Želeo bih da razjasnim situaciju u vezi sa dokumentima koje sam dostavio. Čini se da je došlo do nesporazuma, jer se sugeriše da nisam dostavio potrebna dokumenta, a u stvari sam poslao sve traženo.
Prvo sam poslao svoj poreski dokument, koji je nažalost odbijen. Zatim sam predao svoje platne liste i bankovni izvod koji sam prethodno poslao. Važno je napomenuti da platne liste dobijam samo kao dokaz o mojoj plati. Bio sam iznenađen kada su odbijeni, jer jasno opisuju moju zaradu i trebalo bi da budu validan dokaz o mojim prihodima.
Kontaktirao sam njihov tim za podršku da to razjasnim, a u poštu ću priložiti snimak ekrana tog razgovora gde su me uverili da bi platni listovi trebalo da budu dovoljni i da nisu sigurni zašto su odbijeni, posebno zato što je to bio dokument od mene je zatraženo da dostavim.
Uprkos tome, strpljivo sam čekao odgovor. Međutim, pre oko nedelju dana, dobio sam još jedan mejl u kome je pisalo da su moje platne liste odbijene i da moram da dostavim detaljan izveštaj o platama, koji ne posedujem. Imam samo platne liste, koje sam već predao. Kada sam pitao zašto moje platne liste nisu prihvaćene, naišao sam na standardni odgovor, još jednom tražio izvod o platama koji nemam.
Da budem potpuno transparentan, izuzetno je frustrirajuće što se od mene traži opsežna lista dokumenata samo da bih pristupio sopstvenim sredstvima. Čini se ironično da kada sam polagao novac na račun, nije bilo takvih zahteva za dokaz o sredstvima, ali sada, za podizanje relativno malog iznosa, tražim da dostavim dodatnu dokumentaciju.
U ovom trenutku sam dostavio dokaz o svojim prihodima i ne razumem zašto se to više ne smatra dovoljnim. Nadam se da možemo brzo da rešimo ovaj problem.
I would like to clarify the situation regarding the documents I have submitted. It seems there is a misunderstanding, as it is being suggested that I have not provided the necessary documents, but I have in fact sent everything requested.
Initially, I sent my tax document, which was unfortunately rejected. I then submitted my payslips and a bank statement which I had sent previously. It is important to note that I only receive payslips as proof of my salary. I was surprised when they were rejected, as they clearly outline my earnings and should be valid proof of my income.
I reached out to their support team to clarify this, and I will be attaching in the mail a screenshot of that conversation where they assured me that the payslips should be sufficient and that they were uncertain why they had been rejected, especially since this was the document I was asked to provide.
Despite this, I patiently waited for a response. However, about a week ago, I received another email stating that my payslips were rejected and that I needed to provide a detailed salary statement, which I do not possess. I only have payslips, which I have already submitted. When I questioned why my payslips were not accepted, I was met with a standard response, once again requesting a salary statement I do not have.
To be completely transparent, it is extremely frustrating to be asked for an extensive list of documents just to access my own funds. It seems ironic that when I deposited money into the account, no such requests for proof of funds were made, but now, to withdraw a relatively small amount, I am being asked to submit additional documentation.
At this point, I have provided proof of my income, and I do not understand why it is no longer considered sufficient. I hope we can resolve this matter promptly.
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