Igračici iz Njemačke otkazano je povlačenje i dobici su nestali nakon što je zatražila novu uplatu. Problem je na kraju uspješno riješen.
The player from Germany had her withdrawal cancelled and winnings disappeared after requesting another payment. The issue was eventually successfully resolved.
Igračici iz Njemačke otkazano je povlačenje i dobici su nestali nakon što je zatražila novu uplatu. Problem je na kraju uspješno riješen.
Imam 09.07. igrao u kasinu i osvojio 750 eura. Nakon toga podnio sam zahtjev za povlačenje. Sve dokumente sam predao. Imam 13.07. osvojio još 700 € i onda sam to platio. Budući da je moja prva uplata otkazana, 750 € nije vraćeno na račun. Na zahtjev su me obavijestili u podršku da bih to otkazao. Nisam otkazao nijednu isplatu osim ako se to ne izvrši automatski s mojom drugom isplatom. Ipak, 750 evra je nestalo. Gde je novac?
ovdje dokaz: 750,00EUR uzdignuće13-07-202015: 51: 255f06e37fed215odbijeno ili otkazanoNiko
700,00EUR s povlačenjem13-07-202015: 55: 095f0c83dd3fc8apendingNone
Ne dobijam odgovor na svoju e-poštu i samo me odlaže podrška.
Molimo podržite.
I have on 09.07. played in the casino and won € 750. After that I made a withdrawal request. All documents have been submitted by me. I have on 13.07. won another € 700 and then I put this on payment. Since my 1st payment was canceled, the € 750 was not transferred back to the account. On request, I was informed in support that I would have canceled this. I have not canceled any payouts unless this was done automatically with my 2nd payout. Nevertheless, the € 750 has disappeared. Where is the money?
here the proof: 750.00EURWithdrawal13-07-202015: 51: 255f06e37fed215rejected or canceledNone
700.00EURWithdrawal13-07-202015: 55: 095f0c83dd3fc8apendingNone
I don't get an answer to my emails and I am only put off by the support.
Please support.
Ich habe am 09.07. im Casino gespielt und 750 € gewonnen. Danach habe ich einen Auszahlungsantrag gestellt. Alle Dokumente wurden von mir eingereicht. Ich habe am 13.07. nochmal 700 € gewonnen und diese habe ich dann auf Auszahlung gestellt. Da wurde meine 1. Auszahlung auf gecancelt gestellt, aber die 750 € wurden nicht in den Account zurücküberwiesen. Man teilte mir auf Anfrage im Support mit das ich das gecancelt hätte. Ich habe keine Auszahlung gecancelt, es sei denn das wurde automatisch mit meiner 2. Auszahlung gemacht. Trotzdem sind die 750 € verschwunden. Wo ist das Geld?
hier der Nachweis: 750.00EURWithdrawal13-07-202015:51:255f06e37fed215abgelehnt oder storniertNone
Auf meine Mails bekomme ich keine Antwort und vom Support werde ich nur vertröstet.
Bitte um Unterstützung.
Draga Roswitha,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Možete li savjetovati da li ste iskoristili neku promotivnu ponudu prilikom uplate sredstava na svoj račun? Ako je odgovor da, molimo navedite koji je točan bonus kako bih želio provjeriti uvjete i odredbe. Jeste li uspješno završili provjeru računa u prošlosti? Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if you have redeemed any promotional offer when depositing funds into your account? If yes, please specify which exact bonus it was as I would like to check terms and conditions. Have you completed the account verification successfully in the past? I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobar dan Pertonela,
9. jula igrao sam s bonusom 25,00EURbonus09-07-202020: 50: 10. Kada je završio, bio sam u mogućnosti isplatiti svoju zaradu od 750 eura. 13. jula igrao sam s bonusom 27.50EURbonus13-07-202015: 59: 30 i kad se igrao, isplatio sam svoj dobitak od 700 €. Sad sam završio potvrdu računa, ali vi ne dobijate nikakve informacije. Sve traje dugo.
Hello Pertonela,
on July 9th I played with a bonus 25.00EURbonus09-07-202020: 50: 10. When it was finished, I was able to pay out my € 750 profit. On July 13th I played with a bonus 27.50EURbonus13-07-202015: 59: 30 and when it was played I paid my winnings of € 700. I have now completed the account confirmation, but you don't get any information. It all takes a long time.
Hallo Pertonela,
am 9.07. habe ich mit einem Bonus 25.00EURbonus09-07-202020:50:10 gespielt. Als dieser abgespielt war konnte ich meinen Gewinn von 750 € auszahlen. Am 13.07. habe ich mit einem Bonus 27.50EURbonus13-07-202015:59:30 gespielt und als der abgespielt war habe ich meinen Gewinn von 700 € zur Auszahlung gestellt. Die Konto bestätigung habe ich nun abgeschlossen, aber man bekommt ja keine Information. Das dauert alles sehr lange.
Trenutno još uvijek čekamo ažuriranje vašeg slučaja. Shvaćam da ovo može biti frustrirajuće, također smo prilično nezadovoljni što nije bilo novih ažuriranja. Imajte na umu da takva kašnjenja mogu biti uzrokovana velikim opterećenjem. Mnogo smo vam zahvalni na strpljenju.
Izvinjavam se na dugom čekanju, ali mogu vas uvjeriti da vaš dobitak i postupak provjere bave iskusni profesionalci i nemate zbog čega brinuti.
Imajte na umu da poštujemo naše igrače i da ćemo ikada dozvoliti da bilo šta pođe po zlu s vašim dobitkom
Das wurde mir soeben im Support mitgeteilt. Zu Ihrer Kenntnis.
We are currently still waiting for an update on your case. I understand this can be frustrating, we are also quite unhappy there have been no new updates. Please keep in mind that these kind of delays can be caused by a heavy workload. We are very thankful for your patience.
I apologize for the long wait, however I can assure you that your winnings and verification process are being handled by highly experienced professionals, and you have nothing to worry about
Please keep in mind that we respect our players and would ever allow for anything to go wrong with your winnings
Das wurde mir soeben im Support mitgeteilt. Zu Ihrer Kenntnis.
Puno hvala Roswitha na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem na zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Roswitha for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala Roswitha na e-porukama. Željeli bismo zamoliti Big5 Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati "neriješen" što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
Thank you Roswitha for the emails. We would like to ask the Big5 Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Peter,
puno hvala. Želim napomenuti da nije moguće otkazati plaćanje sami, sistem na računu to ne dozvoljava.
Hvala ti .
Hi Peter,
many thanks. I would like to mention that it is not possible to cancel a payment yourself, the system in the account does not allow this.
Thank you .
Hallo Peter,
vielen Dank. Ich möchte noch erwähnen , dass es gar nicht möglich ist eine Auszahlung selber zu canceln, das System im Account lässt das nicht zu.
Danke .
Željeli bismo zamoliti Big5 Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati "neriješen" što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask the Big5 Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Roswitha,
Kazino me je obavijestio da su veoma zauzeti, ali uskoro će razmotriti to pitanje. Budući da smo čekali dosta dugo, označiću žalbu nerešenom. Čim kazino bude spreman za odgovor, on će se ponovo otvoriti i bit ćete obaviješteni.
Hi Roswitha,
I was informed by the casino that they were very busy but would look into the matter soon. Since we've been waiting for quite a long time, I will mark the complaint unresolved. As soon as the casino will be ready to reply, it will be reopened and you will be notified.
Poštovani kupce,
molimo vas da obavijestite da smo istražili to pitanje za vas i nalazi su sljedeći:
tražili ste prvo povlačenje 9. jula u iznosu od 750 eura. Nakon ovog zahtjeva za povlačenje zatražili smo KYC dokumente za verifikaciju vašeg računa kao standardni postupak koji smo dužni završiti prije nego što uplata bude poslata na vaš račun. U to vrijeme je vaš zahtjev za povlačenje još uvijek čekao uspješnu provjeru.
13. jula igrali ste s 10 € bez ikakvog bonusa na vašem računu i popeli ste se na saldo od 1025,46 €, a zahtjevi za okladu iz ovog bonusa ispunili su 40%. U zapisnicima je vidljivo da ste istog dana otkazali zahtjev za povlačenje u iznosu od 750 eura, što je rezultiralo time da vaš saldo bude 1775,46 eura. Nakon vašeg novog zahtjeva za isplatu istog dana, budući da ste i dalje imali aktivne zahtjeve za okladu od 10 € bez depozita, a uložili ste samo 40% bonusa, mogli ste zatražiti samo 713,54 € od kojeg ste zatražili 700 € i ostalo što ste igrali. Ovom akcijom ste koristili našu opciju otkupa koja vam omogućava da zatražite povlačenje čak i ako niste u potpunosti uplatili svoj bonus.
Kako funkcionira opcija otkupa, objašnjeno je u našim bonus uvjetima (snimak u nastavku):
Nadamo se da će ovo razjasniti stvar i želimo da vas podsjetimo da je u ovom trenutku vaš posljednji zahtjev za povlačenje u iznosu od 700 eura još uvijek u tijeku zbog nepotpune provjere računa. Naš tim je kontaktirao s vama već 30. jula 2020. i čeka vaš odgovor. Nakon potvrde vašeg računa moći ćemo obraditi uplatu.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Tim za žalbe
Dear Customer,
please be informed that we have investigated this matter for you and the findings are as follows:
you have requested your first withdrawal on 9th of July in the amount of €750. Following this withdrawal request we have requested KYC documents for your account verification as a standard procedure that we're obliged to complete before payment is sent out to your account. At that time your withdrawal request was still pending the successful verification.
On 13th of July, you played with €10 no deposit bonus offered on your account and climbed to a balance of €1025.46 and wagering requirements from this bonus completed 40%. In the logs it is visible that on that same day, you have cancelled your withdrawal request of €750 which resulted in your balance being €1775.46. Upon your new payout request attempt on the same day, since you still had active wagering requirements from the €10 no deposit bonus, and you have wagered only 40% of the bonus, you were able to request only €713.54 from which you have requested €700 and the rest you have played. With this action you have used our buy-off option which allows you to request a withdrawal even if you have not fully wagered your bonus.
How the buy off option works is explained in our bonus terms (snapshot below):
We hope that clarifies the matter and we also want to remind you that at this time your latest withdrawal request of €700 is still pending due to incomplete account verification. Our team has reached out to you already on 30 July 2020 and is awaiting your response. Once your account is verified we will be able to process the payment.
Kind regards,
Complaints team
Hvala prvo na odgovoru. Još uvijek ne vidim kako da otkažem povlačenje. Ne možete to uraditi na računu !! Sada sam opet poslao sve potrebne dokumente (nakon konsultacija sa Stephanom imChatom). Nadam se da će se moja uplata sada vrlo brzo obraditi.
Zahvaljujem posebno Petru na njegovom trudu.
Thank you first for this answer. I still don't see how to cancel a withdrawal. You can't do that in the account !! I now again sent all the required documents (after consultation with Stephan imChat). I hope that my payment will now be processed very quickly.
Thanks especially to Peter for his efforts.
Danke erstmal für diese Antwort. Mir ist immer noch nicht klar wie ich eine Auszahlung stornieren konnte. Im Account kann man das nicht !! Ich habe jetzt nochmals alle geforderten Dokumente ( nach Rücksprache mit Stephan imChat ) gesendet. Ich hoffe doch das meine Auszahlung jetzt sehr schnell bearbeitet wird.
Danke besonders an Peter für seine Bemühungen.
Pozdrav Peter, sljedeći status: Poslao sam sve potrebne dokumente u kasino. Snimak zaslona transakcije Ecopayz za Condor Gaming, prikazujući informacije o računu u gornjem desnom uglu. (Budući da navedenim nedostaje transakcija za Condor Gaming. To možete učiniti tako da odete na stranicu sa transakcijama i kliknete svoje ime u gornjem desnom uglu.)
Nisam uplatio sredstva kod Ecopayza, već samo kod SOFORT bankarstva. Ne mogu razumjeti ovaj zahtjev. To sam saopštio kazinu.
700 € je vraćeno na moj račun koji ne mogu podići iz slijedećeg razloga: Bonus uslovi nisu ispunjeni!
Zatražili ste povlačenje. Budući da ste prethodno prihvatili bonus, minimalni uvjeti za klađenje još nisu ispunjeni i bonus je i dalje aktivan. Iz tog razloga, maksimalni iznos koji možete podići je 85,87 €. Možete podići cjelokupni saldo samo ako ste ispunili 100% uvjeta opklade. Ako i dalje želite izvršiti svoju isplatu, vaš preostali saldo i minimalni ulog bonusa bit će postavljeni na 0, a najviše 85,87 € može se prenijeti na preostale isplate. Ne možete poništiti ovu radnju. Jeste li sigurni da želite da vam se isplati 85,87 € i da će to također postaviti stanje na vašem računu na 0?
Međutim, iskoristio sam ovaj bonus nakon zahtjeva za povlačenje.
Jednostavno ne mogu dobiti svoj novac.
Hello Peter, the following status: I have sent all the required documents to the casino. Screenshot of Ecopayz transaction to Condor Gaming, showing account information in the top right corner. (Since the provided ones are missing a transaction to Condor Gaming. You can do this by going to your transactions page and clicking your name in the top right corner.)
I did not make a deposit with Ecopayz, only with SOFORT Banking. I cannot understand this requirement. I communicated that to the casino.
700 € have been transferred back to my account, which I cannot withdraw for the following reason: The bonus conditions were not met!
You have requested a withdrawal. Since you have previously accepted a bonus, the minimum wagering requirements have not yet been met and the bonus is still active. For this reason, the maximum amount you can withdraw is € 85.87. You can only withdraw your entire balance if you have met 100% of the wagering requirements. If you still want to make your payout, your remaining balance and the minimum stake of the bonus will be set to 0, and a maximum of € 85.87 can be transferred to the outstanding payouts. You cannot undo this action. Are you sure that you want to have € 85.87 paid out and that this will also set your account balance to 0?
However, I used this bonus after my withdrawal request.
I just can't get my money.
Hallo Peter, folgender Stand: ich habe alle geforderten Dokumente an das Casino geschickt. Screenshot of Ecopayz transaction to Condor Gaming, showing account information in the top right corner. (Since the provided ones are missing a transaction to Condor Gaming. You can do this by going to your transactions page and clicking your name in the top right corner.)
Ich habe keine Einzahlung mit Ecopayz gemacht sondern nur mit SOFORT Banking. Ich kann diese Forderung nicht verstehen. Das habe ich dem Casino so auch mitgeteilt.
700 € wurden auf mein Account zurücküberwiesen.Dieseckann ich nicht abheben mit folgender Begründung:Die Bonusbedingungen wurden nicht erfüllt!
Du hast eine Auszahlung beantragt. Da Du zuvor einen Bonus akzeptiert hast, sind die Mindesteinsatzbedingungen noch nicht erfüllt und der Bonus ist somit noch aktiv. Aus diesem Grund beträgt der Höchstbetrag für Deine Auszahlung 85.87 €. Nur wenn Du 100% der Einsatzanforderungen erfüllt hast, kannst Du Dein gesamtes Guthaben auszahlen lassen. Wenn Du Deine Auszahlung trotzdem vollziehen möchtest, werden Dein Restguthaben und der Mindesteinsatz des Bonus' auf 0 gesetzt, und maximal 85.87 € können in die offen stehenden Auszahlungen übernommen werden. Du kannst diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen. Bist Du sicher, dass Du 85.87 € ausgezahlt haben möchtest und dass dadurch gleichzeitig Dein Kontostand auf 0 gesetzt wird?
Diesen Bonus hatte ich aber nach meinem Auszahlungsantrag genutzt.
Ich komme einfach nicht an mein Geld.
Hvala Roswitha na ažuriranju. Dragi tim Big5 Casina, možete li objasniti šta se događa? Mislio sam da bi igrač mogao iskoristiti opciju otkupa.
Thank you Roswitha for the update. Dear Big5 Casino team, could you please explain what is going on? I thought the player could use the buy off option.
Zdravo Peter,
Imao sam transakciju s EcoPayzom u kasinu. Sada sam poslao snimak zaslona koji prikazuje tačno kada i gdje sam izvršio ovu transakciju. Danas dobivam sljedeći odgovor:
Draga Roswitha,
Nadam se da si dobro.
Imajte na umu da vaš Ecopayz snimak zaslona mora prikazivati transakciju za Condor gaming, kao i vašu e-poštu. To možete učiniti tako da odete na stranicu svoje transakcije i kliknete svoje ime u gornjem desnom uglu.
Želim vam ugodan dan!
Javite nam ako imate još pitanja u vezi s vašim računom, rado ćemo vam pomoći!
S poštovanjem,
Podrška za Big5 igrače
Big5 Casino
Zaista ne znam o čemu se sada radi. Pored toga, ovo ne mogu filtrirati na Ecopayz računu.
Ne znam kakve to veze ima sa mojom trenutnom isplatom.
Danas sam se bez problema mogao ponovo prijaviti za uplatu. Bonus je sada nestao. Hvala ti.
Pa opet samo problemi. !!!
Poslat ću vam ekranski snimak radi vaše udobnosti.
Hi Peter,
I had a transaction with EcoPayz in the casino. I have now sent a screenshot that shows exactly when and where I made this transaction. Now I get the following answer today:
Dear Roswitha,
Hope you are doing well.
Please be reminded that your Ecopayz screenshot needs to display a transaction to Condor gaming as well as your email. You can do this by going on your transaction page and clicking your name in the top right corner.
Have a nice day!
Let us know if you have more questions regarding your account, we are happy to help you!
Big5 Players Support
Big5 Casino
I really don't know what this is all about now. In addition, I cannot filter this out in the Ecopayz account.
I don't know what that has to do with my current payout either.
Today I was able to re-apply for my payment without any problems. The bonus was gone now. Thank you.
So again just problems. !!!
I will email you the screenshot for your convenience.
Hallo Peter,
ich hatte doch eine Transaktion mit EcoPayz im Casino. Ich habe nun ein Screenshot geschickt, auf dem genau zu sehen ist wann und wohin ich diese Transaktion gemacht habe. Nun bekomme ich heute folgendes zur Antwort:
Dear Roswitha,
Hope you are doing well.
Please be reminded that your Ecopayz screenshot needs to display a transaction to Condor gaming as well as your email. You can do this by going on your transaction page and clicking your name in the top right corner.
Have a nice day!
Let us know if you have more questions regarding your account, we are happy to help you!
Big5 Players Support
Big5 Casino
Ich weiß jetzt wirklich nicht was das alles soll. Außerdem kann ich das im Account von Ecopayz nicht herausfiltern.
Ich weiß auch nicht was das jetzt mit meiner aktuellen Auszahlung zu tun hat.
Heute konnte ich ohne Probleme meine Auszahlung neu beantragen. Das mit dem Bonus war jetzt weg. Danke.
Also wieder nur Probleme. !!!
Ich schicke Dir den Screenshot per Mail zur Kenntnis.
Poštovani kupče,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Nakon provjere vašeg računa vidimo da su 30. avgusta 2020. prošli obavezni 30 dana za provjeru vašeg računa. Dopustite mi da vas obavijestim da je, prema našim Uslovima i odredbama, vaš zahtjev za povlačenje odbijen i vaši dobici su prebačeni na vaše stanje. Budući da ste 18. marta 2020. godine prihvatili bonus bez depozita, u trenutku prenosa dobitaka od odbijenog zahtjeva za povlačenje na vaš bilans još je ostalo nekih opklada. Međutim, mi smo ih odobrili za vas i mogli ste zatražiti novo povlačenje u iznosu od 700 €.
Što se tiče vaše izjave da ne vidite kako otkazati zahtjev za plaćanjem, pogledajte sliku i kratko objašnjenje u nastavku:
Ako želite zatražiti novo povlačenje dok već imate na čekanju, možete kliknuti na gumb "povlačenje" u gornjem desnom uglu vašeg računa i dobit ćete prikaz koji vidite gore na slici. Nakon što se pojavi zaslon, sve što trebate je kliknuti na gumb "otkaži povlačenje".
U svojim prethodnim odgovorima također ste naveli da niste mogli zatražiti povlačenje svog stanja, jer niste ispunili bonus uslove. Ovo je zapravo naša opcija otkupa. Omogućava vam da povučete procenat uloga na bonus. Na primjer, ako ste ispunili 20% zahtjeva za klađenjem, možete zatražiti isplatu preko 20% svog stanja, ali imajte na umu da je minimalni iznos za podizanje 20 €.
Nakon provjere vašeg računa možemo vidjeti da je vaš račun sada provjeren, sva dokumentacija koju ste nam poslali je pregledana i ovaj postupak je zasad završen. To je učinjeno 4. septembra. Nakon verifikacije vašeg računa, vaše povlačenje u iznosu od 700 € je takođe odobreno i izvršeno 7. septembra. Uskoro biste ga trebali dobiti.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Žalbeni tim
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your reply.
After checking your account we can see that on 30th of August 2020, mandatory 30 days for your account to be verified have passed. Allow me to inform you that, as per our Terms and Conditions, your withdrawal request has been declined and your winnings have been transferred to your balance. Since on 18th of March 2020 you accepted a no deposit bonus, there were still some wagering requirements left in the moment of transferring the winnings from declined withdrawal request to your balance. However we have cleared them for you and you were able to request new withdrawal in the amount of €700.
Regarding your statement that you do not see how to cancel payment request, please see the picture and short explanation below:
If you'd like to request a new withdrawal while you have a pending one already, you can click on the button "withdrawal" in the top right corner on your account and you will get a display you can see above in the picture. After the display appears, all you have to do is click on the button "cancel withdrawal".
In your previous replies you have also stated that you could not request withdrawal of your balance, since you have not met the bonus conditions. This actually is our buy off option. It allows you to withdraw the percentage of the wagered bonus. For example, if you fulfilled 20% of your wagering requirements, you can request a payout over 20% of your balance, but please keep in mind that the minimum withdrawal amount is €20.
After checking your account we can see that your account is now verified, all documentation that you have sent us has been reviewed and this process is done for the time being. This has been done on 4th of September. Following your account verification, your withdrawal in the amount of €700 was also approved and done on 7th of September. You should receive it shortly.
Kind regards,
Complaints Team
Hvala vam na odgovoru. 700 € je postavljeno na moj račun danas. Zahvaljujem i na tome. Posebno bih se zahvalio Petru na podršci.
Slučaj se sada može zaključiti.
Thank you for your response. The 700 € have been posted to my account today. My thanks for that too. I would especially like to thank Peter for his support.
The case can now be closed.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Die 700 € sind heute auf mein Konto gebucht worden. Dafür auch meinen Dank. Besonders möchte ich mich bei Peter für seine Unterstützung bedanken.
Nun kann der Fall abgeschlossen werden.
Hvala Big 5 timu na pomoći.
Zdravo Roswitha,
Drago mi je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Vrlo ste dobrodošli 🙂 . Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakav problem s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Big 5 team for your help.
Hi Roswitha,
I'm glad to hear that your issue got resolved. You are very welcome 🙂. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
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