NaslovnaPritužbeBetsomnia Casino - Nalog igrača je ponovo otvoren, što je dovelo do dodatnih gubitaka.
Betsomnia Casino - Nalog igrača je ponovo otvoren, što je dovelo do dodatnih gubitaka.
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10.000 €
Betsomnia Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Germany had initially closed her account at Betsomnia after losing €5000, but had been persuaded to reopen it by a VIP manager and lost another €5000. She had requested a refund from her last deposits and permanent closure of her account to prevent further contacts. The Complaints Team had clarified the difference between account closure and self-exclusion, suggesting the player to request for a proper self-exclusion due to her gambling addiction. The player then communicated her self-exclusion request to the casino, and confirmed that her account had been permanently closed and she hadn't received any communication from the casino since. The Complaints Team had marked the complaint as resolved after confirming that the player's account had remained closed and she had not been contacted by the casino.
Igračica iz Nemačke je prvobitno zatvorila svoj račun u Betsomniji nakon što je izgubila 5000 evra, ali ju je VIP menadžer ubedio da ga ponovo otvori i izgubila je još 5000 evra. Zatražila je povraćaj svojih poslednjih depozita i trajno zatvaranje svog računa kako bi sprečila dalje kontakte. Tim za žalbe je razjasnio razliku između zatvaranja naloga i samoisključenja, sugerišući igračici da zatraži odgovarajuće samoisključivanje zbog svoje zavisnosti od kockanja. Igračica je zatim prenela svoj zahtev za samoisključivanje kazinu i potvrdila da je njen nalog trajno zatvoren i da od tada nije primila nikakvu komunikaciju od kazina. Tim za žalbe je označio žalbu kao rešenu nakon što je potvrdio da je račun igrača ostao zatvoren i da je kazino nije kontaktirao.
Izgubio sam na betsomniji preko 5000 evra i trajno zatvorio račun putem zahteva. Ali VIP menadžer me je nastavio kontaktirati putem e-pošte i ponovo sam otvorio nalog i ponovo izgubio 5000 evra. Želim da trajno zatvorim nalog, molim i ne želim da me betsomnia ili bilo koji vip menadžer ponovo kontaktira. I ako je moguće želim nazad sve svoje depozite od drugog otvaranja računa jer su me ubedili da ponovo otvorim tako što su mi poslali mejlove u kojima su mi nudili da igram čak i da je račun zatvoren Želim poslednje depozite od oko 5500 evra i zatvorili račun zauvek i ne želim da me ponovo kontaktiraju.
Hi casino guru,
I lost at betsomnia over 5000 Euro and closed the account permanently via request. But the vip Manager kept contacting me via email and I opened the account again and lost again 5000 Euro I want to close the account permanently please and don't want betsomnia or any vip Manager to contact me again. And if possible I want all my deposits back from the second openening of the account because they convinced me to open again by sending me emails offering me to play even account was closed I want the last deposits of round 5500 Euro and closed the account permanently and don't want them to contact me again.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Možete li da nam kažete koji razlog ste naveli kada ste tražili da blokirate svoj nalog?
Dozvolite mi da vam objasnim koja je razlika između zatvaranja naloga i samoisključenja:
Neki kazina koriste mnogo alata za odgovorno kockanje i ja ih ovde ne bih pominjao. Šta igrači mogu da urade ako su nezadovoljni u kazinu: Zatvori nalog ili se samoisključe, to su dva osnovna izbora.
Zatvaranje naloga je jednostavno i nema skoro nikakvog uticaja - igrač može ponovo da otvori nalog u bilo kom trenutku, a kazino nema nikakvu obavezu prema igraču.
S druge strane, samoisključivanje to čini. Ako se igrač uspešno samoisključuje, kazino se slaže da neće otvoriti ovaj nalog ili ako da samo pod određenim okolnostima (nakon perioda hlađenja, a to se ne može učiniti za igrače koji su zavisni/sa problemom sa kockanjem).
U slučaju samoisključenja, ako kazino nije uspeo u ovome, igrač može tražiti povraćaj novca.
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello benzj044,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise what reason you have given when requesting to block your account?
Please, let me explain you what the difference between closing the account and self-exclusion is:
Some casinos use lots of tools for responsible gambling and I would not mention them here. What players can do if they’re unhappy in the casino: Close the account or self-exclude themselves, those are the two basic choices.
Closing an account is simple and has almost no impact - the player can reopen account anytime, and casino has no obligation to the player.
On the other hand, self-exclusion does. If a player successfully makes a self-exclusion, the casino agrees not to open this account or if yes only under particular circumstances (after cooling off period and this cannot be done for players who are addicted/with gambling problem).
In the case of self-exclusion, if casino failed in this, player may ask for a refund.
Razlog zašto je moj nalog zatvoren prvi put je taj što sam izgubio previše i tražio da trajno zatvorim svoj nalog. Evo e-pošte koju sam tada poslao:
Tražio sam da se moj nalog trajno zatvori, odnosno samoisključi, i posebno tražio da me kazino ne nagovara da igram ili da me natera da ostanem. Nakon ponovnog otvaranja naloga, uplatio sam i izgubio ukupno 5425 evra. Voleo bih da vratim ove depozite ako je moguće, pošto sam trajno zatvorio račun i VIP menadžer me je namamio ponudama da ponovo otvorim račun. Ovo pokazuje da sam već ranije posebno tražio da ne nastavim da igram i da zatvorim svoj nalog.
Štaviše, juče sam ponovo putem mejla posebno zamolio VIP odeljenje da trajno zatvori moj nalog i da me više ne kontaktira, ali nisam dobio odgovor, iako sam dva puta pisao. Nejasno je zašto nisam dobio odgovor. Račun je i dalje otvoren, kao da žele da me namame da nastavim sa deponovanjem i gubitkom.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Nick,
The reason my account was closed the first time is because I lost too much and asked to close my account permanently. Here is the email I sent at the time:
I asked for my account to be permanently closed, i.e. self-excluded, and specifically asked that the casino not persuade me to play or try to get me to stay.After reopening my account, I deposited and lost a total of 5425 euros. I would like to get these deposits back if possible, since I had permanently closed the account and the VIP manager lured me with offers to reopen the account. This shows that I had already previously specifically asked not to continue playing and to close my account.
Furthermore, yesterday I again specifically asked the VIP department via email to close my account permanently and not to contact me again, but received no response, even though I wrote twice. It is unclear why I did not receive a response. The account is still open, as if they want to entice me to continue depositing and losing.
Best regards
Hallo Nick,
Der Grund für die Schließung meines Kontos beim ersten Mal ist, weil ich zu viel verloren habe und deswegen darum gebeten habe, mein Konto dauerhaft zu schließen. Hier ist die Email, die ich damals geschickt habe:
Ich habe darum gebeten, mein Konto dauerhaft zu schließen, also um einen Selbstausschluss, und ausdrücklich darum gebeten, dass das Casino mich nicht zum Spielen überreden soll oder versucht, mich zum Verbleiben zu bewegen.Nach der Wiedereröffnung meines Kontos habe ich insgesamt 5425 Euro eingezahlt und verloren. Ich möchte, wenn möglich, diese Einzahlungen zurückbekommen, da ich das Konto dauerhaft geschlossen hatte, und der VIP-Manager mich durch Angebote gelockt hat, das Konto wieder zu eröffnen. Das zeigt, dass ich bereits zuvor ausdrücklich darum gebeten habe, nicht weiter zu spielen und mein Konto zu schließen.
Des Weiteren habe ich gestern die VIP-Abteilung via E-Mail erneut ausdrücklich darum gebeten, mein Konto dauerhaft zu schließen und mich nicht mehr erneut zu kontaktieren, erhielt aber keine Antwort, obwohl ich noch zweimal geschrieben habe. Warum mir keine Antwort gegeben wurde, ist unklar. Das Konto ist immer noch offen, als ob man mich weiterhin zum Einzahlen und Verlieren verleiten möchte.
Nažalost, vaš zahtev se ne može smatrati samoisključenjem, niste ga ni spomenuli, niti zavisnost od kockanja ili probleme sa kockanjem (što je predmet samoisključenja)
Vaš zahtev je jednostavna blokada naloga u kom slučaju možete ponovo da ga otvorite u bilo kom trenutku tako što ćete ga zatražiti.
Pokušajte da zatražite odgovarajuće samoisključivanje i spomenite zavisnost od kockanja.
Obavestite nas o ishodu.
Hello benzj044,
Unfortunately your request can't be considered as a self-exclusion, you neither mentioned it or gambling addiction or gambling problems (which is the subject of self-exclusion)
Your request is a simple account block in which case you can reopen it anytime by requesting it.
Please try to request for a proper self-exclusion and mention gambling addiction.
Želim da se samoisključim, ali kazino stalno govori da mogu ponovo da se otvorim u bilo kom trenutku. Ne želim to. Želim da se trajno samoisključim jer imam problema sa zavisnošću od kockanja. Tako da ću ponoviti, želim da se samoisključim jer imam problema sa zavisnošću od kockanja i kazino ih je i iskoristio. Hvala ni za šta. Sada ću ponoviti, želim da se samoisključim jer imam problema sa kockanjem. Betsomnia bi trebalo da trajno zatvori moj nalog. Nikada više ne bi trebalo da me kontaktiraju.
The account has been closed.
I want to self-exclude but the casino keeps saying I can reopen at any time. I don't want that. I want to permanently self-exclude because I have gambling addiction problems. So I'll say it again, I want to self-exclude because I have gambling addiction problems and the casino is and has exploited them. Thanks for nothing. I'll say it again now, I want to self-exclude because I have gambling problems. Betsomnia should close my account permanently. They should never contact me again.
Das Konto wurde geschlossen.
Ich möchte einen Selbstausschluss aber das Casino schreibt immer ich kann jederzeit wieder eröffnen. Das will ich nicht. Ich möchte einen dauerhaften Selbstausschluss weil ich spielsucht Probleme habe. So ich sage es nochmal ich möchte einen Selbstausschluss weil ich spielsucht Probleme habe und das Casino diese ausnutzt und ausgenutzt hat. Danke für nix . Ich sage es jetzt noch einmal Ich möchte einen Selbstausschluss weil ich Glücksspiel Probleme habe. Betsomnia soll mein konto dauerhaft schließen. Die sollen mich nie wieder kontaktieren.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear benzj044,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Da li je kazino ikada ponovo otvorio vaš nalog od 5. aprila? Da li bi bilo moguće proslediti istoriju depozita od 5. aprila na ?
Hello benzj044,
Did the casino ever reopen your account since 5th of April? Would it be possible to forward your deposit history since 5th of April to
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear benzj044,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Račun nije otvoren od 5. aprila. Nisam to tražio. Do sada nisam dobio nikakve dosadne mejlove od VIP odeljenja. Ali i dalje smatram da je upitno i nepravedno da me je kazino više puta kontaktirao pre 5. aprila i ubedio da ponovo otvorim svoj zatvoreni račun i da sam izgubio tako veliku sumu. Tužno je što želite preciznu formulaciju pre nego što se nešto uradi i nije bilo dovoljno što je račun zatvoren. To mi se više neće desiti i izbegavaću da igram u ovakvim kazinima koji pokušavaju da navedu igrače da im daju svoj novac na svaki mogući način i da iako je račun zatvoren, kazino me je više puta kontaktirao dok nisam izgubio. U ovom trenutku, hvala vam ni za šta.
Hello ,
The account has not been opened since April 5th. I did not ask for it. So far I have not received any annoying emails from the VIP department. But I still find it questionable and unfair that the casino repeatedly contacted me before April 5th and persuaded me to reopen my closed account and that I lost such a large sum. It is sad that you want precise wording before something is done and it was not enough that the account was closed. That will not happen to me again and I will avoid playing in casinos like this that try to get the players to give them their money by any means possible and that even though the account was closed the casino repeatedly contacted me until I lost. At this point, thank you for nothing.
Hallo ,
Das Konto wurde seit dem 5. April nicht mehr eröffnet. Ich habe auch nicht drum gebeten. Bis jetzt habe ich keine lästigen Emails von der vip department. Aber dennoch finde ich es fragwürdig und unfair dass das casino mich vor dem 5 April immer wieder kontaktiert hat und überredet hat mein geschlossenes Konto wieder zu eröffnen und ich so eine hohe Summe verloren habe. Es ist traurig dass ihr genaue Formulierungen haben wollt bis was gemacht wird und es nicht gereicht hat dass das Konto geschlossen war. Das wird mir nicht nochmal passieren und ich werde es meiden in solchen casinos zu spielen die die Spieler mit allen Mitteln versuchen um ihr geld zu bringen und das obwohl das konto geschlossen war mich das casino immer wieder kontaktiert hat bis ich verloren habe. An dieser Stelle danke für nichts.
Drago mi je da čujem da je vaš problem uspešno rešen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu.
Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear benzj044,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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