Igrač iz Njemačke je nezadovoljan procesom povlačenja. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Germany is dissatisfied with the withdrawal process. The complaint was rejected because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač iz Njemačke je nezadovoljan procesom povlačenja. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Prijavio sam se u ovaj kazino prije nekog vremena jer mi je bilo jako lijepo i reklamiraju se sa sloganom - super brze isplate!
Sada igram tamo nekoliko sedmica i izgubio sam mnogo novca. Ali poslednjih nekoliko dana sam bio u nizu sreće i uspeo sam da osvojim neverovatnih 21.000 evra. Pošto je maksimalna isplata ograničena na 4000 eura, prijavio sam se za nekoliko isplata od po 4000 eura. Nakon 48 sati ništa se nije dogodilo, kontaktirao sam chat i pitao šta se dešava i kada će isplate biti obrađene. Uostalom, oni se oglašavaju svojom brzinom. Tada sam dobio informaciju da se uplate obrađuju redom i zbog toga moram čekati još nekoliko sati. Za to vrijeme napisao sam dva mejla, ali do danas nisam dobio odgovor. Danas - nakon 36 sati ponovo sam pitao u chatu kako stvari idu. Trebao bih biti strpljiv, bit će obrađen u narednih nekoliko sati. Sat vremena kasnije ponovo sam u chatu - da razgovaram sa drugim zaposlenim i onda odjednom dobijem sljedeći odgovor. Menadžer ovo mora prvo provjeriti - kad se to dogodi, ne možete mi reći. I u istom razgovoru gospođa mi je odjednom rekla da ima problema sa provajderom platnih usluga i da ne znamo kada će greška biti ispravljena. Ovaj kazino ima savršenu stand-by taktiku i ne isplaćuje se. Moj račun je u potpunosti verifikovan. Molim te pomozi mi ….
I signed up at this casino some time ago because I actually found it very nice and they advertise with the slogan - super fast payouts!
Now I've been playing there for a few weeks and I've lost a lot of money. But I've been on a lucky streak for the last few days and was able to win a whopping 21,000 euros. Since the maximum payout is limited to 4000 euros, I have applied for several payouts of 4000 euros each. After 48 hours nothing happened I contacted the chat and asked what was going on and when the withdrawals will be processed. After all, they advertise with their speed. Then I received the information that payments are processed in sequence and therefore I have to wait a few more hours. During that time I wrote two emails, but have not received a reply to date. Today - after 36 hours I asked again in the chat how things are going. I should be patient, it will be processed in the next few hours. An hour later I'm back in the chat - to talk to another employee and then all of a sudden I get the following response. The manager has to check this first - when that happens, you can't tell me. And in the same chat, the lady suddenly said to me that there were problems with the payment service provider and that we didn't know when the error would be fixed. This casino has a perfect stand-by tactic and doesn't pay out. My account is fully verified. Please help me ….
Ich habe mich bei diesem Casino vor einiger Zeit angemeldet weil ich dieses eigentlich sehr schön fand und sie mit dem Slogan werben - super schnelle Auszahlungen !
Nun habe ich einige Wochen dort gespielt und habe sehr viel Geld verloren. Nun hatte ich aber die letzten Tage eine Glückssträhne und konnte satte 21000 Euro gewinnen. Da die maximale Auszahlung auf 4000 Euro beschränkt ist, habe ich mehrere Auszahlungen a 4000 Euro beantragt. Nachdem 48 Stunden nichts passiert ist, habe ich mich an den Chat gewandt und gefragt, was denn los sei und wann die Auszahlungen bearbeitet werden. Schließlich werben sie ja mit ihrer Schnelligkeit. Darauf erhielt ich die Information, das Auszahlungen der Reihe nach abgearbeitet werden und daher ich noch ein paar Stunden warten müsse. In der Zeit habe ich zwei Email geschrieben, diese sind jedoch bis heute nicht beantwortet worden. Heute - nach 36 Stunden habe ich erneut im Chat gefragt, wie denn der Stand der Dinge ist. Ich solle mich gedulden, in den nächsten Stunden wird diese bearbeitet. Eine Stunde später bin ich wieder in den Chat - um mit einem anderen Mitarbeiter zu sprechen und dann bekomme ich plötzlich folgende Antwort. Der Manager müsse diese erst prüfen - wann das passiert, kann man mir nicht sagen. Und im gleichen Chat sagte mir die Dame dann plötzlich, jetzt habe man Probleme mit dem Zahlungsdienstleister und man wisse nicht, wann der Fehler behoben ist. Dieses Casino hat eine perfekte hin Halte Taktik und zahlt nicht aus. Mein Konto ist vollständig verifiziert. Bitte helft mir ….
Dragi Robin,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Sasvim je uobičajeno za povlačenje, potrebno je nekoliko dana ili čak sedmica da se potpuno obradi. To znači da može proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Zato savjetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi i sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahtjeva za povlačenje prije nego što podnesu žalbu. Ako do tada ne primite svoje dobitke, ili ako tehnički problemi potraju, javite nam i pokušat ćemo vam pomoći. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Robin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. It’s quite usual for withdrawal, to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint. If you don’t receive your winnings by then, or if the technical issues persist, please, let us know and we will try to help you. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Kazino mi je platio 5000 eura. Više ne bi radilo - maksimalno 5000 eura sedmično. To nije fer – uslovi i odredbe navode maksimalno 20.000 evra mesečno, a ne 5.000 evra nedeljno. Kazino tvrdi da igrate po pravilima. Možete li pomoći?
The casino paid me 5000 euros. More would not work - maximum 5000 euros per week. That's not fair - the terms and conditions state a maximum of 20,000 euros per month and not 5,000 euros per week. The casino claims you are playing by the rules. Can you help?
Das Casino hat mir 5000 Euro ausgezahlt. Mehr würde nicht gehen - Maximal 5000 Euro pro Woche. Das ist nicht fair - in den AGB‘s steht maximal 20000 Euro pro Monat und nicht 5000 Euro pro Woche. Das Casino behauptet, Sie würden sich an die Regeln halten. Könnt ihr helfen?
Hvala ti na odgovoru, Robin. Da li sam dobro shvatio da ste primili svoje prvo povlačenje? Imate li trenutno još neka povlačenja na čekanju?
Thank you for your reply, Robin. Do I understand correctly that you have received your first withdrawal? Do you currently have any other pending withdrawals?
Pozdrav 🙋🏼♂️ Da, zaista - primio sam prvu isplatu. Međutim, daljnja plaćanja su još uvijek na čekanju. Kazino tvrdi da možete podići maksimalno 5000 eura sedmično. Više nije moguće. Ali to nije tačno – po uslovima možete da isplatite najviše 20.000 evra mesečno. Ali ne postoji ništa što možete isplatiti samo 5000 eura.
Ovaj kazino pravi svoja pravila 😟
Molim te pomozi mi draga Kristina
Hello 🙋🏼♂️ yes, indeed - I received the first payout. However, further payments are still pending. The casino claims that you can withdraw a maximum of 5000 euros per week. More is not possible. But that's not true - according to the terms and conditions, you can pay out a maximum of 20,000 euros per month. But there is nothing that you can only pay out 5000 euros.
This casino makes its own rules 😟
Please help me dear Kristina
Hallo 🙋🏼♂️ ja, in der Tat - die erste Auszahlung habe ich erhalten. Es sind aber noch weitere Auszahlungen ausstehend. Das Casino behauptet, man könne maximal 5000 Euro pro Woche auszahlen. Mehr geht nicht. Aber das stimmt doch gar nicht - laut den AGB‘s kann man maximal 20000 Euro pro Monat auszahlen. Dort steht aber nichts, das man nur 5000 Euro auszahlen kann.
Dieses Casino macht ihre eigenen Regeln 😟
Bitte hilf mir liebe Kristina
Stalno odbijaju isplate. Kažu da mi je ove sedmice već isplaćeno 5000 eura. Mogu dati novi zahtjev sljedeće sedmice.
They keep refusing the payouts. They say I've already been paid out 5000 euros this week. I can make a new request next week.
Sie lehnen die Auszahlungen immer wieder ab. Sie sagen, ich habe diese Woche schon 5000 Euro ausgezahlt bekommen. Nächste Woche kann ich eine neue Anfrage stellen.
Slažem se da ako kazino ima sedmični limit povlačenja, to treba navesti u Uvjetima i odredbama. Međutim, s druge strane, kazino ima pravo da podijeli isplate dobitaka na više rata i na kraju možete podići 20.000 € mjesečno, samo ne odjednom.
Iako razumijem vašu frustraciju, ne možemo kazniti kazino zbog podjele dobitka na nekoliko rata, sve dok se vaši zahtjevi za povlačenjem obrađuju na vrijeme. Preporučio bih vam da slijedite upute kazina i podižete 5.000 € svake sedmice.
Ostavit ću ovu žalbu otvorenom, pa nas obavijestite kada primite sljedeće povlačenje.
I agree that if the casino has a weekly withdrawal limit, it should be stated in the T&Cs. However, on the other hand, the casino has the right to divide withdrawals of winnings into multiple installments and in the end, you can withdraw €20,000 per month, just not at once.
Although I understand your frustration, we cannot punish the casino for splitting winnings into a few installments, as long as your withdrawal requests are being processed in a timely manner. I would recommend that you follow the casino's direction and withdraw €5,000 each week.
I will keep this complaint opened, so please let us know when you receive the next withdrawal.
pozdrav draga ekipa,
ne bi trebao kažnjavati ni kazino...
Svako treba jednostavno da poštuje pravila. Zašto kazino ne mora? S obzirom da se u uslovima ne pominje sedmični limit za podizanje, mogu li jednom mjesečno podići 20.000 eura? Šta je, dogodi se slučaj i ja dobijem 100000 eura. Onda moram da čekam skoro 20 nedelja dok ne mogu da podignem ceo iznos?! To je mnogo lakše isplatiti 5 puta 20000 eura... Kazino to radi namjerno, nadajući se da će igrač ponovo prokockati svoj dobitak. Veoma lako 😉
Ni kazino to ne kaže - možete uplatiti samo 5000 eura sedmično. Ne, kada je u pitanju depozit, oni drže ruke otvorene i nema ograničenja. šteta…
Hello dear team,
you shouldn't punish the casino either...
Everyone should simply follow the rules. Why doesn't the casino have to? Since there is no mention of a weekly withdrawal limit in the terms and conditions, can I withdraw EUR 20,000 once a month? What is, the case occurs and I win 100000 euros. Then I have to wait almost 20 weeks until I can withdraw the entire amount?! That is much easier to pay out 5 times 20000 euros…. The casino does this on purpose, hoping the player will gamble away their winnings again. Very easy 😉
The casino doesn't say that either - you can only deposit 5000 euros per week. No, when it comes to depositing, they keep their hands open and there are no limits. Pity …
Hallo liebes Team,
ihr sollt das Casino doch auch nicht bestrafen …
Jeder sollte sich ganz einfach an Regeln halten. Warum muss es das Casino nicht? Da in den AGB‘s von einem wöchentlichen Auszahlungslimit nichts vermerkt ist, kann ich doch auch einmalig 20000 Euro im Monat abheben? Was ist, der Fall tritt ein und ich gewinne 100000 Euro. Dann muss ich quasi 20 Wochen warten, bis ich den gesamten Betrag abheben kann?! Das ist doch viel leichter 5 mal 20000 Euro auszuzahlen…. Das Casino macht das einfach mit Absicht, in der Hoffnung, der Spieler verspielt wieder seine Gewinne. Ganz einfach 😉
Das Casino sagt ja auch nicht - du darfst nur 5000 Euro pro Woche einzahlen. Nein, wenn es ums Einzahlen geht, halten sie die Hände offen und es gibt keine Grenzen. Schade …
Razumijem vašu frustraciju, ali vjerujem da sam jasno objasnio naše viđenje ove situacije. Možete li molim vas savjetovati ako ima nešto novo? Jeste li primili još jedno povlačenje? Imate li trenutno isplate na čekanju?
I understand your frustration, but I believe that I have clearly explained our view of this situation. Could you please advise if there is anything new? Have you received another withdrawal? Do you currently have any pending withdrawals?
Dragi Robin,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Molimo, imajte na umu da ćemo je u slučaju da ne odgovorite na vašu pritužbu u datom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna dodatna pomoć, odbiti.
Dear Robin,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond to your complaint in the given time frame, or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject it.
pozdrav draga ekipa,
Hvala puno na odgovoru. U stvari, još uvijek imam otvorenih 50.000 eura.
Ali ništa se ne može učiniti.... Uplate veće od 5000 eura će biti odbijene i neisplaćene. šteta…
Hello dear team,
Thanks a lot for the response. In fact, I still have 50,000 euros open.
But nothing can be done.... Payments over 5000 euros will be rejected and not paid out. Pity …
Hallo liebes Team,
vielen Dank für die Rückantwort. In der Tat, ich habe noch 50000 Euro offen.
Aber es ist nichts zu machen …. Auszahlungen über 5000 Euro werden abgelehnt und nicht ausgezahlt. Schade …
Hvala na pojašnjenju. Bojim se da sve dok kazino redovno plaća sve rate, ne možemo mnogo više da uradimo. Vjerujem da je najbolja opcija da zatvorimo ovu žalbu, a u slučaju da kazino prestane s obradom vaših isplata, uvijek nas možete kontaktirati i mi ćemo ga ponovo otvoriti.
Međutim, nemojte se ustručavati da me obavijestite ako postoji još nešto u čemu bih vam mogao pomoći.
Thank you for the clarification. I am afraid that as long as the casino pays all installments regularly, there is not much more we could do. I believe the best option here is that we close this complaint, and in case the casino stops processing your withdrawals, you can always contact us and we will reopen it.
However, please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I could help you with.
Dragi Robin,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Molimo, imajte na umu da ćemo je u slučaju da ne odgovorite na vašu pritužbu u datom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna dodatna pomoć, odbiti.
Dear Robin,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond to your complaint in the given time frame, or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject it.
Nažalost, primorani smo zatvoriti ovaj slučaj jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Stoga nismo u mogućnosti nastaviti s daljom istragom niti predložiti moguća rješenja.
Igrač može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu bilo kada.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to close this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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