Samoisključivanje igrača nije uspelo jer je njegov nalog još uvek otvoren. Odbili smo žalbu jer je igrač prestao da odgovara.
Zdravo kazino guru,
Više puta sam kontaktirao kazino zbog svoje zavisnosti od kockanja, ali ih nije briga.
Pokušao sam više puta da mi blokiraju nalog, ali oni to jednostavno ne žele.
Recite im odmah da blokiraju moj nalog i pošalju mi listu transakcija mojih depozita i povlačenja.
Ako moji gubici ne budu refundirani, podneću tužbu protiv kazina. To sam već uradio u nekoliko kazina koji nemaju nemačku licencu.
Neverovatno je da uprkos nekoliko e-poruka i ćaskanja, moj nalog ostaje otvoren i mogu sa zadovoljstvom da nastavim da uplaćujem.
Hello casino guru,
I have contacted the casino multiple times about my gambling addiction but they don't care.
I have tried multiple times to have my account blocked but they just don't want it.
Please tell them immediately to block my account and send me a transaction list of my deposits and withdrawals.
If my losses are not refunded, I will file a lawsuit against the casino. I have already done this at several casinos that do not have a German license.
It's unbelievable that despite several emails and chats, my account just stays open and I can happily continue to deposit.
Hallo Casino Guru,
ich habe das Casino mehrfach wegen meiner Glücksspielsucht kontaktiert, aber ihnen ist diese egal.
Ich habe mehrmals probiert mein Konto sperren zu lassen, aber sie wollen es einfach nicht.
Bitte teilt denen umgehend mit, mein Konto zu sperren und mir eine Transaktionsliste meiner Ein-und Auszahlungen zu schicken.
Sollte keine Rückerstattung meiner Verluste erfolgen, werde ich gegen das Casino Klage einreichen. Dies habe ich bereits bei mehreren Casinos vorgenommen, welche keine deutsche Lizenz besitzen.
Es ist unfassbar dass trotz mehrerer Emails und Chats mein Konto einfach offen bleibt und ich fröhlich weiter einzahlen kann.
Zdravo gamblingaddict1994,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Bet7 kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete kada ste tačno prvi put zatražili samoisključivanje? Koliko brzo nakon vašeg zahteva ste deponovali? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Imajte na umu da obrada takvog zahteva može da potraje od 1-4 dana u zavisnosti od kog dana ste ga zahtevali jer može potrajati duže pre vikenda.
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello gamblingaddict1994,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Bet7 Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise when exactly did you request for self exclusion for the first time? How fast after your request did you deposit? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Please note that processing such request may take up from 1-4 days depending on which day did you request it as it might take longer before the weekends.
Looking forward to your answer.
Ne znam tačno da li sam posle izgubio nešto novca, bio je četvrtak u 12:30, dakle pre 48 sati, ali sam posle toga više puta kontaktirao čet zbog blokade. U stvari, trebalo bi da imaju funkciju da odmah blokiraju moj nalog. Ali ništa se nije dogodilo.
Svejedno ću vratiti novac putem pravnog postupka jer kazino nema nemačku licencu.
Sve što me zanima je da mi račun bude blokiran i da dobijem listu mojih depozita i povlačenja, ali niko ne odgovara.
I don't know exactly if I lost any money afterwards, it was Thursday at 12:30, so 48 hours ago, but after that I contacted the chat several times because of the blocking. Actually, they should have the function to block my account immediately. But nothing happened.
I'll get the money back anyway through legal action because the casino doesn't have a German license.
All I care about is that my account gets blocked and I get a list of my deposits and withdrawals, but no one is responding.
Ich weiss nicht genau, ob ich danach noch Geld verloren habe, es war Donnerstag um 12:30, also vor 48 Stunden, danach habe ich aber noch mehrmals den Chat komtaktiert wegen der Sperrung. Eigentlich müssten die die Funktion haben mein Konto sofort zu sperren. Aber nichts ist passiert.
Ich werde mir das Geld eh über den Klageweg zurückholen, da das Casino keine deutsche Lizenz besitzt.
Mir ist nur wichtig, dass mein Konto gesperrt wird und ich eine Liste meiner Ein-und Auszahlungen erhalte, aber es reagiert niemand.
Zdravo gamblingaddict1994,
Možete li da nam kažete da li je vaš nalog već blokiran i ako jeste, od kada tačno?
Morate imati na umu da je na vama da li ćete se registrovati u kazinu ili ne. Ako kazino dozvoljava nemačke igrače, vaša je odluka da se tamo registrujete. Od početka ste mogli da vidite da nemaju nemačku licencu pa se to ne može koristiti kao izgovor.
Takođe, zahtev za samoisključivanje se obično obrađuje u roku od 1-4 dana (u zavisnosti od toga kada ste ga zatražili).
Hello gamblingaddict1994,
Can you please advise if your account is already blocked and if yes, since when exactly?
You have to keep in mind that it is up to you whether you register in a casino or not. If the casino allows German players, it is purely your decision to register there. You could have seen it from the beginning that they do not have a German license so it can't be used as an excuse.
Also the self exclusion request is usually processed within 1-4 days (depending on when did you request it).
Ovo nije tačno, do sada sam tužio i dobio nekoliko kazina i mogu da pružim dokaze o tome ako je potrebno.
Kazina na Kurasau su obavezna da uopšte ne primaju nemačke igrače.
Ali to nije moja poenta.
Da, moj nalog je konačno blokiran.
Ali i dalje želim listu transakcija iz kazina.
Na ovo još nisam dobio odgovor.
Mislim da to namerno ignorišu, čak i ako su u obavezi da to urade.
Zanimaju me samo spiskovi prema Zakonu o zaštiti podataka.
This is not true, I have sued and won against several casinos so far and can provide evidence of this if required.
Curacao casinos are obliged not to accept German players at all.
But that's not my point.
Yes, my account has finally been blocked.
But I still want a transaction list from the casino.
I have not yet received an answer to this.
I think they deliberately ignore it, even if they are obligated to do so.
I am only concerned with the lists under the Data Protection Act.
Das stimmt so nicht, ich habe bis jetzt gegen mehrere Casinos geklagt und gewonnen, und kann hierfür Nachweise liefern, wenn erforderlich.
Curacao-Casinos sind verpflichtet deutsche Spieler garnicht erst anzunehmen.
Aber darum geht es mir nicht.
ja mein Konto wurde nun endlich gesperrt.
Aber ich möchte noch eine Transaktionsliste von dem Casino.
Hierauf wurde mir noch nicht geantwortet.
ich denke sie ignorieren es bewusst, auch wenn sie verpflichtet dazu sind.
Mir geht es nur um die Listen gemäß Datenschutzgesetz.
trebalo bi da mi daju potvrdu da će moj zahtev za privatnost biti obrađen u roku od 30 dana od mog zahteva.
they should give me confirmation that my privacy request will be processed within 30 days of my request.
sie sollen mir eine Bestätigung geben, dass meine Datenschutzanfrage innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab meiner Anfrage bearbeitet wird.
Tačno, to bi mi bilo dovoljno, oni su po zakonu obavezni da to urade i imam problem sa nekoliko kazina Curacao da mi se ne šalju, kao ovde
Correct, that would be enough for me, they are required by law to do this and I have the problem with several Curacao casinos that they are not sent to me, just like here
Korrekt, das würde mir schon reichen, hierzu sind diese laut Gesetz verpflichtet und ich habe bei mehreren Curacao-Casinos das Problem, dass mir diese nicht zugesandt werden, so wie hier auch
Zdravo gamblingaddict1994,
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete kada ste tačno tražili informacije o nalogu? Da li je to bilo pre više od 30 dana?
Hello gamblingaddict1994,
Can you please advise when exactly did you request for the account information? Was it more than 30 days ago?
Bilo je to 28.01.2023. i nakon toga sam nekoliko puta pitao kada mogu da očekujem, ali nikada nisam dobio odgovor. Mislim da ih nije briga
It was 01/28/2023, and after that I asked several times when I can expect it, but never received an answer. I don't think they care
Es war am 28.01.2023, und danach habe ich mehrmals gefragt, wann ich damit rechnen kann, aber nie eine Antwort erhalten. Ich denke nicht, dass die sich darum kümmern
Zdravo gamblingaddict1994,
Pošto su još uvek unutar perioda od 30 dana, teško možemo da uradimo bilo šta sa tim. Kada prođe više od datog vremenskog perioda, možda ćemo pokušati da intervenišemo. Do tada, tajmer za žalbe će biti postavljen na vas i molimo vas da nas obavestite u slučaju bilo kakvog ažuriranja.
Hello gamblingaddict1994,
As they are still within the 30 day period, we can hardy do anything with it. Once it will take more than the given time period, we may try to intervene. Until then the complaint timer will be set on you and please let us know in case of any update.
Period od 30 dana završava se u ponedeljak, 27. februara, ali do tada se ionako ništa neće desiti, ali sačekaćemo pa ćemo videti
The 30-day period ends on Monday, February 27th, but nothing will happen until then anyway, but we'll wait and see
Die 30-Tage-Frist endet am Montag den 27.02, aber es wird eh nichts passieren bis dahin, aber wir warten mal ab
Hvala vam gamblingaddict1994 na pruženim informacijama. Sada ću proslediti vašu žalbu kolegi Tomasu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you gamblingaddict1994 for the information provided. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Tomas ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo gamblingaddict1994,
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da vidim da li mogu da pomognem.
Pozivamo Bet7 Kazino da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Poštovani Bet7 kazino,
Možete li da potvrdite da li ste od igrača primili zahtev za listu istorije transakcija?
Hvala vam.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello gamblingaddict1994,
I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite Bet7 Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Bet7 Casino,
Can you please confirm if you have received a request from the player about the transaction history list?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Dragi gamblingaddict1994,
Tražene informacije o svim transakcijama \ istoriji klađenja, kao što vam je ranije rečeno, uvek su dostupne na platformi vašeg igrača.
Nalog je zatvoren 28.01.2023. pošto smo istog dana primili zahtev za samoisključivanje od vas putem e-pošte.
Bilo kakva dodatna pojašnjenja, javite nam.
Srdačan pozdrav
Tim za korisničku podršku
Dear gamblingaddict1994,
The requested information about the all the transactions \ betting history, like it was told to you before, is always available in your player platform.
The account was closed in 28/01/2023 since we recived a self exclusion request by email from you on the same day.
Any more clarifications, please let us know.
Best Regards
Customer Support Team
Obavezni ste da mi ovo pošaljete mejlom, potvrdio mi je i davalac licence i ne, nalog nije odmah zatvoren, recite istinu, pa mi odmah pošaljite istoriju transakcija u skladu sa DSVGO mejlom.
You are obliged to send me this by email, the licensor has also confirmed to me and no, the account was not closed immediately, tell the truth, so send me the transaction history in accordance with DSVGO by email now.
Sie sind verpflichtet mir das per Mail zuzusenden, hat mir auch der Lizenzgeber bestätigt und nein das Konto wurde nicht sofort geschlossen, sagen Sie die Wahrheit, also schicken Sie mir den Transaktionsverlauf gemäß DSVGO per Mail nun zu.
Poštovani Bet7 kazino,
Možete li molim vas da objasnite kako igrač treba da dobije istoriju transakcija kada je njegov nalog već zatvoren?
Da li možete da dostavite igraču ovaj dokument putem e-pošte, kao što je on tražio?
Hvala vam.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bet7 Casino,
Could you please explain how the player should get the transaction history when his account is already closed?
Are you able to provide the player with this document via email, as he has requested?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dragi gamblingaddict1994,
Vaš nalog je ponovo otvoren da bismo videli istoriju transakcija.
Možete da tražite bilo koju transakciju tako što ćete kliknuti na „Istorija" umesto na „Transakcije" i izabrati datume koje želite da proverite.
Bilo kakva dodatna pojašnjenja, javite nam.
Srdačan pozdrav
Tim za korisničku podršku
Dear gamblingaddict1994,
Your account was reopened in order to see your transaction history.
You can search for any transaction by clicking in "History" than "Transactions" and select tha dates you want to check.
Any more clarifications, please let us know.
Best Regards
Customer Support Team
Da li ste po zakonu u obavezi da mi pošaljete ovako nešto putem mejla? Nemate pojma o GDPR-u?
Samo zato što želim da podnesem tužbu protiv vas, ne možete me sprečiti da to uradim.
Pošaljite mi ovo sada konačno poštom.
Are you legally obliged to send me something like this by email? Do you have no idea about GDPR?
Just because I want to file a lawsuit against you, you can't keep me from doing so.
Send me this now finally by mail.
Ihr seid gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet mir sowas per Mail mitzuteilen? Habt ihr keine Ahnung von DSVGO?
Nur weil ich Klage gegen euch einreichen möchte, könnt ihr mir dies nicht vorenthalten.
Schickt mir dies nun endgültig per Mail zu.
Poštovani Bet7 kazino,
Možete li molim vas da kažete da li ste u mogućnosti da pružite igraču traženi dokument putem e-pošte? Postoji li neki razlog zašto više volite da igrač sam proveri istoriju umesto da mu je šalje ručno putem e-pošte?
Hvala vam.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bet7 Casino,
Could you please state if you are able to provide the player with the requested document via email? Is there any reason why you prefer the player to check the history by himself instead of sending it manually via email to him?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dragi Tomas
Što se tiče zahteva igrača za samoisključivanje, račun je zatvoren ( 28\1\2023 ) u zakonskom roku, ponovo je otvoren samo u svrhu pristupa statistici koju je igrač ranije tražio, ali je potpuno ograničen za depozite, isplate i opklade.
Da li biste bili ljubazni da objasnite zašto kažete da samoisključivanje nije uspelo?
Takođe, naša politika da ne delimo interne finansijske informacije je prilično očigledna, zbog bezbednosnih razloga i uključene zaštite podataka, sa svim entitetima koji su evoluirali.
Način na koji su ovi podaci predstavljeni na našoj strani podrazumeva print screen stranice za svaki pojedinačni depozit ili isplatu, na računu igrača to se može videti samo na jednoj stranici.
Ne možemo da pristupimo ličnom nalogu igrača inače bismo mogli da pružimo snimak ekrana koji igrač traži
Zbog toga dajemo pristup korisniku da ima svoje evidencije \ transakcije \ itd. uvek dostupne u bilo kom trenutku, kako bismo izbegli ručni proces za Bet7 timove, sigurno razumete, u univerzumu hiljada igrača.
Stoga, i sa svim revidiranim i osiguranim pitanjima, dajemo ovu tvrdnju kao rešenu.
Srdačan pozdrav
Tim za korisničku podršku
Dear Tomás
Regarding the player's self exclusion request, the account was closed ( 28\1\2023 ) within the legal timeframe, it was reopened only for the purpose of getting access to statistics that the player requested before, but is fully limited for deposits, withdrawals and bets.
Would you be so kind as to explain why you say that the self exclusion failed?
Also our policy of not sharing internal financial information is pretty obvious,due to security reasons and the data protection involved, with all the entities evolved.
The way this data is presented on our side involves a print screen of a page for every single deposit or withdrawal, on the player's account it can be seen only in one page.
We cannot access the player's personal account otherwise we could provide the screenshot the player asks
That's why we give access to the user to have his own logs \ transactions \ ect always available at any moment, to avoid manual process to the Bet7 teams, sure you understand , in a universe of thousands of players.
Therefore, and with all the issues revised and assured, we give this claim as resolved.
Best Regards
Customer Support Team
Moj nalog je zatvoren tek 4 dana kasnije, ali to nije poenta za mene, radi se o tome da GDPR kaže da svi podaci koje kazino ima od vas moraju da vam budu poslati mejlom u čitljivom formatu, ali oni imaju taj Curacao kazina očigledno nikada nisu čuli za to
My account was only closed 4 days later, but that's not the point for me, it's about the fact that GDPR says that all data that the casino has from you must be sent to you by email in a legible format, but they have that Curacao casinos apparently never heard of it
Mein Konto wurde erst 4 Tage später geschlossen, aber darum geht es mir nicht, es geht darum, dass DSVGO besagt, dass einem sämtliche Daten die das Casino von einem hat, per Mail in einem gut lesbaren Format zugesandt werden müssen, aber davon haben die Curacao-Casinos anscheinend noch nie etwas gehört
Dragi gamblingaddict1994,
Nakon što smo pregledali ovaj slučaj sa mojim timom, verujemo da je kazino pokušao da sarađuje i da vam pomogne da rešite problem. Iako mislimo da ste zaista imali pravo da tražite istoriju transakcija putem e-pošte, kazino je došao do rešenja i dozvolio vam da pristupite svom nalogu (ograničeno na depozite/povlačenja/klađenja) i da sami proverite istoriju transakcija.
Ovom prilikom ne možemo da tražimo ovu žalbu kao nerešenu, i mogu samo da vam preporučim da kontaktirate Curacao Gaming Authoriti ( i da im podnesete žalbu.
Obavestite me ako odlučite da to učinite. U suprotnom, žalba će biti odbijena.
Hvala obojici na saradnji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear gamblingaddict1994,
Upon reviewing this case with my team, we believe that the casino has tried to cooperate and help you resolve the issue. Even though we think you were indeed eligible to ask for transaction history via email, however, the casino came up with a solution and let you access your account (limited to deposits/withdrawals/bets) and check the transaction history yourself.
On this occasion, we cannot seek this complaint as unresolved, and I can only recommend you contact the Curacao Gaming Authority ( and submit a complaint to them.
Please let me know if you decide to do so. Otherwise, the complaint will be rejected.
Thank you both for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Da, ipak ću preduzeti pravni postupak protiv provajdera i takođe podneti žalbu davaocu licence, pošto se zahtevi za zaštitu podataka ovde ne rešavaju zakonski.
Možete zatvoriti žalbu, bolje je da je rešite na sudu i preko davaoca licence
Yes, I will take legal action against the provider anyway and also file a complaint with the licensor, since the data protection requests are not dealt with legally here.
You can close the complaint, it is better to settle it in court and through the licensor
ja ich werde sowieso rechtlich gegen den Anbieter vorgehen und auch eine Beschwerde beim Lizenzgeber einreichen, da hier die Datenschutzanfragen nicht legal behandelt werden.
Sie können die Beschwerde schliessen, es ist besser das vor Gericht und per Lizenzgeber zu klären
Poštovani zavisnici od kockanja1994,
Možete li nas obavestiti kada podnesete žalbu Upravi za igre na sreću Curacao? Tako da mogu zatvoriti ovu žalbu u skladu sa tim.
Hvala vam.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear gamblingaddict1994,
Could you please update us once you file a complaint to the Curacao Gaming Authority? So I can close this complaint accordingly.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear gamblingaddict1994,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Dragi moji,
Nažalost, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear all,
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Consequently, we are unable to investigate further and have no choice but to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint at any time.
Kind regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.