Napravio sam depozit od 0,0570147 ethereum-a u subotu 10. avgusta (ekvivalent približno 150 USD) Deponovao sam da bih učestvovao u ponudi veb lokacija za sedmični vikend sa 50% ponovnog učitavanja. Dobio sam otprilike 0,02850735 ethereuma kao bonus. Sa ovim zahtevom za klađenje postojao je zahtev za klađenje od 40k. Završio sam klađenje 11. avgusta i zatražio povlačenje 0,05148606 ethereuma (ovo je otprilike 135 u USD). Primio sam e-poruku danas (12. avgusta) u kojoj me obaveštavam da je moj zahtev za isplatu poništen i da su moji dobici zaplenjeni i da je moj račun zatvoren. U e-poruci je navedeno da sam prekršio klauzulu 15 njihovih AML uslova. Proverio sam njihove uslove, ne postoji klauzula 15. Poslao sam e-poštu radi pojašnjenja i oni su izjavili da kršim klauzulu 1 i 2 njihovih dodatnih uslova bonusa:
1. Zabranjeno je zloupotrebljavati sve bonus ponude dostupne u Kazinu. Ako se otkriju takvi slučajevi, Kazino zadržava pravo da zapleni sve dobitke dobijene kao rezultat zloupotrebe bonusa i zabrani igraču da traži bilo kakve bonuse u budućnosti.
2. Zloupotreba bonusa je odnos procenta bonus sredstava prema broju depozita: 70% bonus sredstava sa 5 depozita, ali ne više od 9 depozita; ili 50% bonus sredstava sa 10 ili više depozita. U slučaju identifikovanja takve zloupotrebe, Kazino ima pravo da zabrani igraču da prima ili koristi bilo kakve bonuse i da poništi sve dobitke dobijene pomoću bonus sredstava, kako tokom klađenja tako i nakon njega
uplatio sam samo dva puta na veb lokaciju. Tako da ne vidim kako se stavka 2 primenjuje. Stavka 1 je neverovatno nejasna i kazino ne otkriva kako sam prekršio ovu klauzulu.
Tokom moje bonus igre, igrao sam na slotu koji gori led, moji okreti nisu bili veći od .5 mETH po okretu. Ova slot igra nije navedena kao isključena igra i moji obrtaji su bili ispod maksimalnog iznosa okretanja. Stoga verujem da je Bets.io nepravedno zaplenio moj dobitak (koji je bio manji od mog deponovanog iznosa).
Moj nalog nije verifikovan jer nije bilo opcije za verifikaciju naloga pre povlačenja, ali sam više nego srećan da dostavim svoj dokaz lične karte i adresu
hvala vam na pomoći oko ovog spora
I made a deposit of 0.0570147 ethereum on Saturday the 10th of August (approx 150usd equivalent) I deposited to participate in the websites weekly weekend 50% reload offer. I received approximately 0.02850735 ethereum as a bonus. With this wagering requirement there was a 40x wagering requirement. I completed the wagering on 11th of August and requested a withdrawal of 0.05148606 ethereum (this is approximately 135 in usd). I received an email today (12th of August) informing me that my cash out request has been cancelled and that my winnings have been confiscated and that my account has been closed. The email cited that I was in breach of clause 15 of their AML terms. I checked their terms, there is no clause 15. I emailed for clarification and they have stated that I am in breach of clause 1 and 2 of their additional bonus terms:
1.It is forbidden to abuse any bonus offers available in the Casino. If any such cases are detected, the Casino reserves the right to seize any winnings gained as a result of bonus abuse and prohibit the Player from claiming any bonuses in the future.
2.Bonus abuse is the ratio of the bonus funds percentage to the number of deposits: 70% of bonus funds with 5 deposits, but not more than 9 deposits; or 50% of bonus funds with 10 deposits or more. In case of identifying such abuse, Casino has the right to prohibit the Player from receiving or using any bonuses and to cancel any winnings obtained with the bonus funds, both while wagering and after it
i have only deposited to the website twice. So I don’t see how item 2 applies. Item 1 is incredibly vague and the casino is not being forthcoming with how I have breached this clause.
During my bonus play, I played on the slot burning ice, my spins were no more than .5 mETH per spin. This slot game is not listed as an excluded game and my spins were under the maximum spin amount. Therefore I believe bets.io has unfairly confiscated my winnings (which were less than my deposited amount).
My account was not verified as there was no option to verify the account prior to withdrawal, but I am more than happy to submit my proof of ID and address
thank you for your assistance with this dispute
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