan el reverso por qué faltan datos ..pero que bárbaro tantas vueltas ..y no por mi culpa ..pueden brindar una solución de una ves por todas
kiki2584, na snimku ekrana koji si postavio vidim samo potvrdu da je tiket rešen. To ne znači nužno da je povraćaj izvršen. Ako je dobavljač plaćanja potvrdio da je povraćaj sredstava pokrenut, postavite snimak ekrana sa ovim informacijama ovde u ovoj niti. Mnogo vam hvala.
kiki2584, in the screenshot you posted I only see confirmation that the ticket has been resolved. That doesn't necessarily mean that the refund has been issued. If the payment provider confirmed that the refund was initiated, please post a screenshot with this information here in this thread. Thank you very much.
Prošle su skoro dve nedelje od vaše poslednje poruke. Možete li nam se javiti i obavestiti nas da li ste dobili tražene informacije od dobavljača plaćanja? Da li je bilo vesti?
Dear BC.GAME Team,
Almost two weeks have passed since your last message. Could you please get back to us and let us know if you've received the required information from the payment provider? Has there been any news?
Povraćaj sredstava je obrađen na korisnički račun. Još uvek nismo dobili nikakav povraćaj sredstava od Paioneer-a. Međutim, razumemo da ovaj problem traje već neko vreme i izgleda da Paioneer možda neće tražiti povraćaj sredstava. Savetujemo korisniku da izbegava korišćenje ovog načina plaćanja u budućnosti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
A refund has been processed to the user's account. We have not yet received any refund from Payoneer. However, we understand that this issue has been ongoing for some time, and it appears that Payoneer may not be pursuing a refund. We advise the user to avoid using this payment method in the future.
Drago mi je da čujem da je vaš problem uspešno rešen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu.
Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear kiki2584,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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