17. februara 2024. registrovao sam se u BC.Game Casino. Zabavio sam se i od mene je zatraženo da uradim KIC.
Sledećeg dana (18. februara) još sam čekao odobrenje kada sam prvi put putem ćaskanja pokazao da bolujem od zavisnosti, pa sam požurio da podignem svoja sredstva.
Nakon toga sam imao problema sa nekim opkladama koje su jednostavno nestale, a koje su delimično rešene na bitcointalk forumu.
Kao što možete primetiti 24. februara, BC Support OP je obavešten od strane jednog od najvažnijih administratora u vezi sa mojim stanjem - zavisnošću, zahtevajući da zatvore moj nalog.
Tokom mog perioda klađenja, zaradio sam nedeljni i mesečni kalendarski bonus. Završio sam sa klađenjem, ali sam nameravao da dobijem bonus da nadoknadim svoje gubitke.
Kontaktirao sam kazino tražeći od njih da ograniče moje uloge ili ograniče moje depozite - i začudo, oni ne nude te usluge kupcima - ali njihovi to kažu.
3. marta moj nalog je zatvoren (nisam tražio da se zatvori jer sam nameravao da dobijem kalendarski bonus u narednim nedeljama).
Kada sam pitao za razlog, rekli su da je to zbog moje zavisnosti - pa sam ih zamolio da budu u pravu, jer sam svoje zdravstveno stanje ispoljio 18. februara, a to je javno objavljeno na forumu 24. februara.
Kontaktirala me je OP podrška na BitcoinTalk forumu skoro 48 sati pre nego što sam rekla: „naša platforma je identifikovala potencijalne znake vaše zavisnosti od kockanja, i toplo preporučujemo da se prijavite za samoisključivanje".
Nažalost, njihov čet nema datum na razgovorima, ali pored svih komunikacija na četovima i svih mojih aktivnosti koje njihovi algoritmi lako identifikuju kao zavisnost, od 24. februara znaju moje stanje.
Zato tražim od njih da vrate moj nalog na taj trenutak jer su znali da bolujem od zavisnosti i nisu bili u mogućnosti da pruže alate zaštite koje sam tražio (ograničenje depozita ili ograničenje uloga ili tajmer sesije igre). Prilažem više dokaza o mojoj zavisnosti, razgovore sa njihovom podrškom, poruke na bitcointalk forumu, njihova pravila uslova korišćenja o mehanizmima zaštite od zavisnosti itd.
Zbog njihovog kalendarskog bonusa i zbog toga što nisam morao da ograničavam svoj nalog, nastavio sam sa otvorenim nalogom i deponovao sam i svaki dan gubio sve. Rekli su da će popraviti te uslove, ali u stvari to je uticalo na to da moji depoziti nisu ograničeni kao što je trebalo.
Dakle, imam minus razliku od 4008,59 dolara najmanje od trenutka kada mogu da dokažem da su znali za moje stanje.
On 17th February 2024 I registered in BC.Game Casino. I got some fun and I was requested to do the KYC.
On next day (18th February) I was still waiting for approval when I manifested for the first time via chat that I suffer from addiction, thats why I had hurry to withdraw my funds.
After that I had some issues on some bets that simply disappeared that were partially resolved on bitcointalk forum.
As you can notice on 24th February, BC Support OP was notified by one of the most important admins regarding to my condition - addiction, requesting them to close my account.
During my betting period, I earned some weekly and monthly calendar bonus. I was done with betting there but I intended to receive my bonus to compensate my losses.
I contacted casino asking them to limit my stakes or limit my deposits - and surprisely they don't offer that services to the customers - but their theirs say so.
On 3rd March my account was closed (I didn't request it to be closed because I intended to receive the calendar Bonus in next weeks).
When I asked for the reason, they told it was due to my addiction - so I requested to them to be right about that, because I had manifested my health condition on 18th February, and it was publicly exposed on forum at 24th February.
I was contacted by OP Support on BitcoinTalk forum almost 48h before saying: "our platform has identified potential signs of your gambling addiction, and we strongly recommend that you apply for self-exclusion."
Unfortunatly their chat don't have a date on the conversations, but besides all chats communications and all my activity that is easily identified as addiction by their algorithms, since 24th February they know my condition.
So I request them to rollback my account to that moment as they knew I suffered from addiction and they weren't able to provide the protection tools I requested (deposit limit or stake limit or game session timer). I'm attaching multiple evidences, of my addiction, conversations with their support, bitcointalk forum messages, their ToS rules about addiction protection mechanisms etc.
Due to their calendar bonus and not having anyway to limit my account, I continued with my account opened depositing and losing everything everyday. They stated they will fix those terms but in fact it affected me not having my deposits limited as it was supposed to.
So I have a minus difference of $4008.59 at very least since the moment I can proof they knew about my condition.
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