Nakon mnogo povlačenja i depozita. VIP29.
100k+ opklada
Poslao sam povlačenje 5 hiljada dolara (A-1777015782828916155)
Nekoliko sati kasnije status povlačenja je postao (podnošenje povlačenja nije uspelo)
Kontaktirao sam podršku na koju su mi odgovorili da je u pitanju interna greška i novac će se vratiti na račun za 6 sati i da ga ponovo podignem.
Ništa se ne dešava posle 6 sati. Kontaktirao sam podršku i rekli su da će trebati 24 sata da se novac vrati i napravi prvu od 25 karata. 333404
Svaki dan tražim ažuriranje, a oni stalno govore 24 sata i prave nove karte. Okrivljavanje tehničkih problema.
6 dana nakon povlačenja novca nije uspelo i nestalo je još 0 e-poruka ili informacija iz bc igre.
Nakon pretraživanja u drugim pritužbama na slične slučajeve. Ova stvar nikada neće biti rešena i oni će mesecima odlagati sa rečima da proveravaju stvar.
Nadam se da će to biti rešeno pa da se vratim da igram.
After many withdrawal and deposits . VIP29.
100k+ wager
I have submited a withdrawal of 5k dollars (A-1777015782828916155)
Few hours later the status of the withdrawal become ( failed to submit withdrawal )
I contacted the support to which they replied saying it was a internal error and the money will comeback to the account in 6 hours and to withdraw it again .
Nothing happen after 6 hours. I contacted the support they sayed it will take 24 hours for the money to comeback and creating the first out of 25 tickets . 333404
Everyday I ask for update and they keep saying 24 hours and creat new tickets. Blamming the technical issues.
6 days after withdrawal money failed and desapeared still 0 emails or information from bc game.
After searching in other complains about similar cases. This matter will never be sorted and they will delay saying they are checking on the matter for months.
Hope it will be solved so I can go back to play.
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