Zatražio sam 2 povlačenja. Jedan od 28. oktobra 5000 i 29. oktobra jedan od 2000 evra.
Prema belgijskom zakonu, svaki kazino (online i na lokaciji) mora da isplati dobitak u roku od 5 radnih dana. Danas je peti i još uvek status oba povlačenja nije promenjen. Svaki put kada kontaktiram agente za podršku, oni mi kažu istu priču, radimo na tome, ali morate biti strpljivi. Ne možemo vam reći koliko će to trajati.
Za sada se status oba povlačenja nije promenio, ali gledajući recenzije, bojim se da bih se mogao suočiti sa istim problemima kao neki korisnici i čekati nedeljama ili mesecima.
I requested 2 withdraws. One of 28th of october 5000 and on the 29th of october one of 2000 euro.
According to Belgium law every casino(online and at location) must pay the winnings within 5 working days. Today is the fifth and still the status of both withdraws have not changed. Everytime I contact the support agents they tell me the same story, we are working on it, but you need to be patient. We can not tell you how long it will take.
For now the status of both withdraws have not changed, but looking at the reviews, I am afraid I might face the same issues as some users and waiting for weeks or months.
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