Počeo sam da igram sportsko klađenje na betitall.com pre nekoliko meseci i redovno sam podizao male dobitke, što je obično radilo u roku od 12 sati.
U poslednje vreme sam imao prilično lep niz pobeda i odjednom više nisam mogao da uđem u njihovu sekciju kladionica. Tražeći pomoć zašto se to dogodilo, podrška je samo rekla da treba da pošaljem poštu njihovom odeljenju za bezbednost jer podrška nema dovoljno informacija o tome. Dobio sam odgovor da zbog odluke uprave ne smem više da koristim njihovu kladionicu. U redu, čini se da pobednici nisu dobrodošli, ali pretpostavljam da ovo moram da prihvatim.
Sada želim da podignem svoj novac, ali oni sada krše svoja pravila i neka čekam duže nego što navode. Prvo mi je podrška rekla da moram da čekam do 24 sata dok Finansijsko odeljenje ne obradi moju uplatu i da je ovo odeljenje preopterećeno poslom (valjda standardan odgovor 😀). Sada, nakon 36 sati, odjednom mi kažu da su moja isplata privremeno obustavljena zbog provere legitimiteta mojih opklada, što je smešno jer nisam dobio nekoliko velikih, već mnogo malih. U svakom slučaju, pošto imam osećaj da me sada tretiraju drugačije kada su videli moj zaista lep pobednički niz, pišem ovu žalbu, da bih vas obavestio da izgleda da pobednici nisu dobrodošli. Inače, nisam se ni o čemu informisao od betitalla (bez pošte, bez poruke na betitallu), uvek sam morao sam da saznam ove loše vesti tražeći podršku.
Hvala vam na pomoći, casino.guru, da na kraju dobijem svoj zasluženi dobitak!
Srdačan pozdrav,
korisnik sa betitall-a koji je sada blokiran za sportsko klađenje (ali ne i kazino igre zanimljivo)
I started to play sportsbets on betitall.com a few months ago and I did regularly withdraw small winnings, which usually worked within 12 hours.
Lately I had a quite nice winning streak and suddenly I could not enter their sportsbook section anymore. On looking for help why this happened the support just told that I should mail their security department because support does not have enough information about this. I got an answer that due to a management decision I am not allowed to use their sportsbook any longer. Okay, winners aren't welcome it seems, but I guess I have to accept this.
Now I want to withdraw my money, but they are breaking their own rules now and let me wait longer than they state. First the support told me that I have to wait up to 24 hours until the Financial Department will process my payment and that this department is overloaded with work (a standard answer I guess 😀 ). Now, after 36 hours, they suddenly tell me, that my withrawals are temporarily suspended for conducting a legitimacy check on my bets, which is ridiculous since I did not win a few big bets but many small ones. Anyway, since I have the feeling they now treat me different once they saw my really nice winning streak, I am writing this complaint, to let you know that winners seem not to be welcome. By the way, I did not get informed about anything from betitall (no mail, no message on betitall), I always had to find it out these bad news on my own by asking the support.
Thank you for your help, casino.guru, to eventually get my well deserved winnings!
Best regards,
a user from betitall that is now blocked from sportsbets (but not casino games interestingly)
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