Zdravo svima, registrovao sam se u ovom servisu 2. januara, prvo što sam uradio je verifikacija tamo, moj pasoš i račun za komunalije su verifikovani tamo i počeo sam da igram tamo, napravio sam 1 depozit od 150€ i sredinom januara sam imao 672 € na mom računu. Zatražio sam depozit svih mojih dobitaka. 4 dana kasnije dobio sam mejl „Dokumenti odbijeni" kada su tražili dodatni selfi sa dokumentom, koji sam odmah dao sledećeg dana, ali povlačenje još uvek nije obrađeno. Strpljivo čekajući svoje povlačenje danas, dobio sam mail sa informacijama koje nisam očekivao...
Betreels je zatvorio moj nalog i zaplenio sve dobitke zbog kršenja Uslova korišćenja
E. Registracija naloga 7 i 8 bod. Ovi razlozi su mi nejasni.
Verifikovali su moj nalog na početku, sve vreme sam se logovao sa istog uređaja, primetio sam danas da su nakon što sam poslao selfi sa pasošem poslali sledeći zahtev za ponovno slanje dokaza o adresi, međutim moja adresa je verifikovana na početku kao što je ranije rečeno.
Ovo mi se čini vrlo skiciranim jer kada su dobili moj zahtev za povlačenje većeg iznosa, tražili su selfi koji je odmah obezbeđen. Nisam primetio drugi mail o nedavnom računu za komunalije i samo su odlučili da zatvore moj nalog jer ga nisam poslao u roku od nedelju dana, međutim u njihovim uslovima korišćenja ili dolaznoj pošti ne postoji nikakav maksimalan vremenski period za postavljanje takvog dokumenta.
Ako je pravi razlog bio taj što im nisam poslao nedavni račun za komunalne usluge jer jednostavno nisam primetio njihove poruke jer su otišle u neželjenu poštu, želeo bih da tražim još jednu šansu kako bih mogao da otpremim traženi dokument kako bi se povlačenje moglo nastaviti.
Hello everyone, I registered in this service on 2th January, First thing I did was verification there, My Passport and utility bill got verified there and I started playing there, I made 1 deposit of 150€ and in the mid of January I had 672€ in my balance. I requested deposit of my all winnings. 4 days later I got email "Documents Rejected" wnere they requested additional selfie with document, which I instantly provided on next day but withdrawal was still not processed. Patiently waiting for my withdrawal today I got mail with information that I wasn't expecting...
Betreels closed my account and seized all winnings due breaching ToS
E. Account Registration 7 & 8 point. These reasons looking unclear for me.
They verified my account on start, I was logging from same device all the time, I noticed today that after I sent selfie with passport they sent next request of resend proof of address however my address was verified on start as told before.
This seems very sketchy for me because once they got my withdrawal request of bigger amount they requested selfie that was instantly provided. I did not notice the second mail about recent utility bill and they just decied to close my account because I did not send it within week, however in their ToS or incoming mail there isn't any maximal time period for uploading such a document.
If the real reason was that I did not send them recent utility bill because I just did not notice their messages as they went into spam I would like to ask for 1 more chance so I can upload the requested document so withdrawal can be proceed.
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