The player from Netherlands, who had self-identified as a gambling addict, had lost about €10,000 in two days at the casino without any interventions. The player had accused the casino of neglecting its legal duty of care, questioned the game's random outcomes, and claimed it operated without a Dutch license. The player was seeking a full reimbursement. After we reviewed the case, we found that the player had not made any deposits after his self-exclusion request. We also clarified that we could not assist with complaints related to licensing regulations and suggested the player contact the licensing authority directly. Consequently, the complaint was rejected.
Igrač iz Holandije, koji se identifikovao kao zavisnik od kockanja, izgubio je oko 10.000 evra za dva dana u kazinu bez ikakvih intervencija. Igrač je optužio kazino da je zanemario svoju zakonsku obavezu brige, doveo u pitanje nasumične ishode igre i tvrdio da radi bez holandske licence. Igrač je tražio punu nadoknadu. Nakon što smo pregledali slučaj, otkrili smo da igrač nije izvršio nijedan depozit nakon njegovog zahteva za samoisključivanje. Takođe smo pojasnili da ne možemo da pomognemo sa žalbama u vezi sa propisima o licenciranju i predložili smo igraču da direktno kontaktira autoritet za licenciranje. Shodno tome, žalba je odbijena.
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