zdravo i hvala na podršci
Nažalost, moj e-mail je napadnut, ali pošto su moj kazino nalog i većina mojih drugih platformi bili sa ovom e-poštom, bilo mi je zabranjeno da koristim e-poštu nekoliko dana, nakon što sam uspeo da vratim svoj nalog e-pošte , pokušao sam da unesem svoj korisnički nalog u bc game (moj nivo je 45), što sam i shvatio. Blokirali su me bez razloga i čak su napali moj sistem malverom, priložene slike koje možete videti iz mog razgovora sa podrškom sajta govore sve! Da, nažalost, hakovali su me i blokirali jer bih mogao da dobijem svoju veliku nagradu u narednih nekoliko dana, a oni još uvek ne reaguju.
hello and thanks for support
Unfortunately, my e-mail was attacked, but because my casino account and most of my other platforms were with this e-mail, I was banned from using e-mail for a few days, after I managed to restore my e-mail account, I tried to enter my user account in bc gamme (my level is 45), which I realized. They blocked me for no reason and they even attacked my system with malware, the attached pictures you can see from my conversation with the site's support says it all! Yes, unfortunately they hacked me and blocked me because I could get my big prize in the next few days and they are still unresponsive.
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