Drago mi je što sam vas upoznao, ja sam član VIP domaćina. Srdačan pozdrav.
Izvinite ako ovo nije jasno jer koristim prevodioca.
Ovo je slično mnogim pritužbama koje smo dobili na Casino Guru.
Vremenska linija
Moje povlačenje je zaključano i kontaktirao sam svog VIP domaćina.
VIP domaćin je zahtevao napredni KIC.
Rečeno mi je da ću biti otključan kada se KIC potvrdi.
Odmah sam se overio vozačkom dozvolom, ali nije išlo i tražili su od mene da overim drugim dokumentima.
Saradnik nije imao pasoš pa je otišao u zemlju da se prijavi za pasoš.
Ponovo sam uradio KIC sa svojim pasošem i on je uspešno potvrđen, pa sam kontaktirao VIP domaćina i zamolio ga da ga otključa.
Kontaktirao sam ih 4 puta tokom ovog perioda da vidim da li je otključavanje već obavljeno, ali su mi samo rekli da sačekam jer su u procesu provere.
Došao sam da pitam gospodina Casino Gurua da li može da reši problem jer iz ove situacije nema rešenja.
Dodatne Informacije
Ja sam igrač više od godinu dana.
Ja sam igrač više od godinu dana i napravio sam 12 depozita i 2 povlačenja između 11.4.2024. i 15.5.2024.
Igrao sam stone igre, slotove i originalne igre.
Ne znam da li je to bio bonus ili ne, ali imao sam sreće da pobedim i povećam svoj balans od mog depozita 15.5!
Molim vas pomozite mi.
Prevedeno sa DeepL.com (besplatna verzija)
Nice to meet you, I'm a member of the VIP Host. Best regards.
Sorry if this is not clear as I am using a translator.
This is similar to the many complaints we have received on Casino Guru.
My withdrawal was locked and I contacted my VIP host.
VIP host requested advanced KYC.
Told I would be unlocked once KYC was authenticated.
I immediately authenticated with my driver's license, but it didn't work and they asked me to authenticate with other documents.
The contributor did not have a passport so he went to the country to apply for one.
I did the KYC again with my passport and it was successfully authenticated, so I contacted the VIP host and asked him to unlock it.
I contacted them 4 times during this period to see if the unlock has been done yet, but they only told me to wait because they are in the process of checking.
I came to ask Mr. Casino Guru if he can solve the problem since there is no solution from this situation.
Additional information
I have been a player for over a year.
I have been a player for more than a year and have made 12 deposits and 2 withdrawals between 4/11/2024 and 5/15/2024.
I have played table games, slots, and original games.
I don't know if it was the bonus or not, but I have been lucky enough to win and increase my balance since my deposit on 5/15!
Please help me out.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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