Na našoj platformi, igrači mogu da deponuju određene NFT-ove i razbiju ih na 1.000 delova koji se nazivaju mNFT-ovi, koji se mogu dalje spojiti ili razbiti kako igrač želi. Takođe nudimo Lucki Spin nagrade, gde igrači mogu da osvoje ove mNFT-ove kao deo svojih bonusa, dostupnih svakodnevno i nakon podizanja nivoa.
Dotični korisnik je primio brojne AZUKI mNFT nagrade i uglavnom ih je koristio za dosledne opklade sa niskim kvotama, prvenstveno u rasponu od 1,01–1,05k. Iako takvi obrasci klađenja možda ne izazivaju zabrinutost u malim količinama, u ovom slučaju, preko 99,9% korisničkog igranja prati ovaj obrazac, u suštini zaobilazeći tradicionalno kockanje.
Ključno je napomenuti da su nagrade za opklade obezbeđene u BCD, koji je uparen sa USDT. Opsežno klađenje sa AZUKI-jem prevedeno je na preko 550.000 dolara zarađenih bonusa.
Međutim, primarni razlog za konfiskaciju sredstava korisnika bio je otkrivanje greške u našem AZUKI cenovniku. Greškom smo ga naveli 3,2 puta veću od njegove stvarne vrednosti, što je rezultiralo time da smo korisniku dodelili 3,2 puta više nagrada nego što je trebalo da dobije. Korisnik je bio svestan ove neslaganja i nastavio je da kladi sa AZUKI isključivo da bi akumulirao BCD bonuse. Igrač ovde nije mogao da izgubi i u suštini je štampao novac.
Ukratko, ovo je jasan primer zloupotrebe bonusa, i shodno tome, konfiskovali smo preostali iznos na računu igrača. Vredi napomenuti da je korisnik već značajno profitirao od svojih akcija, sakupivši višestruki šestocifreni profit koji je povučen.
Iznenađujuće je da oni pokušavaju da podignu dodatne zahteve na platformama trećih strana kao što je BCT, uz izostavljanje ključnih informacija.
Od sada, korisnički nalog je u potpunosti vraćen i može se koristiti na uobičajen način.
Očigledno je da je korisnik bio u potpunosti svestan njihovih aktivnosti, na šta ukazuje njihova značajna uključenost u klađenje sa AZUKI NFT. Detaljna analiza njihovog računa otkriva sledeća finansijska kretanja:
Ukupni depoziti: $983,513
Ukupno povlačenja: $1,560,631
Neto profit od igre: -1,414,468 dolara
Značajno je da je korisnik ostvario profit od približno 550 hiljada dolara samo od bonusa, što se može pripisati postojećim razlikama u ceni. Ukupan iznos opklade sa AZUKI iznosi 117,846,930 dolara.
Želimo da pojasnimo da je naša akcija povlačenja bilansa bila posebno usmerena na sredstva akumulirana zbog ovog odstupanja u ceni. Ova mera ne utiče na depozite korisnika niti na dobitke koji proizilaze iz tih depozita.
On our platform, players can deposit certain NFTs and break them into 1,000 pieces called mNFTs, which can be further merged or broken as the player wishes. We also offer Lucky Spin rewards, where players can win these mNFTs as part of their bonuses, available daily and upon leveling up.
The user in question received numerous AZUKI mNFT rewards and predominantly used them for consistent low-odds wagers, primarily in the range of 1.01–1.05x. While such wagering patterns might not raise concerns in small volumes, in this case, over 99.9% of the user's gameplay followed this pattern, essentially bypassing traditional gambling.
It's crucial to mention that the wager rewards are provided in BCD, which is paired with USDT. The extensive wagering with AZUKI translated to over $550,000 in earned bonuses.
However, the primary reason for confiscating the user's funds was the discovery of an error in our AZUKI price listing. We had mistakenly listed it 3.2 times higher than its actual value, resulting in us awarding the user 3.2 times more rewards than they should have received. The user was well aware of this discrepancy and continued wagering with AZUKI solely to accumulate BCD bonuses. The player could not lose here and was essentially printing money.
In summary, this is a clear instance of bonus abuse, and consequently, we confiscated the remaining balance in the player's account. It's worth noting that the user has already profited significantly from their actions, amassing multiple six figures of profit that have been withdrawn.
It is surprising that they are attempting to raise additional claims on third-party platforms like BCT, with crucial information omitted.
As of now, the user's account has been fully reinstated and can be used in the usual manner.
It is evident that the user was fully aware of their activities, as indicated by their significant wagering involvement with AZUKI NFT. A detailed analysis of their account reveals the following financial movements:
Total Deposits: $983,513
Total Withdrawals: $1,560,631
Net Game Profit: -$1,414,468
Notably, the user has accrued a profit of approximately $550k solely from bonuses, which can be attributed to the existing price discrepancies. The total wager amount with AZUKI stands at $117,846,930.
We wish to clarify that our action to revoke the balance was specifically targeted at the funds accumulated due to this price discrepancy. This measure does not affect any deposits made by the user or any winnings derived from those deposits.
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