Uzeo je preko 600 LTC od mene na ovaj račun, drugi sličan sajt Criptorino je takođe uzeo oko 300 LTC.
TAKOĐE je uradio isto mom prijatelju Manuelu za preko 900 LTC (blokirani nalog) - on već ima otvoren izveštaj.
Procenjena suma: 100.000 EUR dati ili uzeti. Ne mogu da se prijavim da dam tačne brojke.
KIC je već dat od nas oboje,
Oni takođe drže veliki iznos depozita koji znatno premašuju 20K-30K EUR od nas.
Svi drugi sajtovi su nam isplatili novac, kao što su TGCasino ili BCGame, mi ih preporučujemo.
Nije napravljen nijedan višestruki nalog, mi bukvalno odmah pružamo dokaz o sebi, lol,
Molimo redigujte neke dokazne dokumente,
Ako to reše, preporučio bih.
Took over 600 LTC from me on this account, another similar site Cryptorino also took around 300 LTC.
ALSO did same to my friend Manuel for over 900 LTC (blocked account) - he already has a report open.
Estimated amount: 100K EUR give or take. Cannot log in to give the exact figures.
KYC has been given from us both already,
They are also holding large amount of deposits that well exceed 20K-30K EUR from us.
All the other sites have paid us out such as TGCasino or BCGame, we recommend those instead.
No multi account has taken place we literally provide proof of ourselves instantly, lol,
Please redact some proof documents,
If they resolve it, I would recommend.
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