Dragi timu Betroom24,
Mogu se složiti da svaki igrač treba da pažljivo pročita uslove i uslove za bonus pre nego što aktivira bilo koji bonus i da se pobrine da poštuje sva pravila kako bi izbegli ovakva razočarenja, međutim, kao što je moja koleginica Petronela napomenula, verujemo da ako bi igrači bili nagrađeni bonusom koji je dostupan besplatno na svom nalogu ili na veb stranici, ispunili su sve uslove za bonus klađenje i pošteno su stekli svoje dobitke, a onda bi trebalo da dobiju dobitak.
Ovo je pomenuto u našem kodeksu poštenog kockanja:
Tačka gledišta igrača
Ako igrač može da zatraži kazino bonus, pretpostavlja da je on njihov za igru. Nemaju razloga da misle da uopšte nisu trebali da dobiju bonus. Zbog toga je često veoma zapanjujuće kada naiđu na probleme povlačenja zbog ovog pravila i njegove nepravilne primene.
Naš stav i preporuke za kazina
Kazina bi trebalo da daju bonuse samo igračima kojima je dozvoljeno da ih dobiju u skladu sa Uslovima i uslovima za bonus. I ako kazino pogreši da dodeli bonus igraču koji nije trebalo da ga dobije, kazino ne bi trebalo da mu ga oduzme. Umesto toga, kazino bi trebalo da prihvati da je to njihova greška i isplati dobitak igraču.
Ako je postojao iskačući prozor sa upozorenjem koji obaveštava igrače da nemaju pravo na određeni bonus ili da ispunjavaju uslove za dobitak od bonusa, moraju da uplate najmanje 100€ čistim depozitima tokom poslednjih 7 dana pre nego što podignu u petak Ponovo učitajte bonus onda ćemo se složiti sa vašom odlukom, ali koliko ja znam, to nije bio slučaj.
Ljubazno vam savetujemo da preispitate svoju odluku Betroom24 Tim i bićemo vam zahvalni ako možete da isplatite igraču njihov dobitak.
Dear Betroom24 Team,
I can agree that every player should read the bonus T&Cs thoroughly before they activate any bonuses and make sure to follow all the rules to avoid disappointments like this, however, as my colleague Petronela mentioned we believe that if players were rewarded with a bonus available freely in their account or on the website, they fulfilled all the bonus wagering requirements and they gained their winnings fairly then they should receive the winnings.
We have this mentioned in our Fair gambling codex:
The player's point of view
If a player can claim a casino bonus, they assume it's theirs to play with. They have no reason to think that they shouldn't have received the bonus in the first place. This is why it is often very startling when they run into withdrawal issues because of this rule and its improper implementation.
Our position and recommendations for casinos
Casinos should only give bonuses to players who are allowed to get them according to the Bonus T&Cs. And if the casino makes the mistake of granting a bonus to a player who shouldn't have received it, the casino shouldn't take it away from them. Instead, the casino should accept that it was their mistake and pay out the winnings to the player.
If there was a warning pop-up window informing the players that they are not entitled to a certain bonus or to be eligible for the winnings from the bonus they must deposit at least 100€ in clean deposits during the last 7 days before claiming the Friday Reload bonus then we will agree with your decision, but as far as I know, this was not the case.
We kindly advise you to reconsider your decision Betroom24 Team and we will appreciate it if you could pay the player their winnings.
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