Završio sam KIC verifikaciju u ovom kazinu i napravio nekoliko depozita i povlačenja.
Rekli su da im treba naknadno dodatna dokumentacija, pa sam predao papire,
Prošle su dve nedelje, a taj pregled nije završen.
Kada sam kontaktirao kazino, stalno su govorili isto, da je potrebno do 2 nedelje da se provere dokumenti, ignorišući činjenicu da je prošlo više od 2 nedelje.
Želim da kontaktiram kazino i zamolim ih da umesto toga izvrše KIC verifikaciju.
I completed the KYC verification at this casino and made several deposits and withdrawals.
They said they needed additional documentation at a later date, so I submitted the paperwork,
Two weeks have passed and that review has not been completed.
When I contacted the casino, they kept saying the same thing, that it takes up to 2 weeks to check the documents, ignoring the fact that more than 2 weeks have already passed.
I want to contact the casino and ask them to perform the KYC verification instead.
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