Zdravo Dhmnhtrhsvor,
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo pitanje. Cenimo vaše strpljenje dok radimo na rešavanju problema.
Kao što je navedeno u odeljku 5.2 naših Uslova i odredbi, svakom igraču je dozvoljeno da ima samo jedan nalog. Ako se kreira više naloga, ti dodatni nalozi mogu biti ograničeni ili zatvoreni. Nakon naše istrage, utvrdili smo da je više naloga registrovano na vaše ime.
Da bismo rešili ovaj problem, molimo da dostavite neophodan bankovni izvod i akreditive za račun na koji želite da se sredstva refundiraju. Kada primimo ove informacije i završimo pregled, moći ćemo da vratimo stanje na vaš nalog.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i saradnju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
BDMbet tim
Hello Dhmnhtrhsvor,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve it.
As outlined in Section 5.2 of our Terms and Conditions, each player is allowed to have only one account. If more than one account is created, those additional accounts may be restricted or closed. Following our investigation, we have identified that multiple accounts are registered in your name.
To resolve this matter, we kindly request that you provide the necessary bank statement and credentials for the account on which you want the funds to be refunded. Once we have received this information and completed our review, we will be able to refund the balance to your account.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Kind Regards,
BDMbet Team
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